Master Paul Simon Tellerman

August 18, 2006 8:13 AM

before midterm - Sought by Saul by Master Paul Simon Tellerman

"SIMON!" the distant shout carried over and through the hedges of the Maze, next to impossible to tell its original direction. "WHERE ARE YOU? SIMON!" Well, there were other clues. For one, it was Saul's voice. For another . . . actually, no, that was the only clue. But it was good enough.

If Saul's purpose in the Gardens was solely to find Simon, he'd probably just come to the edge and started shouting. So probably near the doors to the school. Or possibly beside the entrance to Pecari.

He told the elves with him to carry on with the trimming, and made his way back toward the school. Since it wasn't terribly out of the way, he detoured toward Pecari first. When he was still a hedge away, he heard another shout that confirmed Saul's location.

Simon patted down his pockets, his socks, and his head, eventually finding his wand tucked behind his ear. With a few latin words, or at least latin-based words, he transfigured his work clothes (a pair of worn jeans and a bright blue t-shirt stating 'I work magic') into more appropriate attire for encountering his cousin.

His first inclination was a monster suit. Horns, forked tail, bulky body armor, demonic face mask. He'd go with a 'you summoned me?' entrance line. He decided against it because it sounded like there might be more than Saul on the other side of the bush, and he didn't want to lose his job for scaring the kids (Saul didn't count because he was used to such stunts).

Instead, he went with thick royal robes in deep purple velvet. He transfigured a stick he found on the ground into a golden crown. With a quick growth charm, he gave himself an full distiguished beard. His sandy hair was a little too light to really carry off 'regal' so he used another charm to darken it. A third charm gave him the appearance of a few more pounds because a skinny king just wasn't very impressive.

Satisfied that his costume was complete, he stepped majestically around the hedge and approached his cousin, head held high, posture straight, expression aloof and mighty. "Your request for an audience has been granted, young Sir Pierce," he intoned in aristocratic resignation. "What sad plight do you bring to my attention this time?"

Saul did a decent job of keeping his face straight. Simon was inordinately pleased with his cousin when the kid knelt down on one knee and bowed his head respectfully. That summer's acting lessons were not going to waste he was pleased to see. "Your Majesty, I bring before you a fair maiden, Elly. She seeks far and wide for a great artifact. I believe it resides within your great realm, o King Simon. Do you, by chance, know of a mythical item called 'rope'?"

"Hmm," Simon considered, looking at the girl for the first time and fingering his beard thoughfully. "I have heard of this substance. To what purpose shall it be put? Speak, my lady."\n\n
1 Master Paul Simon Tellerman before midterm - Sought by Saul 14 Master Paul Simon Tellerman 1 5