Philemon Papp

June 10, 2005 9:35 PM

Kids...they're such optimists. *that means you, Miss Kerova by Philemon Papp

Philemon was growing disgruntled. There was a fine line between typical childish behavior and foolishness, and the extent to which Mia Kerova was carrying her escapade had long crossed it. Hadn't he explained how the Pepper-Up only acted as a catalyst to the healing process? Did she miss entirely the part of his instructions that detailed rest and repose? Perhaps, he had simply grown up too cowed to engage in rebellion. Or perhaps it was simply normal for children to ignore the knowledge of their betters in favor for a few moments of play. Either way, his patience had passed, and as it should be, Mia Kerova had no one to blame but herself for whatever repercussions that might bring.

His wand directed him onto a neatly kept path, the rich brown of the earth marred only by the etched marks of a certain student's easily recognizable boot tread. Even had he not cast the tracking charm, the prints would have been more than enough to lead him to the errant Pecari. With his lips stretched thinly, he followed the marks- and his wand's guiding- until he finally caught sight of the girl near one of the Garden's many statues. His capable gaze took in the sight of her face, still slightly pale from her morning's illness; a sigh escaped him.

Foolish child. Running about outside would only prolong her sickness. A head cold really was nothing to sneeze at, all puns aside, and Philemon knew no twelve year old enjoyed spending time cooped up and miserable. A slight swell of sympathy softened his resolve; he wasn't too old yet to not feel the empathic tugs of his student years. He hadn't appreciated the discipline of the Healers at the Vincenza School of Mediwizardry, not even when he knew why the discipline was necessary. Perhaps being such a late bloomer when it came to typical teenage rebellion gave him a better understanding of the girl's actions, however, as an authority figure and as the sole medical faculty member, Philemon had to ensure that his instructions were respected.

"Good to have found you, Miss Kerova," he greeted with a weary tone. "You'll learn in upcoming years why most wizards, when wanting to find someone, track to the person and not to the wand. While you think over that, perhaps you'll be good enough to follow me back to the infirmiary. Also, if it wouldn't be too much to ask," a slight touch of sarcasm edged out the tired tone, his earlier annoyance having resurfaced, as Philemon guided the student back onto the path, "I'll need to know your class schedule. The stocking of my supplies could use an additional set of hands, and last I checked, that sort of activity is prime for a detention."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Philemon Papp Kids...they're such optimists. *that means you, Miss Kerova 0 Philemon Papp 1 5

<i>Miss Kerova</i>

June 11, 2005 5:05 PM

It's what I do best. *I figured you meant me* by <i>Miss Kerova</i>

Mia was glad for the fresh air that the outside offered. Maybe the quick walking wasn't so great for her but once she was deep in the Labyrinth Gardens she stopped and rested on a bench near one of her favorite statues. It was a large and majestic looking Pegasus. Mia was proud to say that she knew her way around a good large portion of the maze.

As good as Mia felt after taking that potion she was given her mind was in a slight haze. She knew she was still a little sick but she also knew that she wasn't sick enough to be bedridden. While Mia rested for a little longer on the bench, she kicked her feet back and forth, watching her boots scuff up the earth below. There were many tracks in the maze by the many students who roamed it. She didn't think he'd be able to track hers anyway. Also, she was hoping that the medi guy, who she still didn't know his name, was off somewhere in the castle following Silk and her wand.

With that thought, Mia got up and went to take an alternate path to her common room for one of the other spell books she took out. Just as she turned she flinched slightly as she heard her name. She lightly swore to herself and then turned to give the mediwizard an innocent but apologetic smile. When he told her about tracing people and not their wands, she wasn't very surprised. She felt she should’ve known that but blamed her still partial sickness.

Mia didn't miss the annoyance he held in his voice when he told her about her detention in a way for anyone with common sense to understand. So she did make him mad. Oops. She hadn’t meant to but then again, she might be a bit ticked off too if she had to go on a wild goose chase to find a missing student. Mia didn’t know where he went before coming out here to look for her. Mia was lead by the man back to the paths and gave a small sigh that her fresh air and free time was gone so soon. She was seriously wishing for that Copy Cat Spell right now. She didn't play this off like a sad defeat though rather she kept that cheery facade that she usually had.

"Okay, you win." Mia said with a shrug as if she simply lost a hand of cards and followed obediently next to the mediwizard. She knew when to let things go and this little escapade was done. "You gotta admit though, that was sort of fun. It gave you a break from staying in the Hospital Wing all morning with those vials, didn’t it?” Mia asked with a smile and continued through the twists and turns of the Labyrinth Gardens staying a little bit ahead of the man.

Mia felt an obligation to lighten the mood. She wasn’t about to have a guy who could give her multiple detentions if he really felt like it, in a sour mood at her all day long. Plus, bad moods didn’t sit well with her anyway. She kept near the hedge wall as she walked and let her dainty fingers run along it casually because she felt slightly dizzy again but she didn’t want to show that and have the guy saying “I told you so” or something to that extent. That’s something she really hated.\n\n
0 <i>Miss Kerova</i> It's what I do best. *I figured you meant me* 0 <i>Miss Kerova</i> 0 5

Phil Papp

June 15, 2005 2:53 PM

Hoping for the impossible? by Phil Papp

Flippancy was a trait Philemon abhorred. Okay, you win. Mia Kerova obviously thought wasting his time and sending him on a chase around the school grounds was some sort of game. Not only tid this show that flippancy he so disliked, but a complete lack of respect. He shook his head and did not smile as he replied.

"This is not something to joke about, Miss Kerova. I gave you clear instructions. You were to stay in the Hospital Wing and rest. I don't recall having ever said anything about making a jaunt over to the gardens for a game of hide-and-go-seek." His frown deepened, not just from his annoyance, but from what he was about to do. He disliked having to do it, but when he was hired, school policy was made fairly clear. "Ten points from Pecari."

Philemon continued on in silence, guiding the disobedient student back to the Hospital Wing and to the cot where she was originally stationed. Standing over her, he let out a mental sigh. "Because you can't be trusted, I'm afraid your wand is going to have to be confiscated until I've decided you can go. You are to stay here and rest," he put specific emphasis on the last word, especially after having noted the way in which she swayed in the gardens. "I realize this sounds severe, but you are sick, Miss Kerova. It's my responsibility to look out for the health of Sonora's students. You are not to leave until I say so."

With that said, he held out his hand for her wand, inwardly cringing at the action. He was not cut out to be a disciplinarian. It simply wasn't in his nature.

0 Phil Papp Hoping for the impossible? 0 Phil Papp 0 5


June 21, 2005 11:45 AM

Not impossible, just farfetched by Mia

Mia was glad she had been walking a head of the man because he was not in a good mood at all. She inwardly sighed as he gave a mini lecture. She was never really scolded at her old school because she really was a good kid despite what her present venture might show. Anyone who knew Mia back home knew her as a teachers’ pet though she hated being told that. She knew that she wasn’t. Lecturing was a first for her but she had seen her friends being scolded in the past. She kept walking, letting her fingers run along the hedge in case she needed support until what he said made her freeze in place.

"Ten points from Pecari."

Mia mentally swore and scowled furiously at the hedge so the man wouldn't see. She started walking again, a little faster so as to stay ahead because that supremely annoyed look wouldn't leave her face for obvious reason. She had totally forgotten about that whole point system that the school went on. Now she lost ten points for her whole house! That seemed like an awful lot to her. Oh man, when the others found out she'd be in for it. It was normal if people like the Cravens, or even Stephen lost points as she was pretty sure they did at some point last year. But this was Mia. Mia never did things like that and no doubt she'd hear it from Sorrel at least…or she could just be overreacting because that’s something she did do from time to time.

When the two got back to the Hospital Wing, Mia sat back on her cot and looked the opposite way of the mediwizard. The scowl had faded mostly and she was left with a pretty blank look but was clearly upset. He stood on her other side and spoke about confiscating her wand. She blocked out the rest of what he said. As annoying as that was, Mia couldn’t help but mentally laugh. She looked back up at the mediwizard keeping her face pretty calm and blank and let him say his whole piece.

“Sorry,” Mia began though part of her really wasn’t after he took the points “I don’t have my wand on me anymore.” She spoke in a voice that matched her face though in some way showed she was upset. Mia put her hands up and spread her fingers to show her point. She leaned back a bit against her pillows looked down at her lap while waiting for the man’s response. She could always just call Silk with their special whistle and she’d bring the wand.

Mia just hoped he didn’t think she was being smart with him and take more points. In the back of her mind, Mia wondered where Silk had gone with her wand and surely it was too far for the mediwizard to just wave his wand and make it appear or something like that.

‘Well if he can get the wand than fine and if he can’t, well that’s what he gets for taking points.’ Mia thought and mentally laughed again.\n\n
0 Mia Not impossible, just farfetched 0 Mia 0 5