Kiva Kijewski

April 05, 2005 10:07 AM

Checking the place out by Kiva Kijewski

Kiva walked along the many paths in the Labyrinth Gardens learning her way as she went. She was the new Professor of the Care of Magical Creatures class and she needed to learn her ways around.

Occasionally she would stop in front of a plant that lined the paths or pause a moment by a bench. She didn't know plants like she knew animals. Then again, it was hard not to know animals when one had spent the last eight years travelling the world and studying them. But plants held a remarkable beauty to them and she always knew when to appreciate that.

Now she stood, her brown curls blowing wildly about her head whenever a breeze sauntered through, and a large smile on her young face. She was a Professor. A PROFESSOR! Never in her life had she ever dreamed of wanting to teach children. Nor had she ever believed that she would be excited about it. But here she was, 25 years old and a Professor at Sonora Academy. The very same school she had attended as a child.

She only hoped that the students would play nice and that the staff wanted her here as much as she wanted to be here. She stopped here on the paths again and sat down on the bench. This was her knew home.\n\n
6 Kiva Kijewski Checking the place out 5 Kiva Kijewski 1 5

Philemon Papp

April 05, 2005 11:23 AM

Plants are nice, when not covered in pollen by Philemon Papp

Admittedly, the excitement of owning and ruling his most public of domains- ie: the Hospital Wing- had lost its initial thrill. Perhaps it was the long tedious minutes of nothingness that came his way, or perhaps it was the realization that he was beginning to think of new color schemes for the cots and drawers with the sort of enthusiasm no male should ever call upon. Either way, Philemon made the command decision to toss off on his infirmiary duties, clumsy students be damned, and take a jaunt down through the Gardens.

His mother had, in the summer after this eleventh birthday, made her own sort of labyrinth. Philemon had made the bad decision at the time to mention a knee high labyrinth as failing its general purpose of getting its browsers lost, and was immediately assigned the task of pruning said juniper bushes daily. This particular Labyrinth was far nicer in his opinion. Should his willful mother ever mistakenly traipse upon the Academy grounds, Philemon would make quick haste to toss her in to the maze and hope for her delayed return.

He paused near an oddly flowering tree, the blossoms a pale green and leaf-like in their shape. It really was remarkable how such lush greenery was made alive in the midst of a desert. Magic truly was wonderful. He knelt to ply off a bit of the bark, curious at the texture when he spotted a body farther on up the path. The woman was obviously a member of the staff, but Philemon was at odds to give her a name.

The wind struck at the woman's brown curls, and he was suddenly hit by his first bout of loneliness. Pushing aside whatever trepidation he might initially feel, he strode forward and bent down to where she sat on her bench.

"Hullo. I'm hoping you're new as well and I'll be saved from embarrassment. I'm Philemon Papp, the mediwizard."\n\n
0 Philemon Papp Plants are nice, when not covered in pollen 0 Philemon Papp 0 5

Kiva Kijewski

April 05, 2005 4:01 PM

Yes, but not as nice as my precious beasts by Kiva Kijewski

The movement close to where she was startled Kiva from her thoughts and she jumped slightly as a man came into view. A rose color entered her freckled skin from embarrassment, but she smiled politely anyway at his introduction. She raised her honey eyes to met his and chuckled nervously. Being around animals for eight years hadn't helped her social skills so much.

"Hi" She began, her voice somewhat soft, "Yes, I'm the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor. I'm Kiva Kijewski, it's nice to meet you Philemon. Care to sit down?" She asked gesturing to the empty seat beside her. "Mediwizard, that's a lovely job. I bet a lot of work goes into it." She commented to him.

She really believe that too. Ever since she had to come home to help out with her father and had spent so many days in the hospital with him, Kiva had learned to appreciate the medical field in a way she never knew she could or would have ever need to.\n\n
6 Kiva Kijewski Yes, but not as nice as my precious beasts 5 Kiva Kijewski 0 5


April 05, 2005 4:14 PM

Know much about lygers, then? by Philemon

Care of Magical Creatures- did that ever spur on a series of memories he'd rather ignore. Thoughts of Abigail and her obsession with lygers. It had been nearly a year since she discovered a brood of the creatures settled in Madagascar and took off to study them. It had been three months since she had last written, not that he was keeping track or anything. Philemon stifled a sigh and wordlessly took Kiva's inviation to sit down, attempting to place himself with a bit of grace.

"Mediwizardry has its highlights, but at the moment, I have to admit a bit of boredom. I imagine the students will manage to bang themselves up soon enough with quidditch and the like. But Care of Magical Creatures," Philemon turned to address her, his hazel eyes squinting from the sun's glare. "I'm sure that must be very interesting. Have you had a chance to do any field studying?"\n\n
0 Philemon Know much about lygers, then? 0 Philemon 0 5


April 05, 2005 8:39 PM

isn't that a tiger/lion mix? by Kiva

Kiva smiled politely as Philemon spoke of his duties. She even managed a laugh when he mentioned the students injurying themselves. She couldn't help but think that they might also be joining him because of her lessons with the animals, but she kept it to herself.

Have you had a chance to do any field studying?

At his question, Kiva's face lit up and her excitement became quite apparant. Almost instantanious. "Have I?!" She nearly cried out, her voice raising slightly out of its soft shell, "I've spent the last eight years of my life studying animals. Magical and nonmagical. Right out of Sonora. Oh the beasts that I have seen!" She said that last comment with affection.

To anyone who knew Kiva, animals were her one real passion. Her family and friends (though not many) came first, but the animals were a close second. She lived her entire adult life with animals and would continue to unless there became a reason why she couldn't anymore.

She turned to face him, catching a glance of his eyes and her blush rose again. She was never comfortable with the opposite sex, not since the incident with Henry. After that, she kept with her animals too wary to begin all over again. He seemed a bit strange with patches of white and freckles that made him look like a young boy. She looked slightly away from him again and continued on,

"My favorite is the Sphinx. They are just magificant creatures, don't you think?" She asked him, her voice regaining the soft feminine quality once more.\n\n
0 Kiva isn't that a tiger/lion mix? 0 Kiva 0 5


April 05, 2005 9:27 PM

Exactly right. by Philemon

Apparently Philemon had hit the pin right on the head. Her reaction was so enthusiastic that he couldn't help but feel a slight pang of envy. Kiva sounded so...impassioned. While happy with his own particular field of profession, he had none of the ardent passion that came with fully loving his work. Perhaps he was still too new to it to have it mean something aside from independence. If he wanted to be truly honest, the real reason he had chosen mediwizardry as opposed to Healing was to spite his mother, and what sort of respectable reason was that?

It wasn't one Philemon planned to admit to, at least audibly, any time soon.

Something in her words piqued his curiousity, though. "I've spent the last eight years of my life studying animals..." Eight years? Certainly not...he ran a quick eye over her tanned features, lightly laden with freckles, and the youthful curls. She barely looked out of her teens.

He was tempted to ask, but his manners kept him in check. It wouldn't do to ask a lady her age, especially when it was suspect. Instead, he cupped a hand over his eyes and smiled encouragingly as Kiva went on.

"My favorite is the Sphinx. They are just magnificent creatures, don't you think?"

The made him think of his last month in the WWB, working along the flood fields of the Nile. For a month he had woken each morning to the sight of that once great wonder of the world, with its crumbling nose and ageless eyes. His smile softened and he nodded slowly.

"Yes, it most certainly is." The melancholy in his voice surprised him; he hadn't meant to sound so...forlorn. Ridiculous, ridiculous memories- Philemon shaded his eyes again and swiped a hand back over his brow. "I've never seen one, however. Do they really ask you riddles? Or is that just an old wives tale?"

There. That was much better; he sounded like the carefree 22 year old he was supposed to be. Independent, thankfully employed, and in a spectacular garden with a woman who didn't look likely to start ordering him around.

0 Philemon Exactly right. 0 Philemon 0 5


April 06, 2005 1:23 AM

*pats self on back* by Kiva

The sound of his voice drew Kiva's eyes back to him. Something about him stuck her as mysterious. Like he wasn't being is complete self with her. Not to say he had to be, they had only just met after all. Still, she couldn't help but smile softly at him.

"Yes they do speak riddles. Quite beautifully in fact." Her blush had finally left her face and her voice held a note of contentment. A thought struck her just then, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm babbling! Is the sun bothering you? We can go into a shaded area or take a walk if you'd like." She stopped herself and bit down on her lower lip. She felt like a lost teenage girl who didn't know how to speak around her crush. She sighed to herself. She'll never get the hang of chatting before her first class begins. Why was she a professor again?

Kiva stood and offered her hand to Philemon. She was wearing a faded grey t-shirt and boot-cut jeans over sandals. She had left her robes back in her quarters because it was such a beautiful day out and she didn't feel that she needed them. "Don't worry, I don't bit."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Kiva *pats self on back* 0 Kiva 0 5


April 06, 2005 5:38 AM

Actually, that *could* be fun by Philemon

Babbling? That was babbling? Philemon really had stumbled upon the antithesis of a forceful female. Babbling was normally used as a soft euphemism for incessant chattering lasting no less than twenty-six minutes and consisting of few pauses and much flailing of arms. This most certainly was not babbling. This was...well, friendly conversation.

She did seem a bit timid though, Philemon couldn't help but think as he rose to follow her down toward a more shaded area of the gardens. Timidity had many sources: pride, insecurity, politeness. He rather hoped it her temerity wasn't due to an uncalled upon need to be tactful.

He tugged a piece of mischevious lint off from the edge of his slacks and managed to not stumble in the process. His success caused him to grin, and with the smile firmly placed, the last of his discomfiture melted into affability.

"I'm rather grateful you don't bite. I'll have you know, Professor Kiva Kijewski, that I've met a good many of the tooth friendly variety and never did we part on good terms." He paused in his steps and stared down at an obviously stowaway dandelion that had crept up into the path. "In fact, my last encounter left me minus my favorite shoes and hexed with blue skin for a week."

He turned to grin at her. "You're not planning on planting a ferocious creature of some sort into my office are you?"\n\n
0 Philemon Actually, that *could* be fun 0 Philemon 0 5


April 06, 2005 9:30 AM

patting myself on the back? by Kiva

Kiva stared at Philemon for a moment, unsure as to whether or not he was joshing her. Her lips twitched and she knew what was coming. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach and slowly make its way upward.

"You're not planning on planting a ferocious creature of some sort into my office are you?"

That was it, that had done it. Her laugh was as soft as her voice, but anyone could tell that it showed her appreciation for good humor. It was a rare moment to see her laugh like that. Not to say she didn't laugh, it had just seemed so distant lately. But she was laughing now. Laughing so hard her curls bounced around her head. It was a combination of nerves and humor that made her laugh as much as she had. But she was laughing.

"I...sorry..." She said between laughs. She took deeps breaths to try to control herself and hoped that Philemon didn't think her strange, "I won't put any furocious creatures in your office unless you give me good reason to." She said teasingly. " Was that true though? About the shoes and the blue skin, I mean." She asked curiously.\n\n
0 Kiva patting myself on the back? 0 Kiva 0 5


April 06, 2005 4:56 PM

Biting! *insert grin* by Philemon

Kiva laughed, and Philemon knew then and there that he now had a friend at Sonora Academy. It made him feel light hearted and glad. He could almost forget about that same piece of lint that just refused to get off his pant leg. Not that he was obsessive compulsive about these things or anything. He simply preferred that, when it came to himself and his possessions, that everything stay in its place, exactly in its place, and never left its place. Like this piece of lint- it belonged in his pocket, not clutched to the outside seam of slacks.

Philemon checked to see that Kiva's attention was elsewhere- she was struggling to get her laughter back in check, rather nice sounding laughter actually- and withdrew his wand. Careful to make his features relaxed, he matter of factly pointed with his wand and whispered a quick Evanesco at the offending piece of lint. It vanished away into the abyss, and things were right in the world once more.

Well, not everything, because Kiva was speaking again and he rather hoped she had missed the point where he threw a hex at his pants.

"...Was that true though? About the shoes and the blue skin, I mean."

Philemon slipped his hands into his pockets, wondering if maybe that was how the lint had escaped. "Unfortunately it's very true. My fiance, a week before she left for Madagascar- she's studying lygers there; an animal lover just like you- got a big angry at me. It was an accident of course, but I thought to take care of her laundry before her trip as a surprise and made the mistake of adding the wrong detergent. Naturally a bit of magic can take care of that sort of mess, but Abigail thought I did it as a joke. There went my favorite trainers, tossed as a chew toy to her miniature ammut, and as a double shot, my skin went to match her miscolored clothes."

He frowned down at his pockets. Gods but they were full of yet more of that lint! That'd have to be taken care of and soon. "I don't know though, Kiva, I rather like the color blue, minus having it for my skin shade of course. I wonder if that's why she hasn't been writing much of late."\n\n
0 Philemon Biting! *insert grin* 0 Philemon 0 5

Oscar (cat/God)

April 06, 2005 7:01 PM

Egads! What kind of beast are you? Biting young women.... by Oscar (cat/God)

Oscar, a sleek grey cat of the opinion that he was God (as most cats are), sauntered along the paths. His human was sulking again. Oscar suspected that he was missing The Oaf. Given that, in his private little cat mind, Oscar had named Danny 'To Oaf', it was a fairly logical assumption to make that he didn't like the man. He was rude, attention stealing (all attention and adoration should be, at all times, directed towards Oscar) and he smelt funny (Calvin Klein Eternity, to be precise - vile stuff which tickled Oscar's sensitive nose). And now Tarquin would be sitting moping and drinking countless cups of tea and - as if he hadn't been ignored enough during the holidays - failing to pay any sort of attention to Oscar at all! It was a crime!

He had come to the paths in hope of finding someone worthy of presence who would, hopefully, also lavish much deserved adoration upon him. He viewed being petted and tickled under the chin as the way these primitive animals worshipped. Crude, and a little over personal as it was to someone of his status, he couldn't deprive them of that highly pleasurable way of showing how he brought light into their otherwise dismal little lives.

A couple of humans rounded the corner. Oscar leapt, with absolute grace, onto the plinth of a statue, so that he was both clearly in view, but also elevated.

"Miaaaaow," he called, as they approached. The woman one seemed like she would be an especially good worshipper... She just... smelt right. He fixed his orange gaze on her in particular. It was a gaze that said 'You may pet me now.' \n\n
0 Oscar (cat/God) Egads! What kind of beast are you? Biting young women.... 0 Oscar (cat/God) 0 5


April 06, 2005 8:44 PM

Only the best kind... by Kiva

Kiva couldn't help the surprise look that came over her when Philemon mentioned having a fiance. He didn't seem like he would have. Not that she thought that in a mean way, it's just that, well, she didn't really know why she had thought that.

"Your fiance?" She asked, "She hasn't written to you?" Kiva frowned at that. It didn't seem very fair for Philemon to have to suffer like that over something as petty as mixing up the laundry. "Some women can be quite tempermental with certain things, but not writing to you for months just isn't very nice." Kiva said quietly.

Just then, Kiva heard the sound of a cat. She immediately went into her 'mode'and nearly ran to the cat. "Why hello there you spectacular feline. What a marvelous creature you are." Kiva said to the cat, her hands working on the cat slowly from head to tail. One beneath the chin while the other massaged the body.

"Where did you come from?" She asked and then remembering herself turned back to Philemon, "Oh, I'm sorry! What were we discussing?"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Kiva Only the best kind... 0 Kiva 0 5


April 06, 2005 9:22 PM

But it has fur! by Papp

Philemon spotted the beast from across the courtyard. Its small, most likely double jointed body sat, posed, near the mantle of an equally offensive statue. The beast stared, its beady eyes ready with intelligence. He knew exactly what it was thinking behind those eyes, though. It was what every fur bodied creature thought when it spied him.

There was his mother's cocker spaniel that would invade his bedsheets and leave fur to gather and spread over his pajamas. Then there was his oldest brother's pet chincilla whose natty blue lined fur would collect on the bathroom sink and somehow find its way into his toothbrush. Abigail's ammut might have been tolerable if not for its lion made body. The damned thing would settled into the pit of his closet and layer his shoes with orange colored bits of hair. The fur would clog his throat and discolor his slacks. It would choke his nostrils and thicken his voice.

And this beast that Kiva was currently manhandling was most decidely covered in fur.

Philemon took a deliberate step backward and looked for a suitable shield. Any moment now that cat-beast would get tired of the pampering and make a mad dive for his pants, there was no doubt. He eyed the creature carefully and withdrew his wand, appearances be damned. Who cares if Kiva thought him insane? There was fur here and in a second it could be all over him.

He shuddered. Fur beasts should be banned from such public places.

"...What were we discussing?" he heard Kiva ask as if from a far distance.

Who cared about conversation when there was a beast waiting to pounce? Ignoring the sudden high pitch of his voice, Philemon replied while still edging away, his wand firmly grasped. "You were passively egging on my fiance on a point with which, by the way, I whole heartedly agree. However, I'm suddenly remembering my responsibilities as a mediwizard. There may very well be a child bleeding all over my clean floors as we speak. So, uh, I may have to dash in bit."

He re-considered his words. It wouldn't do to appear frightened by the fur beast. He was a man after all, and generally men don't run like six years olds from the face of terror. "You're welcome to come along, though. I've been meaning to show off the changes I've made since my counterpart left."\n\n
0 Papp But it has fur! 0 Papp 0 5


April 06, 2005 9:39 PM

I am the best, and I do not bite.... Often *pointed glare* by Oscar

Oscar reclined his head, gracefully accepting the woman's worshipping. Mmm, she was a very good worshipper. She was definitely free to come and visit his temple (or, as most people seemed to want to call it 'the library'). Why couldn't Tarquin select someone nice and appeciative of cats like her for his mate? Silly human...

Oscar wove in and out of her hands, purring loudly.

Oh, I'm sorry! What were we discussing?'

Oscar threw a smug look at the male. He, Oscar, was so blindingly gorgeous and important that all other thoughts had been driven from the female's head. Yes, he definitely liked her. It was then he noticed the thing in the man's hand. Was he proposing to attack Oscar with it? How DARE he? The cat's whole demeanour changed, his body slinking low, close to the stone of the statue, his ears back and he found himself filled with a sudden appreciation for Danny. It was clear worse could brought into his house. He didn't hiss. Yet. But his eyes narrowed and he stared fixedly at the wand. Evil, evil man....

It seemed to work, as the man backed off, though he was still clutching the wand. Oscar, not wishing to lose the attentions of his worshipper, decided it was time to play dirty. He knew it was shameful, but sometimes one had to use the gifts of being able to do things humans deemed... 'cute'. He stepped slightly onto Kiva's shoulders, wrapping himself around the back of her neck like a stole, and gently nuzzling her ear. He shot a filthy look at the man from his vantage point. Beat that. \n\n
0 Oscar I am the best, and I do not bite.... Often *pointed glare* 0 Oscar 0 5


April 07, 2005 1:19 AM

Hostilities much? by Kiva

"You were passively egging on my fiance..

Kiva blushed once more at this comment. She hadn't meant anything by it really. She only thought it unfair for Philemon to have to go through such a thing. "I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to be rude. It's just...if you love someone, really love them, wouldn't you do all you can to remind them of such a love?" Her thoughts were on her father. Eight years she had been away, living her life the way she had always wanted. Eight years away from a dying man. A man who had given her everything. Eight years of regret.

So, uh, I may have to dash in bit.

His abrupt need to end their conversation brought Kiva's eyes back up to him and out of the thoughts of her father. She had done something wrong or said something wrong to get that sort of reaction. Worry of her actions creased in her forehead and the corners of her mouth, making it look as though she were to cry. Looking at him, she noticed the wand and the way he was holding himself. This only confused her all the more. Had she angered him by talking so foul of his fiance? But, now he was inviting her along. This only increased her confusion of the whole situation.

"What's that for?" She asked him, pointing at his wand. She felt the cat step onto her shoulders and nuzzle against her ears. She leaned into the touch and brought her hand up to stroke the cat. He was friendly, which could have been considered a rare treat in a cat, but Kiva didn't mind.

Her eyes darted from Philemon to his wand and back again. She hoped he hadn't meant to use it on her. Then again, he had been nothing but polite and had even asked for her to join him. So...maybe the wand was for something else..."What sort of changes?" She asked him as she absentmindedly scratched behind the cat's ears and underneath his chin.\n\n
0 Kiva Hostilities much? 0 Kiva 0 5


April 07, 2005 2:32 AM

It's just...the beast has fur! *twitches* by Philemon

"What sort of changes?"

Philemon tried for a nonchalant response. He was a full grown man, armed with a wand and separated by more than a few feet of space. Surely the fur-beast could be avoided if it chanced an attack. Surely there was no need to panic. Surely...oh gods, who was he kidding?

"The infirmiary was a bit of a mess, actually," he began and tried to modulate the nervous shrill that raised his voice a quarter octave. "Also, there was a rather bizarre stain on the ceiling in the shape of Orion. Quite peculiar, really."

As he slowly loosened his muscles into a more relaxed state, Philemon noticed where Kiva's eyes were trained- on his still desperately gripped wand. He managed an awkward chuckle and eased his grip. "You can never be too prepared, right? I've heard stories of some strange plants from one of the students. You may of heard of him already- a Stephen?"

Philemon relaxed a bit more as he ambled closer to where- that is, where he hoped- the exit was. His first official patient as a mediwizard had been a rather strange sort of child who had raved on about a maniac with a knife wandering about. He privately hoped that his future cases might involve slightly less deranged stories.


The slight trip down memory lane made him wonder. "I realize you're new to the staff, Kiva, but do you know if that maniac's been captured yet?"

Philemon lifted his eyes to his silent partner and caught sight of the fur-beast. He gulped. Forget the maniac, there were more dangerous things lurking about, and far too close to him.\n\n
0 Philemon It's just...the beast has fur! *twitches* 0 Philemon 0 5


April 07, 2005 5:07 PM

most beasts do. by Kiva

"A stain like Orion? I bet the Astronomy Professor would have loved to have seen that." Kiva said, thoroughly amused by the whole idea. He seemed a bit nervous though, which was strange to Kiva. She could understand being nervous when they had very first spoken with one another, but by now, they had been conversing for a while now. Being nervous didn't make much sense.

"No, I haven't met anyone actually. Well, except you, of course. Any sort of magical plant will always be considered strange, but I think you'd only have to worry about Dragon Snare and a school wouldn't have any of those. At least, I should hope not." Hm, what a strange thing to worry about some plants... Kiva thought. The frown now leaving her face and replaced with her soft smile.

That was until Philemon's next comment, "I realize you're new to the staff, Kiva, but do you know if that maniac's been captured yet?"

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked him, her eyes wide. Her hand dropped from where it was gently caressing the cat and fell limply to her side. Did she have to worry about maniacs running loose around here now?\n\n
0 Kiva most beasts do. 0 Kiva 0 5


April 07, 2005 10:41 PM

Exactly! It's a beast! by Philemon

Philemon didn't think the question too odd. Although, admittedly, the first time he heard the story, he had thought the whole thing the ravings of an overactive imagination. When he himself was that age, Philemon had once quite seriously thought his mother to be a goblin incognito sent to infiltrate the Papp market ties. Of course, his theory was quickly debunked despite his mother still having that uncanny resemblence to the goblin race: short stature, bad teeth, horrible personality...

But he now knew something of the Sonora way of things, and the possibility of there being a maniac running loose with a sharp object in hold was completely possible.

"That student- Stephen?- he was hunting down a maniac at the end of last term. Although," he said slowly, thinking it through. "If you weren't apprised of such a thing, I imagine though there must be no danger."

He pointed to an oddly shaped bit of foliage. "But seriously, about these plants- there have been some very odd occurances in these gardens. I've heard tales of talking plants, you know."\n\n
0 Philemon Exactly! It's a beast! 0 Philemon 0 5


April 09, 2005 5:02 PM are you *winks* by Kiva

Kiva just stared at Philemon as he spoke about the boy, Stephen, and the tale that he was told. There wouldn't or couldn't have ever really have been a maniac. The school wouldn't have allowed such a thing, would it?

No, Kiva didn't think so. But, apparantly, something had happened before she became a Professor here. Luckily enough, whatever it was was resolved before she came here.

When Philemon pointed to the plants around them, Kiva's eyes followed. Talking plants? Maniacs? Who exactly was she talking to? She could handle a dragon (true, not alone, but that wasn't the point) she could handle Griffins and bears. She could handle any animal (monstly) without breaking much of a sweat. But, because somewhere along the line Kiva had lost touch with humanity, people have changed.

She was standing here, talking to a man who seemed logical, but was holding his wand because he feared the plants would be vicious and that one of them actually talked. "Erm, okay." She didn't know what else to say to him other than that. What could she say really? "Are you a resident here like myself or do you stay at your own place?" She wasn't sure why she asked. Maybe she just didn't want to feel like the only Professor who lived among the students.\n\n
0 Kiva are you *winks* 0 Kiva 0 5


April 10, 2005 12:50 AM

Eccentricities be dashed! by Philemon

"Are you a resident here like myself or do you stay at your own place?"

Kiva's question threw him a curveball, although naturely she couldn't have known that. Philemon immediately thought of his disorderly room and the thirteen odd packages of god knows what currently stuffed under his bed. His first week at Sonora had brought him a package a day, which he promptly threw out unopened. But then his mother became crafty and added 'return-to-me' charms. Those had hung around, cluttering up his floor space until an accident caused him to discover that the packages were burnable. Fifteen of them became a pile of ashes in his hearthplace.

And then came the uber-charmed packages with every form and variety of protection charms known to mankind thrown on them. Philemon probably wouldn't have been able to open them even if he had wanted to, what with the levels of curse breaking needed to take off the wrapping. He had received thirteen of those, and the space under his bed was slowly being taken up by the lumpy undisposables. Perhaps Philemon should have a word with Tellerman about it; supposedly the prairies elves worshipped him.

Thinking of those 'care packages' only made him more paranoid. Between the fur-beast still enshrined over Kiva's shoulders and the still existing threat of his mother possibly discovering a way to retrieve him, the poor mediwizard suddenly only wanted to be back in his pristine, unadorned hospital wing and waiting for a student to wander in with a broken arm or cracked skull. Those were far easier to deal with than the threat of the fur-beast launching itself on him.

"Yes, I live here at Sonora as well. And as much as I've enjoyed our walk, Professor Kijewski, I should probably return to my responsibilities. The invitation still stands however. If you're down near the Hospital Wing or just need an ear for a bit, you know where to find me."\n\n
0 Philemon Eccentricities be dashed! 0 Philemon 0 5


April 10, 2005 11:39 PM

Okay then... by Kiva

She had definitely said something wrong to produce such a reaction from him. She wasn't really sure what it was, but it was something. She watched him with an obvious frown on her face, making her look like a lost little girl. This is why she didn't talk to people. This was why she kept with her animals. She could read animals just fine, but humans were another matter altogether.

"O-oh, okay. W-well it was n-nice talking with you." She stuttered, feeling confused and vulnerable as she had earlier. She gently removed the cat from her shoulders and placed him back onto the statue, "I must be off now, but if you are ever in need of a nice scratching, my office is near the library and my sactuary is just beyong these hedges." Kiva said to the cat. She didn't mind talking to animals, most people thought that animals were too stupid to understand, but she knew otherwise.

"You too, Philemon." Kiva said to the Mediwizard. She blushed as she realized what she had just implied, "I mean, if you ever need to talk or anything." She added rather hastily.\n\n
0 Kiva Okay then... 0 Kiva 0 5