Anna Clarissa Cooper-Flemming

January 07, 2015 10:56 AM

Checking out the field by Anna Clarissa Cooper-Flemming

There had been a advertisement for Quidditch that had gone up in the common room and Anna Clarissa was thinking about signing up. She hadn't known what Quidditch was upon first reading the sign, but after asking around had eventually come to the conclusion that it was some sort of game that was played (logically) on the Quidditch Pitch that involved a bunch of balls, a few of which were out to kill you. It sounded pretty adventuresome to Anna Clarissa, but the first-year wasn't entirely sure that it was the sort of thing she wanted to do. She had done community soccer and swimming lessons, but wouldn't necessarily describe herself as competitive. According to the advertisement, that was a key trait of a Quidditch player.

But regardless, the curly-haired Pecari had decided to go out exploring the Quidditch pitch in order to get a better feel for the game. She wasn't sure or not if they were supposed to wear their robes all the time or if they were allowed to not during free time, so she had put her robes on and stuck her wand in her pocket and off she'd gone.

Now that she was on the pitch, it was a little intimidating. There were absolutely enormous hoops far up in the air. Anna Clarissa didn't know how to ride a broomstick, although she was pretty sure they'd be taught. It was a key aspect of being a witch, along with familiars and turning people to frogs. Although she wasn't entirely sure how they would practice turning people to frogs. Were there volunteers?

It might be cool to be a frog.

Anna Clarissa wandered in a pattern around the hoops for a little while before she got dizzy. Then she looked up and found that there was another person there!

"Hullo!" she greeted them cheerily. "I'm learning about sports!"
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