Lyla Holland

July 06, 2024 6:18 AM

Arts and crafts and friends by Lyla Holland

Lyla's book club was starting to take shape. She had a list of books she'd pestered Olaf for (and pared down to the less encyclopedic tomes). Samara was already reading along with her, and Lyla was sure she could convince Robyn to join. She'd already recruited the Teppenpaw to help with making posters.

It was a little scary and intimidating to think about leading a club, but Lyla knew she could lean on her friends when she needed help, which she definitely did today. Arts and crafts were not her specialty and she wanted her posters to look really nice. Robyn had proven her artistic prowess helping decorate for the ball, and Samara's handwriting was way better than Lyla's. Lyla rearranged the supplies on the table for the fifth time as she waited for her friends, nervous that this was really, actually happening. She was going to have to talk and lead discussions in front of people, and be in charge of...things. She wasn't sure what sort of things she would have to manage, but she was sure there was more work to a club than just showing up.

That wasn't to say there weren't benefits to having a book club. Like reading with her friends. And being in charge meant that she could pick the books they read, and hopefully work through her massive "to-be-read" pile. Talking about character development and plot lines and other stuff Lyla called "book nerd" stuff. It would be good. Just...public speaking. Ugh. She hoped it would be worth it.

She'd invited Olaf to help with posters along with Robyn and Samara, though she doubted he would turn up. He wasn't entirely keen on...people. He was mainly just tolerant of Lyla because she liked books almost as much as he did. Still, she invited him because this was his project, too.

Lyla shuffled the supplies on the table again, stopping when one of her friends walked in.

"Hi!" she said, "I'm a nervous wreck! Why am I doing this again?"

OOC: Samara reading with Lyla confirmed by her author
64 Lyla Holland Arts and crafts and friends 1559 1 5

Robyn Lundstrom

July 06, 2024 7:35 AM

Very crafty by Robyn Lundstrom

"Because you like books. And for, some reason, hanging out with Olaf," Robyn replied as she joined Lyla. Her tone was gentle, teasing rather than mocking. "You'll be great. It's the kind of thing where only people who really care about it will come. So, they'll be your sort of people."
13 Robyn Lundstrom Very crafty 1558 0 5

Lyla Holland

July 06, 2024 11:29 PM

Crafty like a fox by Lyla Holland

"Right," said Lyla, nodding along with Robyn's assessment, "You're right, as usual. Thanks." She took a breath, slowing her heart rate to a manageable speed, offering Robyn a smile and a hug.

"And I do actually like hanging out with Olaf. Since he reads like, literally all the time, he's got a ton of insight into different story structures and good taste in books, and he takes my taste in books into consideration when he recommends stuff. I mean, he's a little...antisocial, but he doesn't hate talking to me- at least I don't think so." Lyla chewed her bottom lip, thinking.

"I actually think I might be the only person he talks to willingly." She gave a half smile. She was pretty proud of how she'd navigated Olaf's thorny exterior. Books were definitely his weak spot, just as they were hers.
64 Lyla Holland Crafty like a fox 1559 0 5

Robyn Lundstrom

July 06, 2024 11:51 PM

More like a small garden bird by Robyn Lundstrom

"That is awesome," Robyn acknowledged, as Lyla listed the good traits she'd found in Olaf. It seemed like a genuine friendship. "Are you sure you shouldn't have been a Teppenpaw?"
13 Robyn Lundstrom More like a small garden bird 1558 0 5

Lyla Holland

July 07, 2024 12:00 AM

Like a sparrow? by Lyla Holland

Lyla laughed to hear Robyn speak the thought she'd had many times over her time at Sonora. It sometimes seemed that Lyla's Teppenpaw traits outweighed her Crotalus ones.

"I don't think they'll let me switch now," she said, "Maybe there was a mistake with my Sorting badge."

It would have been so different to have Robyn as a roommate instead of Samara, but Lyla was glad things had worked out the way they had. Besides, now she and Robyn were prefects together, and they wouldn't have been if they'd been in the same house.

"Should we start on posters? We need at least two- one for the bulletin board in Cascade Hall and one for the library."
64 Lyla Holland Like a sparrow? 1559 0 5

Robyn Lundstrom

July 07, 2024 12:10 AM

I feel there's a more obvious comparison for me by Robyn Lundstrom

"Sure!" Robyn smiled when Lyla asked about getting started on the posters. "Is it an 'everyone welcome' or 'serious book nerds only' vibe? Got any colours in mind? I feel like green's always nice and house-neutral."
13 Robyn Lundstrom I feel there's a more obvious comparison for me 1558 0 5

Lyla Holland

July 07, 2024 12:20 AM

Oh yeah! by Lyla Holland

"I think green sounds great!" Lyla exclaimed, "I'm going for an everyone-welcome-casual-thing. I don't want books and reading to feel like some sort of pretentious thing. I want to encourage different opinions on stuff."
64 Lyla Holland Oh yeah! 1559 0 5

Robyn Lundstrom

July 07, 2024 12:22 AM

Tweet tweet by Robyn Lundstrom

"Okay. Hmm... We could make the poster look like a giant book, and I know we can make the words fade and change, but I wonder if there's a spell to make it look like a page turns in between different bits of information coming up?"
13 Robyn Lundstrom Tweet tweet 1558 0 5

Lyla Holland

July 07, 2024 12:32 AM

What does that make me? by Lyla Holland

Robyn was an artistic genius, Lyla was convinced.

"You're amazing, you know," she told the Teppenpaw, "I sat here for ages and couldn't come up with anything half that good. As for the charm, I'm pretty sure it'll just be a variant of the one you mentioned. We'll have to see if it's a different incantation or if it's one of those-" Lyla wiggled her fingers in a 'jazz hands' motion, "Intent things."
64 Lyla Holland What does that make me? 1559 0 5

Robyn Lundstrom

July 07, 2024 12:47 AM

A province of a country in Europe? by Robyn Lundstrom

"I haven't pulled it off yet." Robyn laughed. "It might end up being impossible or looking seriously janky." She was sure the spell would exist... Whether she could do it without it looking like a 90s web animation or a terrible ppt effect was another thing.
13 Robyn Lundstrom A province of a country in Europe? 1558 0 5

Samara Crosby

July 07, 2024 1:19 AM

Catching up by Samara Crosby

Lyla had decided she wanted to start a book club and so Samara was there to support her. "I think it will be amazing" She added, chuckling softly when Robyn brought up Lyla's interest in Olaf. Samara didn't truly understand the appeal-it did not seem as if Robyn did either-but she admired Lyla's...persistence. Someone like the Aladren would be way too much work for her.

Nor was she going to get upset that the Teppenpaw insulted her cousin. Samara didn't actually have any loyalty to him that way. She didn't even really have that with some of her first cousins, in particular, Aunt Pippa's kids. "It does sound like he minds you less than others."She added. "But I doubt he'll actually come help with the posters since Robyn and I are here."

"Green is good. And so is being welcoming."
11 Samara Crosby Catching up 1563 0 5

Samara Crosby

July 07, 2024 1:33 AM

Still catching up (And I'm what? The evil little girl from The Ring?) by Samara Crosby

OOC: Obviously other posts went up when I was working on mine BIC:

"That's a really good idea." Samara replied, wishing that she too had one to contribute as well. She really did want the same praise that Robyn was getting. Even now she still felt awkward sometimes, like she wasn't as good. That she did things wrong or did nothing at all. Although she normally liked doing nothing, in this case, she really did want to help Lyla.

Though she really did want to do so in a meaningful way and not just the grunt work. She wanted to be thought of as clever and creative instead of just being a workhorse. Because Samara was too lazy to have that role though she would was fine with making posters for her friend. "Should we put them in the Houses too? I mean, you might be able to get Olaf or Gwendolyn to put up one in Aladren though I don't know about Pecari. Could give it to Professor Carter-Xavier."
11 Samara Crosby Still catching up (And I'm what? The evil little girl from The Ring?) 1563 0 5