Gary Harper

December 23, 2023 2:13 PM

These things happen by Gary Harper

Gary made his reflex save and breathed a sigh of relief. With a flick of his wand the vase set itself back upon the table, while the small tablecloth continued along it's previous trajectory. Things had certainly gotten more interesting lately, and he loved it all.

He got up from his drafting table and sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the the fallen tablecloth and the smallish lump under it. A smallish, delightedly giggling lump, it was impossible not to smile. “Desna Tymora Harper,” Gary began, doing his utmost to sound stern and authoritative. Unfortunately, he had some severe minuses to his performance check. “You know you are not allowed to cause rampant destruction wherever you go.”

The giggling persisted, and he pulled the cloth off of his one year old, adorable daughter. Her eyes and smile were full of delight as she saw him and reached for him with her little hands. Gary failed his stoicism check against her overwhelming charisma modifiers, and smiled back while lifting her into his lap.

“You have become something of a terror since you gained a movement speed, you know.” He stated to the little bundle of joy who didn't seem to pay any attention to his commentary. “Mama is out at the moment and I still have some work to do, but I suppose I can take a break.” He tickled her belly, “What do you want to do?”

Desna smiled and gurgled and then giggled again. Gary crinkled up his nose and face. “Okay, we'll start with a diaper change and go from there.”
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