Selina Skies

June 02, 2022 7:27 PM

Head Student Vote by Selina Skies

The year group that was stepping up into seventh was a relatively large one, by Sonora standards, which meant that the staff had actually been more stringent when filtering down the choices. There were a couple of names missing from the list who Selina felt would have been dropped in almost any year, and one that she felt could have gone either way… Judging by said student’s reaction to being prefect, she would prefer it this way, and Selina strongly suspected that was where her missed votes in the staff ballot came from. If you looked closely, beyond the scowling and the refusals to participate, that person could actually be quite caring… Perhaps it was only when she felt someone was like her in some way, or when she thought no one was looking, but either way, it was there.

Still, they had their ballot, and a good choice of candidates for students to draw their two head students from. The sixth and fifth years had been notified to stay or return after dinner on Wednesday, and so it probably came as no surprise when the ballot box was set at the front of the hall.

“Good evening. You are here to choose Sonora’s next two head students. Please remember, that these students are tasked with representing the whole student body, and taking on additional duties. You should consider which students best represent the qualities and capabilities needed for such a position. You can pick any two candidates from the list provided.”

With a wave of her wand, she sent the ballot papers amongst the students.

OOC: Welcome! You do not have to reply to cast your vote, but you may if you want to. The voting form can be found here
13 Selina Skies Head Student Vote 26 1 5

Sadie-Lake Chalmers

June 02, 2022 8:53 PM

I'm so sorry! (Tag Mab) by Sadie-Lake Chalmers

Sadie blinked down at the voting form, not totally sure what to do. One of the people she’d been planning on voting for wasn’t on it. That had to be a mistake. Mab had organised a charity booth in their second year, when Sadie had been too scared to speak to anyone. She’d pulled together a whole team of people, got them to work together, and raised money for a worthwhile cause. Again, as a second year. And she was a prefect.

If Mab hadn’t made the cut, then what on Earth had Sadie done to deserve it?

She hesitated, wondering who’s names to tick. Mara was smart but not very friendly. Esme was a good roommate, but kept to herself at least as much as Sadie did. Morgan was very outgoing and in a lot of clubs, but was she responsible? She didn’t really know Gabriel, he seemed like Mara—smart but not sociable. Alexander, she kind of wanted to vote for because she knew Mab would want her to.

It was obviously selfish and stupid to vote for herself and she didn’t deserve it.

If Dathan was voting, he would probably vote for her and tell her she deserved it, but he was biased. He’d tell her she was kind, and that that counted. He’d say it clearly wasn’t all about academics, seeing as he’d got it, but he was much more friendly and sociable than she was. He’d find all kinds of silly reasons to have a ridiculously high opinion of her… She helped out a lot as a student assistant with magical creatures, so arguably she had points for responsibility. Maybe she didn’t actually deserve it any less than any of the people here…

It was hard to choose. But everyone around her was moving and making decisions, and pressured by that, she ticked two names and deposited her slip into the box. She caught up with Mab as they left.

“I’m so sorry they left you off,” she said. She half expected Mab to bite, because she wasn’t sure that talking about personal things and sore spots was something they did. But she would have felt bad not saying anything about it. “I can’t understand why they did that. I would have voted for you.”
13 Sadie-Lake Chalmers I'm so sorry! (Tag Mab) 1480 0 5


June 03, 2022 6:41 PM

I'm not. by Mab

Mab listened to Professor Skies give her instructions with a feeling of dread. There was nothing about what she was saying that made the position sound remotely appealing, and she was very afraid that being prefect meant she was in the running for it.

When one of the ballots landed in front of her, though, she looked it over and let out a "Yes!" that was perhaps louder than was probably appropriate in the current circumstances when she didn't see her name on it. Her day was already looking so much better than it had been, and she might have even smiled for a moment before she caught herself. She couldn't possibly win if she wasn't even on the ballot.

She looked over the list more carefully now that she was relieved of her biggest concern, and actually considered who she was going to vote for. Truthfully, it wasn't a difficult choice. There were only two people she actively liked in her year group and they were both on the ballot. As much as she had no desire to be Head Student herself, she thought they would be pleased by such an appointment, and she was sure they were both responsible and good representatives of the student body, and whatever else it was Professor Skies had said to look for in a candidate.

She turned in her ballot and was surprised when Sadie caught up to her as they were leaving and seemed genuinely upset by Mab being left off the ballot.

"I didn't want to be on it," she said. She hadn't gone so far as to actually request that - it hadn't occurred to her until right now, but she would have if it had - but she was pretty sure some of the teachers were perceptive enough to figure it out anyway. "I can barely tolerate being a prefect."
1 Mab I'm not. 1473 0 5