Ava Fletcher

January 10, 2015 3:33 PM

Career advice (tag: Medic Eir) by Ava Fletcher

The walk to the Hospital Wing from the Aladren dorms was a long one. Perhaps more because Ava was worrying about things than the actual distance it was. She had made this trip a few times before, twice she had been met with no response, the other times she had lost courage before opening the doors. This time, however, Ava needed to talk to the Medic. After spending the summer with her mother and the other Healers, she needed career advice and she didn't want it from any of them. While their relationship had improved over the months they had been gone together, it had still been slightly strained with the pressure the other Healers had been putting on Charlotte and Ava. And she also really wanted to get someone else's opinion on her schooling and further life choices. Normally after the Opening Feast, Ava went to the Aladren common room to get meet up with her friends and catch up, but Emery had disappeared and Dimitri wasn't at school any more, and Ava thought Chloe might want to catch up with her roommate so before Emrys could get back, she changed into comfortable clothing and ducked off to visit Medic Eir.

On her walk, she ran into Emrys and congratulated him on his prefect badge before promising to catch up later that night or the next day at breakfast and hurried on her way. Now she stood in front of the double doors, taking a deep breath, the familiar scent of medical supplies and clean sheets assaulting her nose and it seeped out from the crack under the door. “It's now or never, Ava,” she said as she raised her hands to push the doors open. “And you had also better stop talking to yourself before you get in there too.” Her hands pushed hard and the smell grew. She smiled, loving the familiar smell that had always reminded her of her mother. “Medic Eir?” she called. “It's Ava Fletcher. I'm a fifth year? I was, um, wondering if you might have some time to chat with me? If you aren't too busy or tired tonight, that is.”

She stepped fully into the room, letting the doors bang shut behind her, her hands which she had pulled her long sleeved shirt over twisting nervously around the folders she carried in her hand. As she waited for a response, she felt her hands getting sweaty and wanting to avoid damp papers, she set the folders down on a nearby table, her hand reaching up to her brown ponytail, twirling the end bits around self-consciously. The folders contained notes from her trip as well as her grades and different questions she had regarding certain diseases. Ava didn't yet know if she wanted to ask all the questions or not but she did want to have some opinion on the profession. The idea of becoming a Healer meant a lot to her, she didn't know why exactly but it was something that had always mattered.
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