Tarquin Fox-Reynolds

June 12, 2021 11:24 PM

...socialising? by Tarquin Fox-Reynolds

The staff party had been… interesting. He had had some further interaction with Professor Duell in which she had spouted something about chickens. He had decided it was polite to ignore that. It wasn’t like he had much faith in divination, even when the Seer wasn’t tipsy. Killian had been there with Ema. He had known about that from Selina, of course, and had felt much more fiercely protective about that than he did about the suspected tangling Killian had done with Charlie. Charlie could look after himself in that regard. Not that Ema couldn’t, it was just he was fairly sure she held people to a much higher standard of behaviour than his son did. Still, Killian seemed to be meeting that, for now, so Tarquin had decided it was politest to ignore him.

This being his go-to tactic had generally worked in his favour, although he had to admit it was a little lonely at times. Times such as now, when coming back from a very exciting weekend at home, he didn’t really have anyone to share it with. They’d celebrated plenty themselves, of course, but now he wanted to share the news…

He made his way to the staff room, looking for a slice of cake and any colleagues who might be up for a small chat over a cup of tea.
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Mary Brooding-Hawthorne

June 15, 2021 8:09 PM

YES let's do it. by Mary Brooding-Hawthorne

Most of her time spent outside of class was spent in her office for her students' easy access. When she wasn't doing that, she was usually watching Zeus or Zeus and Dora both. She tried to spend time with Tabitha when she could too of course, but the Defense professor was excessively busy these days (and most days if Mary was honest) and their time together was often relegated to whatever hours they happened to overlap sleeping next to each other. Having realized these things, Mary had decided to spend some time in the staff room today. It was an adults-only space that promised at least an opportunity to chat with colleagues. Adult conversation. Not that they would necessarily discuss anything she couldn't discuss with students but it was nice to talk to people without worrying about a massive power differential.

She was sitting at a table with a cup of hot chocolate and a bowl of popcorn - the chocolate and butter combination was a new favorite of hers - and reading Pride, Prejudice, and Snallygasters when Tarquin entered the room. Mary looked up at him with a smile, happy to see the librarian outside of his workspace as well; she wasn't the only one who didn't leave often enough.

"Tarquin!" she greeted with a grin. "How are you doing today? How're Danny, Charlie, and Henny?"
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