Iris Cobb

May 13, 2021 7:07 PM

Family things by Iris Cobb

Iris was glad to be home again, even if just for a short time over break. School was nice and frankly extravagant. It was very nice to be back in their cozy little home on the mountain. The only thing that she missed was having Amethyst as a roommate instead of Billy. This evening Pa was already asleep in his chair by the fire, Billy was somewhere outside in the frigid cold doing who knows what, and Ma was sewing up the pair of overalls he'd torn nearly to shreds this morning. She was idly flipping through her transfiguration book more out of boredom than interest. She was still trying to see how these things all fit together, what more would she be learning, and what might be useful. Iris glanced up at her mother after seeing a 'mending charm' on the page in front of her. Ma would undoubtedly find that useful, a word and a wave of a wand and her work would be done.

Another thought struck her as she watched Ma work, and she went over to their meager bookshelf to examine it for the first time since she'd returned from school. There wasn't much on it, a few simple school books, some fairy tales, the family Bible... and unsurprisingly the atlas was missing. Finishing her inspection, she turned and walked back over to her mother, "Ma?" she asked to get the woman's attention.

"Yes sweetie," Virginia Cobb answered without looking up from her task. "What is it?"

"Do we have any sort of family tree written down?" At the question, Ma looked up at her daughter with a curious expression on her face. Iris pushed on before she could say anything, "Some of my friends at school have big families, and know all about them." She paused a moment and her mother allowed her to collect her thoughts, "I know we've got lots of family too but... well, it's mostly aunts and uncles and cousins. I don't know much about the previous generations... well, past Granny and Gramps, and that's just on Pa's side." She half-shrugged, "I just thought it'd be fun to compare ours with Amethyst's sometime."

Virginia smiled at her daughter and put down the still tattered, but functional pants for her adventurous son. "Come sit sweetie," she pulled her daughter into a hug on her lap, "I will tell you what I know, then perhaps I can tell you who else might be good to talk to." There they sat and talked over Pa's soft snoring for quite a while until Billy burst back into the house, nearly frozen and it was time for bed.
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