Selina Skies

February 25, 2021 6:23 PM

Head Student Vote by Selina Skies

“Good evening,” Selina greeted the assembled fifth and sixth years. A notice had been placed in the common rooms at the start of the week, announcing the head student election, and reminders had gone out in the intermediate and advanced classes that day, so there should have been no real surprise about what was to happen. Well, not much of one anyway.

“As you know, this evening you will vote for Sonora’s next two head students,” she stated, choosing her words carefully. “This year, it will be done a little differently. You will simply be voting for the two students you see as most suited, not for a head boy and girl. This is partly due to petitioning by one of the candidates, which many of you supported, and also due to a lack of male candidates in the current year group.” This point was important to make for those who didn’t support the proposed changes, in that they would have likely had the same situation regardless.

“The staff are discussing whether to make these changes permanent,” she stated. It seemed likely, as the petition had gathered a healthy number of signatures, and most of the staff seemed in favour too. However, it was only fair to give some time for other people to comment on that, and that needed to be a school-wide discussion and announcement.

“For now, please vote for the two candidates you feel would make the best head students,” she stated, dispersing the ballot papers.

OOC: Sorry for the delay. This was partly just me being all over, but also the code needed tweaking to accept the changes (thank you, Nathan). This is happening before the concert.

The voting form can be found here.
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Topaz Brockert

February 25, 2021 8:03 PM

Oh no, no no no, absolutely not by Topaz Brockert

OOC: CW-Sexism discussed BIC:

It was finally time. After months of putting up with the Concert preparations, and the very annoying people that were involved in them, it was finally time for the Head Student ballot. And Topaz had better be on it. Not just because she was the most deserving candidate but because she'd worked really hard and put up with a lot of irritation doing something she otherwise wouldn't have.

She took a seat and waited for the ballots to be handed out. Professor Skies began to talk. Topaz narrowed her eyes, immensely displeased by what the Deputy Headmistress had to say. They were considering changing things for Snotti-Ness? For the benefit of solely a single person? Future Sonora students would have it worse because of her! Topaz could see why they would do this when there were no male students available but permanently ? How was that fair?

And as far as the sixth year could tell, nowhere near many students signed that petition. She had seen about six names on the whole thing and only four from the group that was here today. So therefore, more students who didn't want it than who did. Last Topaz checked, six wasn't even close to a majority. Or even a substantial amount of the student population.

As far as she was concerned, this could only harm equality. Head Student needed to be one male and one female to make sure than one or the other wasn't discriminated against. To make sure both had an equal voice. Topaz had grown up in a household where her parents kept having kids until they got a boy-Amethyst had been an acccident- and it made her feel like females mattered less than males. Plus, there was Uncle Eustace and his sexism that sought to tear down her, her sisters, her female cousins, mother, aunts and grandmother at every turn. It might not have worked all the time, and Topaz did her best to tear down some of those people too, but not on the basis of them being female.

Plus, it was a sensitive age where there were problems a person might not want to go to someone of the opposite gender with.

Most importantly though, it was Snotti-Ness's idea. Therefore, Topaz was against it.

And all because why? Because her roommate had to have everything her way. And people said that wealthy purebloods were entitled. What a spoiled little crybaby! What about those who'd thought that they had a good chance at Head Student and now wouldn't if things were done this way? Nope, it was all about Snotti-Ness and what she wanted. Nobody else apparently mattered. The other Aladren clearly didn't care if girls ended up discriminated against on future ballots or if boys did either.

But then, why was Topaz surprised? Her roommate had never really supported other women, had been dismissive of them. Snotti-Ness was probably honestly the second most misogynistic person that she'd ever met, after Uncle Eustace.

The ballot was handed out and Topaz was pleased to see that whatever else happened in the future-which she shouldn't even care about given that she wouldn't be here, but still did anyway, because she did not believe what her roommate wanted could be anything but harmful to most in the long run-she had made it.

She checked off her choices and turned her ballot in. Then she was struck with horrible thought.What if she and Snotti-Ness were the two that won and had to work together? That would be the absolute worst.
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