Selina Skies

January 14, 2021 7:32 PM
The advanced class could be trusted to look after themselves, at least for a little bit. They were responsible, most of them were prefects, and they had all chosen to be there. This was lucky, as what greeted them when they entered the room was not their teacher but merely a note on the board which read:

’Please read quietly or work on essays until Professor Carter-Xavier arrives.

There was a handout on partial vanishments, which would form the majority of their practical exercise for the day, along with the homework question ‘Partial vanishment is more complex than total vanishment: discuss with examples to support/counter both sides.’ At the front of the room was a box containing assorted items for practise, and a quick list of suggested parts of the item to try vanishing, which would likely give the students the mixed evidence they needed for their homework - for example, vanishing the hands off a clock was easier than disposing of the whole thing, but getting rid of its insides whilst preserving the casing was harder.

As suggested by the fact that Professor Carter-Xavier had merely been requested rather than being there, the arrangement had been rather last minute - and not something Selina would have dropped on anyone, had it not been the advanced students, and a genuine emergency.

OOC: Usual class rules apply. Responses will be graded based on length, relevance, creativity and realism. I am checking with Professor C-X whether she can be god-modded as just showing up and moving them onto the practical.
13 Selina Skies Advanced Class - Partly Absent 26 1 5

Allegra Brockert

February 23, 2021 8:18 PM
As usual, Allegra was tired. She hadn't been sleeping all that well. Of course, none of that was anything new. The very...existence of Topaz had made that a sure thing because she was never able to let her guard down. She ended up lying awake at night anticipating what horrible thing her cousin would do next and who she'd do it too, hoping it would not be Allegra herself or someone she cared about. The Crotalus knew that Topaz was not happy with Isla right now or Jasper either, something about how Isla had her roommate playing Geppetto rather talking Jasper into it. Because Jasper wisely wanted to stay away from the whole thing because of Topaz's involvement.

It wasn't something that concerned Allegra, except that it did. Because Isla was her sister and the sixth year didn't really like their cousin torturing her. However, she was powerless to stop it.

On the plus side though, she hadn't had any more weird visions since the beginning of the year ....and she'd heard that others had. Which meant that she was not schizophrenic or a seer and her ability to get married would not be compromised. It was still probably a Topaz induced issue but one that had spread throughout the school rather than being limited simply to Allegra. She wondered if that was on purpose, if her cousin was experimenting with magic again and meant only to test it on her and it got out of hand or if she meant for it to be a schoolwide issue. Allegra would have bet on the former, as Topaz would probably not want to try something that...big. If she limited an experiment to someone like the Crotalus, who wouldn't fight back or say anything, she'd be more likely to get away with it whereas a big schoolwide thing could more easily be uncovered and get her into trouble.

She walked into Transfiguration, noticing that Professor Skies did not seem to be present. She saw the message on the board and felt like she might vomit. Professors did provide a bit of safety from Topaz's.....evil doings as in the Aladren couldn't do anything in front of an authority figure that might get her in trouble or let on her true nature to the staff.

Allegra took her seat and yawned. She was sorely tempted to take a nap but with Topaz around, that was dangerous too.
11 Allegra Brockert Partly awake 1426 0 5