Jenna-Lee Chalmers

January 06, 2021 9:06 PM

#TeenageRebellion #Classic @Arvale by Jenna-Lee Chalmers

OOC: CW Ableism, disability faking, ignoring boundaries BIC:

It was a juggling act, keeping up Sadie-Lake's online persona with her away at school for most of the year. In some ways, Jenna-Lee wished she had let the line be drawn, hard and firm, when Sadie-Lake had gone away to school, and they had announced that she wanted to be #OffCamera. It had been hard though. She was so used to the dynamic of the four of them, and it felt unbalanced without her. Plus, #MommyDaughter was so popular.

Faking her presence had been a bad idea, at least without any kind of context. The lesson she had learnt from that was to fake smarter, and with more convincing backstory. It was okay, occasionally, to admit what a lot of hard work went into looking like you were effortlessly and flawlessly having fun, and so they had come up with the cover story that Sadie-Lake would only be in family shoots in the holidays, so as not to detract from her school work. She hoped that made her seem like she herself was a responsible parent, and not like Sadie was struggling with school. Although she sometimes wondered whether that angle would be worth playing. It was challenging to explain why Sadie-Lake was never seen with them in public or where she went to school. Residential school for children with additional needs... It wasn't exactly glamorous but it was a good excuse. She had not yet resorted to it because it was a very big lie to tell, and one from which there would be no going back. Plus once you became issue-based instead of lifestyle even more people had an opinion on what you were doing, even having debates for days on your choice of words. It would just be changing one set of problems for another, and be even worse if she got caught out.

For now, getting real pictures in the holidays and doing still lifes in term time was allowing her to get by. She was pretty sure she could turn #FamilyPhotoshoot into a major event if she worked hard enough. To that end, she was currently scrolling through her library of pictures looking for a particular image that she could turn into a vote. She could photograph coffee and hair accessories easily enough without Sadie-Lake around, but it often felt one-dimensional, and was bound to get repetitive. She had taken advantage of the holidays to have a good rummage through Sadie-Lake's things whilst she was out for the day with her grandparents, and it had yielded plenty of interesting results. A lot of the witchy stuff, she knew she wasn't supposed to put online, though some of it was generic enough that she could probably get away with it. Still, that was probably best saved for Halloween (#SoAuthentic #Spooky #SomethingWicked). She had focussed her energy on some of the more personal things. The bunny training stuff was right out - if you had a pet, you had to provide pictures of it, that was just Insta 101. But a lot of the dried flower craft stuff was cute, and there had been one other very intersting find.

Ah. There they were. She had, as with everything else, taken a dozen or more shots of the cute little sample perfume and compact mirror, playing with the composition and the focus. There was one where the perfume was in the foreground in sharp focus, the compact blurred behind it. If she was being paid to promote Arvale, that would probably be the one, but she wasn't - not yet, anyway. She chose one with the two objects more in balance, because after all the compact was very pretty, and leaned more into the narrative of the post she was going for than the perfume did.

OMG, is this what #TeenageRebellion looks like? I've always been a fan of #Modern looks but it seems like my daughter is going for the #Classic vibe. What do you think, followers? Should #SadieLake and I do a #VintageLook for a #FamilyPhotoshoot this summer? We could make a whole theme, @Arvale Through the Ages. Whaddaya think?

Tagging a big brand like Arvale was most likely to go unnoticed, but she thought she had come up with a pretty decent hook there. One that they now couldn't use without risking that she was call them out on it, and vintage beauty was always a popular trend. Worst case scenario, nothing would happen...

She threw in a few of the more popular beauty and make up hashtags and hit 'post.'
13 Jenna-Lee Chalmers #TeenageRebellion #Classic @Arvale 0 Jenna-Lee Chalmers 1 5

Arvale Cosmetics

January 08, 2021 7:03 PM

#MissArvale #socialengagement #influence by Arvale Cosmetics

The social media division was one of the newer departments at Arvale Cosmetics, but it was growing rapidly. The head of the company was a middle-aged white man and the brand had been built during an era when looks were even more stylized than modern Instagrams, but the modern world had modern problems, and modern ways to remain relevant.

Therefore, there were multiple people whose jobs were to create content, people whose jobs were to monitor social media, and people who interfaced between them. It was initially the support team which noticed Jenna-Lee Chalmers, which then passed her along up the chain of command, which reviewed her post, renewed her brand, and then checked with another level up about their reply, as it involved Miss Jessica.

On the whole, Arthur Hayles had embraced the digital age, but there was one area where the shareholders consistently felt he could have done more. That area involved his daughter. More than one person thought that Miss Jessica had the potential to be a valuable asset, especially with appealing to a younger audience, but the girl was kept in such strict seclusion that there were jokes about her only coming to some company holiday events this year to prove to the board that she was, in fact, still alive. This was generally blamed on Mrs. Hayles – the Senator’s daughter, the old-money Louboutin lady. Those who had met Mrs. Hayles generally agreed that they wouldn’t cross her, either, if they had been Mr. Hayles, but whether they would have or not, the fact remained – Mr. and Mrs. Hayles maintained an iron grip on Miss Jessica’s public profile, to the point that if she even had any social media accounts, they were under pseudonyms, and so well concealed that even the most obsessive searchers among the staff had been unable to find them.

Today, however, Miss Jessica’s involvement was easily rubber-stamped, as it involved media which had already been approved by her parents more than a year before.

Arvale Cosmetics is here for all your #classic and #modern #makeup needs! Check out this video from our #YouTube channel where two up-and-coming #influencers met with #MissArvale herself, Jessica Hayles, to work on #looks for #backtoschool! @charmingchalmers, @....

And then, linked to this, was the promotional video from an earlier summer where Miss Jessica had met with two teenage influencers, a slight figure in the center of the thumbnail rendered memorable by how much her look contrasted with the more ‘hip’ girls on either side of her and by her long, bright-copper hair.
16 Arvale Cosmetics #MissArvale #socialengagement #influence 0 Arvale Cosmetics 0 5

Jenna-Lee Chalmers

February 06, 2021 2:04 AM

Sliding into your DMs by Jenna-Lee Chalmers

Jenna-Lee’s phone pinged, the words ‘@arvale has responded…’ leaping out. She grinned. It was always a thrilling moment when your @ing paid off. And yes, she knew there was someone at the other end of this being paid to scroll through Instagram and make nice so that she’d buy more lipstick, but it wasn’t like everyone could have got a personal response from Arvale.

Time to follow up on that. Again, she knew full well that a friendly comment wasn’t any kind of indication of real corporate interest – that was something she had to work on generating – but it was a foot in the door. It was worth the effort involved in taking it up to the next level, and it was more likely to be noticed that straight up cold calling.

She checked over her template response, tweaking it a little to personalise it, and choosing between several different portfolio elements to emphasise the right parts of her brand. That included opening up her InstaStats account to get the numbers from the post in question. Once that was all done, she opened up a DM to @arvale and copied the message across.


Thanks for your recent engagement with my content. I loved the video of Jessica. She looks to be a similar age to my daughter, Sadie-Lake.

If you’re looking to partner with any influencers at present, I think my platform could be of benefit to you due to our shared core features of family-centred branding, and joint focus on affordable luxury.

As mentioned in the post, Sadie-Lake’s modeling work is currently restricted to school holiday times. This is turning her photo shoots into one of the bigger events on our page in terms of engagement.

Included are infographics of my overall stats in terms of followers, key words and engagement, along with the stats from Sadie-Lake’s last shoot, and the recent post in which your brand was mentioned. As you can see, there is a high engagement from users around the content relating to Sadie-Lake modeling Arvale cosmetics, and the Vintage Photo Shoot idea is currently topping the vote from my followers.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

13 Jenna-Lee Chalmers Sliding into your DMs 0 Jenna-Lee Chalmers 0 5