A Memory

November 20, 2020 8:57 PM

We are gathered here today... by A Memory

OOC: CW: Death BIC:

It was dusk now, just as it had been when the silvery man who appeared now had appeared all those years ago. He was buttoned up in formal clothes, but it wouldn't have been warm enough had he actually been outside on this chilly day at Sonora. No, he'd been outside once long ago, far away, in the summer, and his simple button up and suit were plenty warm. His tone, however, did match tonight's weather, as both were somber. He stepped forward and centered himself with an invisible audience, looking around at them and not meeting the eyes of the person watching.

"We are gathered here today," he began, pausing and glancing up as a shiver of wind caught his breath, although no wind had blown that way tonight. Unseen to whomever was looking upon him now was the ocean itself, and the warm sea breeze that stole words and lives all at once. "To say goodbye to three members of a family lost so tragically in such a short span of time. Parker was nine, bold and vivacious with wide eyes and a wider imagination. His parents, were loving and kind, both to each other and to their two children, the oldest of whom survives. As with any tragedy, it is sometimes hardest to recognize the loss not of those who have passed, but of those who are left behind. In this case, memories of the family are left behind in the young woman who will be speaking next. Let us honor her with our shared grief and shared love as we mourn the loss of her family together."

The man stepped aside and bowed his head slightly, giving an encouraging nod to someone unseen. It was meant to be supportive and kind. It was meant to help fill a hole that nothing would ever be able to fill. All at once, the image faded as if blinked away by misty eyes.
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