Martin Crosby V

February 03, 2020 1:08 PM

The things we do when no one is looking [Water room] by Martin Crosby V

OOC: Concurrent to the Tumbleweed event.


It was the one and only time in his nearly two and a half year career at Sonora that Martin felt even as shred of inclination toward a positive comment, and he doubted seriously that such a momentous occasion would ever present itself again, but in all fairness and giving credit where credit was due, this was absolutely the best day ever.

For once, the school’s foolishness was not mandatory. Martin was not required to go on this silly Tumbleweed outing. So since they could not and would not make him, obviously he chose not to partake. Instead, he was free. Hardly anyone was left around the school, giving him a full reign of the place, or at least a sizable increase in the value of his independence. There was nobody to walk into him in the hallway or to stare at him across the table or, heaven forbid, speak to him in class.

It was almost euphoric how freeing it felt to have the majority of the populous removed from him. Martin decided to celebrate with a nice swim in the MARS room. He had not indulged in any of its facilities thus far into his education, deeming it unfit for a young gentleman of his stature to be encountered having fun, but maybe if nobody else was here, it would be okay.

He held his breath as he entered the water room, slightly afraid that one of the only others here would have already laid claim to it. However, it was as vacant as could be, and the air left his lungs, taking with it all of his worries. Martin folded his robe and sat it and his towels neatly on one of the many poolside tables, covering all of his wand except the handle, which was left slightly exposed and oriented in his direction, just in case. As he slid out of his shoes, pushing them under the table, the Crotalus smiled. Then, in one sharp, youthful motion, he cannonballed into the water.
12 Martin Crosby V The things we do when no one is looking [Water room] 1439 1 5