Ginger Silverstein

July 16, 2006 4:11 PM

Bringing in Adam by Ginger Silverstein

Ginger never had to go to the hospital wing when she was in her first year. This was the first time she had ever went to the hospital wing, and she was taking someone there. She knew where it was, because she remembered it was just down the right hall from the library. Ginger went to the library quite a bit. She had Adam by the hand, and she gently kept on saying things that could possibly make him feel a little better like "not far now, you'll be alright," and "you'll see your sister soon I promise."

Ginger planned on staying with Adam until the medic came, then she was going to quickly get some food, and bring it back. She decided that she would wait there until Kaylie came, so she was probably going to wind up spending quite a bit of time with Adam this evening. She didn't really mind it of course, she just hoped that she could get something to eat. She was rather hungry, but she didn't want to leave Adam alone, so she would endure her hunger pains for just a bit longer.

When they reached The Hospital Wing, Ginger got Adam to sit down on a bed. "Just sit here for a while, I'll stay here with you okay?" She gave him another reassuring smile. She noticed that the glass that Adam had in his hands was empty. She gently took it from him, went to a sink, and refilled it. She handed it back to him, "we don't want you to get dyhydrated," she said with a smile. "It sucks when that happens, you have to get an iv put in you and it hurts, at least that's what my mom said," she shrugged. She was trying to talk to him to make him calm down a bit more a little conversastion wouldn't hurt.

"So where are you from?" She asked him, as she sat down in a chair next to his bed.
0 Ginger Silverstein Bringing in Adam 1484 Ginger Silverstein 1 5

Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic

July 19, 2006 8:55 PM

And the story is? by Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic

The medic's agitated actions stemmed from a missive he had received by owl earlier that day demanding he return home and fulfill his duty to his family though he would swear on pain of death that the cause was in fact the British. Wolfe had been pacing back and forth, a grand total of ten paces, from one side of his office to the other whilst mentally shredding a recent publication in Medics Quarterly.

‘One cannot apply lavender in this case. Moronic Englishmen! Trust an English wizard to believe that lavender is the perfect cure for any ailment. In this case it is simply asinine for such an ingredient go into a sleep inducing potion. Every good medic knows that…'

“That if you were half as smart as you think you are, fancy pants, you would know that we're not alone,” chirped a rather disgruntled voice.

Wolfe lost his train of thought as he realized he and his overgrown ferret of a familiar were not the only ones occupying the hospital wing. Stalking through the door leading to what could only be described as the most primitive of medical facilities. Spying two young students he advanced upon them with a sureness the young man in any other situation would lack.

“What have we here, Miss?” He addressed the one who had obviously brought the boy in knowing his German accent combined with an English accent acquired at Cambridge would muddle the child's mind if she wasn't paying close attention. She would have to cough up an answer, and quickly at that. Nicolas was in no mood to deal with lengthy and unnecessary stories.
0 Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic And the story is? 0 Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

July 20, 2006 6:11 PM

Social Anxiety disorder I think.. by Ginger Silverstein

Ginger felt her stomach drop when she saw the medic. He really didn't seem to be in a good mood. Just what Adam needed to top off his bad evening. Ginger really felt bad for him now. She hoped that Adam got sick or something right in front of her just to prove the medic there was something wrong with him. She suddenly doubted that the medic would let her stay by Adam, which would be totally unfair if he didn't. Adam was fragile, he needed to be looked after by someone he knew cared about him. His sister wasn't around, so Ginger had to fill that role at the moment. She looked at Adam, he didn't look like he was about to say anything, so it was up to Ginger to tell the medic what was wrong.

"He got seperated from his sister, he had a panic attack, and he said that he felt sick. He coughed a little, and I was wondering if I could stay with him until his sister came. I'll owl her or something." She probably wasn't going to be eating until a lot later tonight after all. She didn't think the medic would let her eat in there with Adam, so she was just going to have to endure the hunger pains even longer. She wasn't mad at Adam or really the medic, she just wished that the medic was a bit softer than that.Perhaps he was having a bad day.

She gave Adam another reasurring smile, hoping that he wouldn't get too nervous. If the medic just said there was nothing wrong, then she would have to try to take care of Adam herself, and she would have find someone just to get the password to Pecari commons just so she could get her muggle medicines. This was turning out to be a long eveneing for the both of them.
0 Ginger Silverstein Social Anxiety disorder I think.. 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5

Adam Brockert

July 24, 2006 6:55 PM

Help me, please. by Adam Brockert

Adam was shaking again and trying not to cry. Why was the medic being so mean to them? He had been nice enough to Adam in the library last year. What had Adam done wrong? Maybe the medic decided he was a big baby after all. Maybe he shouldn't even be here.

He clutched his stomach. Adam felt like he was going to throw-up. He was scared and miserable and the medic seemed angry at them. He wanted to run away and hide, but he had nowhere to really go because there was no way he wanted to go to his bed in Crotalus. Besides, he couldn't move. He was shaking too badly and feeling a bit dizzy again.

Tears dripped down his face. Adam couldn't hold them back any longer. He just wanted to get away...and he wanted his sister! Adam gave Ginger a pleading look. She was being so good to him, but he needed Kaylie... now !
11 Adam Brockert Help me, please. 78 Adam Brockert 0 5

Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic

July 28, 2006 8:59 PM

Off you go by Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic

Wolfe looked down at the pair. The boy was clearly distressed about being parted from his sister, but certainly the child could not be with his sibling every hour of every day. The girl would need to leave for him to get a better idea what exactly the boy needed.

"You may go now." He motioned toward the girl. "Your friend and I will have a bit of a chat to see what can be done." He stared pointedly at the girl knowing she would be hesitent to leave her classmate in his care. Until he was sure the girl had gone he would have to play the big bad wolf.

"I assure you I am a trained professional."

OOC: Sorry for the delay. I caught a stomach bug and haven't been well.
0 Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic Off you go 0 Nicolas Augustine Wolfe, Medic 0 5

Adam B.

August 07, 2006 5:26 PM

Re: Off you go by Adam B.

Adam's eyes widened in fear and he went even paler. The medic was making Ginger go! He didn't want her to, didn't want to be left alone. Well, technically, the medic would still be there, but Adam needed someone there who at least seemed to care about him, even if he couldn't imagine why she would do so. Who he really wanted there was Kaylie .

But he couldn't contradict the medic. Adam was too scared to go against authority. What if the medic yelled at him? He sure didn't seem very happy to have the two of them there. Adam looked from Ginger to Wolfe, shaking nervously.

OOC-It's all right, stuff happens.
11 Adam B. Re: Off you go 78 Adam B. 0 5