Lila Gringe

February 26, 2006 7:50 PM

The First Burnt Hand This Semester. (tag: Lila St.Martin) by Lila Gringe

She'd found it. Lila let out a breath. She'd found it! She had found the Hospital Wing, and the brunette she'd been guiding along would have both hands to use in future. The burnt hand could be fixed. Lila was sure of that. After all, if magic could change a match to a needle, it could certainly heal a burnt hand.

So she was much calmer than she had been on the walk from Transfiguration class as she steered her dormmate into the Hospital Wing. Without a doubt, the doctor- or whatever it was the magical equivalent were called- would be able to help the other girl.

If whomever was in charge of medicine and healing couldn't fix the other girl's hand, Lila didn't know what she'd do, aside from feel completely guilty. After all, it would probably be her fault, either for not getting her fellow Crotalus to the Hospital Wing in time or for talking to Allie and provoking her twin to come over.

The person in charge of the Hospital Wing had better be able to fix up Lila St.Martin.
0 Lila Gringe The First Burnt Hand This Semester. (tag: Lila St.Martin) 0 Lila Gringe 1 5

Lila St.Martin

February 28, 2006 9:33 PM

Hopefully the last, too. by Lila St.Martin

It took some work, but Lila thought she had all her emotions and reactions reasonably well under control by the time the slightly too reassuring Lila Gringe steered her into the Hospital Wing. Giving her blouse a worried glance, she moved her injured hand a bit further away from it. She didn't know if burns were known for bleeding, but she'd heard some of the adults muttering about how even some house-elves sometimes had difficulty getting bloodstains out of material. It wasn't so much that she liked the blouse as she didn't like the idea of ruining a blouse over a class.

"This really isn't necessary," she told Two, as sweetly as she could manage. 'Sweet' was a front usually reserved for adults, and not one of her favorites even when her entire hand wasn't hurting and smarting and the rest of the lot. "I'm sure it just needs - um - " she ransacked her memory, trying to call to mind what was usually done when one of the boys injured themselves playing Quidditch in the back garden - "wash it off before using a basic Healing spell," she said, hoping to sound well-informed on the topic. Broken bones were more common than anything else, especially since Little Julian, as he was still sometimes called, took up playing Beater.

She hoped Two didn't point out that she was still avoiding looking at her hand as if avoiding looking at the block. There was nothing in the world wrong with being a coward so long as she wasn't called on it, and she had yet to be called on it by anyone who mattered. She pasted a smile on her face, since it seemed unavoidable that she would have to see the Healer or, more likely, mediwitch. She had never said that she knew a basic Healing spell, after all. "Excuse me," she called, still cradling her hand as best she could without letting it touch her blouse and hoping Lila Gringe was getting the impression of Lila's nerves she wanted her to have, "Could we see whoever's in charge, please?"
16 Lila St.Martin Hopefully the last, too. 80 Lila St.Martin 0 5

Lila Gringe

March 11, 2006 11:07 AM

Hard to disagree with that. by Lila Gringe

"Even if I wasn't certain it was necessary, Professor Marlowe sent me to escort you," Lila reminded Lila St.Martin fairly calmly. Now that they were in the Hospital Wing, whoever was in charge would fix the other girl's hand, and Lila wouldn't be feeling guilty anymore.

Certainly, she hadn't botched the spell, but she had prompted her fellow Crotalus to come over, which had in turn caused the other girl being where the backfiring spell could hurt her. So while she hadn't actually caused the injury, Lila still felt that it was at least partially her fault.

Washing it off? A basic Healing spell? Lila had never treated a burn before, of course, or even been treated for one- she didn't know the Muggle method of treating burns, let alone the magical method. She couldn't exactly object to her dormmate's statement, and so she kept quiet about that.

And then she noticed something odd. Well, not odd, persay, just not what she'd expect from the way Lila St.Martin was acting. The other girl, she noticed, wasn't looking at her burnt hand. Hmm. Which meant she was faking the rest of it, most likely. Which was slightly embarrassing to Lila, as she prided herself on her ability to lie and catch lies. She resisted the urge to go an embarrassed red, instead keeping quiet and hoping that 'whoever's in charge' would show up soon.
0 Lila Gringe Hard to disagree with that. 0 Lila Gringe 0 5