Sadi Powell

August 25, 2011 2:50 AM
To remind everyone, the plot we decided dancing lessons will go ahead, run by John and Amelia, and this will hopefully go up ASAP. During advanced CoMC in the Mirage Chamber the room will alter to a trophy room with historical scenes and activities - if anyone has any thoughts and/or ideas about which students could get awards, or which activities could be on offer, please post them here - the students and/or their actions should relate in some way to furthering the progress of magical education in the US (the founders' aim). This needs to be written in time to be posted on 9th September, so the sooner we have final plans, the better.

We ALSO need 2 teaching volunteers to be writing a class to coincide with Kiva's advanced CoMC - one intermediate and one beginner class, during which Curtis Tribble or Leith Clurican, the two founders, will happily clamber out of a portrait and urge everyone to go along. If you want to do that, again it will have to go up reasonably early in September (12th, maybe, as a vague guide) so let me know ASAP.
0 Sadi Powell Ideas for Mirage Chamber here, please. 3 Sadi Powell 1 5


August 28, 2011 2:52 PM
John, do we want to write a co-authored thing, or should I just write it up saying you're there, and then you can respond like you would to a normal post?

Also, Sadi, last time I think we did in Cascade Hall, is that fine this time around as well?
0 Amelia On the Dance Lessons 0 Amelia 0 5


August 31, 2011 9:45 AM
0 Sadi Works for me (nm) 0 Sadi 0 5

Sadi Powell

September 02, 2011 8:32 AM
I'd like to nominate Dulce Garcia for her voluntary tutoring in the library, and Saul Pierce for offering tours to Pecari first years just about every year he was a student here, and Josiah Ashwood for setting up the Charms club.

I'd also like to suggest every student who has ever gone on to become a teacher in the US - do we have any of those? If so, does anyone have names?
0 Sadi Powell Student nominations 3 Sadi Powell 0 5

Sadi Powell

September 02, 2011 8:34 AM
As well as those mentioned in the staff meeting (I'll get a summary up later), I'd like to suggest an area where students can try on uniform robes of past ages, and an area where they can look at old exam papers (these could actually be in the same area, I guess).
0 Sadi Powell Activity suggestions 3 Sadi Powell 0 5


September 02, 2011 2:03 PM
*duct tapes Adam*

I think if Saul gets an award for that, Pepper Jones should too because she did the same thing for Teppenpaws. It wouldn't be fair to reward one and not the other.
11 Seth Well... 377 Seth 0 5

John Fawcett

September 03, 2011 12:18 AM
Another idea, going along with the old exams one, might be old course descriptions and textbooks - Mims is proof Sonora once had subjects it doesn't now, so Arithmancy, more recently Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies and History of Magic, maybe something to do with magical theory in general. Maybe there could be some older things from current subjects, too - how are Charms books from 1915 different from the modern ones, did history books used to be even more biased, that kind of thing.

As for the lessons, if nothing's been arranged yet, I have a Beginner's class scheduled for the 9th anyway, so I can take that one and Tribble, since I think I know where to find a print-out of a post where he got a hair of characterization during the infamous year two.
0 John Fawcett Expanding on that idea, kind of 19 John Fawcett 0 5


September 03, 2011 12:22 AM
Whatever works out best for you is fine with me, Amelia. My e-mail is above if you prefer to co-author it.
0 John A response 19 John 0 5


September 03, 2011 3:28 AM
I was thinking about a theme week. Medieval food, medieval clothing... Have a medevial atmosphere at school the week prior to the ball. Also, I think having EVERYONE be dressed up in medieval garnets at the ball will be hilarious. Just imagine Raines Bradley in tights!!
0 Natalie My input.... 0 Natalie 0 5


September 03, 2011 3:31 AM
Going on with Sadi's idea of olden things.... Sonora could use theirage chamber as a sort of museum? Have ancient things and new ones, etc

These are tired ramblings...,
0 Nat Rambling here 0 Nat 0 5

Sadi Powell

September 03, 2011 6:32 AM
That would be great, John, if you could do that beginner's class. Parts 2 of the CoMC and Divinations classes are going up Monday/Tuesday, so if you could get that beginners class up on Tues or Wednesday it would be truly phenomenal (I know I said 9th in Chatzy, I'm not entirely sure why, because I meant 2nd...). Is that doable? If so then you handle Tribble and I'll take Clurican and Mims, and Kiva can just be in the room when it mutates. Brilliant!
0 Sadi Powell Beginner's class 3 Sadi Powell 0 5


September 03, 2011 10:15 AM
Luckily, I have Monday off and can be sure of some time to write, so it's doable and I will do it!
0 John Sure 19 John 0 5


September 03, 2011 10:36 AM
And Preston! They even look a lot alike...

(Had to, sorry. Though Raines is feeling oddly un-homicidal at the thought, so long as Miss Veronica doesn't mind and they're very medieval wizard tights instead of Muggle ones)

And that gave me an idea, if Natalie's idea about everyone dressing up for the ball goes on...Students without tailors and stuff might have trouble with a requirement (Topher got his from a Halloween costume after-Halloween sale and has no shame about this, but he doesn't really get embarrassed), so...magic temporary transformation of outfits once the ball begins? Just an idea.  
0 John Clothes and such 19 John 0 5


September 03, 2011 3:25 PM
We can't forget Arthur...we just can't!

Preston frowned at the thought...but hey...all for the good old fun!
0 Nat .... 0 Nat 0 5


September 03, 2011 10:19 PM
I'm in Florida for my sister-in-law's wedding (she technically got married yesterday, but we're making a mini-vacation of it) so I probably won't get it up until Monday, but I guess I'll just write something and post it right off when I get a chance, then John can reply to it. It seems simpler that way and we want it up sooner rather than later.

Also, I was thinking that MARS actually has a room specifically designed for Dancing, so I'll probably put it there this time around instead, unless someone has an objection to that.
0 Amelia Right then 0 Amelia 0 5


September 04, 2011 1:07 PM
... I'm fairly sure I've already read threads where students have purchased vaguely-but-not-really- themed outfits, and some are even planning on fighting the theme on principle - seems a shame to squash their choices like that by making the costume mandatory, especially with a transformation over which they presumably would have no control.
0 Sadi As fun as that might be... 0 Sadi 0 5