Evan Clayton

August 20, 2010 2:20 PM
Alright guys. This is the schedule from now until midterm. Please feel free to ask any questions and inform me of any conflicts you have with the schedule. Thanks! (Also, note that the lack of classes for 6th years is because we have none of those.)

13th August:
Term begins

20th August:
HoH Speeches
Quidditch sign ups

27th August:
Flying Lessons (1st years)
Divination (3-5)
CoMC (1-2)

27th August:
Quidditch try outs
Potions (3-5th)
Astronomy (7)

3rd September:
CoMC (7th years)
Charms (3-5)
Transfiguration (1-2rd years)

10th September:
Quidditch rosters up
Astronomy (3-5)
Potions (7)
Charms Club

17th September:
Potions (1-2)
Transfiguration (3-5)
DADA (7)

24th September:
Divination (7)
Charms (1-2)

24th September:
CoMC (3-5)
Transfiguration (7)

1st October:
Game One begins
DADA (1-2)

8th October:
DADA (3-5)
Charms (7th)

22nd October:
Midterm begins!
Game One ends
0 Evan Clayton Schedule! 0 Evan Clayton 1 5

Coach Amelia Pierce

August 20, 2010 9:04 PM
There is no way I'm getting two posts up (Flying Lessons and Jose's Quidditch try-outs) the day before I get married. Should I send those to somebody to post on that day, or should I just post them early (probably Wednesday)?
1 Coach Amelia Pierce Re: Schedule! 20 Coach Amelia Pierce 0 5

Evan Clayton

August 20, 2010 9:51 PM
If you'd like to write them and send them to the Sonora head's email, I'll happily put them up for you :)
0 Evan Clayton Got'cha 0 Evan Clayton 0 5

Amelia Pierce

August 20, 2010 10:20 PM
1 Amelia Pierce Will do, thanks! (nm) 20 Amelia Pierce 0 5

Amy Pierce

August 25, 2010 4:43 PM
... has been emailed to the Sonora Head's email address.

I will try to get you Jose's tomorrow.
0 Amy Pierce Amelia's Flying Lesson Post 0 Amy Pierce 0 5

John Fawcett

August 25, 2010 5:32 PM
There are two sets of 27th August requirements in the list. Was that intentional (and do I therefore need to post up an Intermediate lesson by Friday), or did things get off by a week?
0 John Fawcett Dates 19 John Fawcett 0 5

Amy Pierce

August 26, 2010 10:18 AM
So, given that it's only a day early and I already put out the invite for the captains to start posting, I just put Jose's up, so don't worry about that one.
0 Amy Pierce Jose's try-out 0 Amy Pierce 0 5

Evan Clayton

August 26, 2010 2:12 PM
It was intentional; I just forgot to combine them together. Sorry for the confusion!
0 Evan Clayton Yeah 0 Evan Clayton 0 5


August 30, 2010 11:12 AM
Hey boss-peoples,

Sorry I havent gotten my lesson up yet. School just started for me and I'm switching my days and nights atm but I will be back to posting this weekend. Once again forgive me!!
0 Jackson Opps! 0 Jackson 0 5

Evan Clayton

August 30, 2010 5:59 PM
Just put up the lesson you were supposed to do August 27th next Friday, September 3rd, instead. No harm done.
0 Evan Clayton That's fine... 0 Evan Clayton 0 5


September 05, 2010 1:53 PM
Sorry it took so long it's up now! My internet went out for a bit but it's back now!
0 Jackson Sorry 0 Jackson 0 5