Sadi Powell

June 26, 2009 7:08 AM
I meant to do this before I went away but didn't really leave myself enough time, so here is a very brief overview of the outcomes of the staff meeting:

- Seventh years to teach younger years where subject staff are currently unavailable (supervised by a non-teaching staff member)

- unless a full time professor is found, cameo 'professionals' to take sixth and seventh years classes - perhaps written by existing staff authors

- parents evening to be held the week before midterm, with Muggle and magic parents invited to an off-site location to discuss students' progress, etc.

For this last point, we will create a new board (which may then be used again depending on success of the event), and I think we should push midterm back another week to allow posting time for the parents evening - it will involve every single author. So the Parents evening would go up Friday 17th, ideally, and midterm begin on Friday 24th July.

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions?

I'd also like to propose a staff meeting on Sunday 26th July. I know it's well in advance, but if people could give me an indication either way - it seemed like Sunday was a good day for most. Let me know. Thanks!
0 Sadi Powell Summary and amendment 3 Sadi Powell 1 5


June 26, 2009 9:21 AM
Summary and amendments sound fine to me. If needed for cameo teaching staff, Muddle has taught Potions before, and Danielle Holland graduated from SUM with plans to be a teacher - she can cover any subject except Care of Magical Creatures.

Or I could do something really crazy like make up somebody new, possibly as a permanent addition (kind of like the Flatt trade). Simon has been making noises that this was supposed to be a temporary job for a few years now (but that was always from his perspective, not mine; he was never destined to make it big) and he could move on to a bigger casino gig in Vegas or something, if that's how things go. His (and his family's) performance services would, of course, still be available for hire for any end-of-year festivities at cheap rates, which is pretty much all he posts for now anyway.

For July 26, that's the day I leave for Scotland, so it's a no go for me, and my cousin is getting married on the 25th, so the Saturday that weekend doesn't work for me either.
1 Simon Response to the Summary and Amendment 14 Simon 0 5


June 26, 2009 10:04 AM
Firstly, pending interest from the seventh years, it might be nice to offer Danielle the opportunity ot teach transfiguration for a term, if she could handle that.

Or, and also, Secondly, how would Simon feel about a change in career? I'm sure the school would be happy to fund his training to gain necessary qualifications to be the transfiguration professor.

We've had a couple of good potions professor applicants, so that position could be filled at midterm.

As for staff meetings, presumably earlier would be better than later, considering your trip. Are there any days that are worse than others?
0 Sadi Response to the Response 0 Sadi 0 5


June 26, 2009 10:19 AM
I start classes Monday, so the only days I'll be free will be on weekend or Friday nights (EST). Any variations on those days will be fine by me.
0 Flatt Re: Summary and amendment 0 Flatt 0 5


June 26, 2009 10:25 AM
I like the idea of an extra week for the Parent Meeting. Kiva and I still need to iron out a few details on that.

I believe the plan will be to send out a letter of invitation to all the parents for an opportunity to meet with the staff at Sonora. How we organize the meeting specifically still has a lot of room for thought.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to best do the meeting? I was thinking we could have an OOC post allowing certain details to be shared, so that authors can work out probable connections between each other, whether it's directly or indirectly.

I know Sadi liked the idea of having students demonstrate some of their skills for the Muggle parents to see. Any ideas on how to organize this? Maybe have the Charms club do a presentation, or have the professors choose a few students to display knowledge on their subject?
0 Flatt Oh and! (Kiva feel free to chime in here) 0 Flatt 0 5


June 26, 2009 2:57 PM
Danielle could probably handle a term at transfiguration. I'm not sure that I'd want to trade Simon in for her, though, so she'd probably just be temporary. Simon . . . isn't really too keen on a teaching career. Tutoring his cousin is one thing, filling in as a sub of a sub is another, but a career? That ventures dangerously close to a normal life. California Pierces abhor a normal life. If it weren't for his Army of Darkness, he'd have to quit the Groundskeeper gig on the grounds that it's too stable.

Staff meeting . . . yes, earlier would be better. So far as I'm currently aware, I'm free both of the two weekends before the 25th.
1 Simon Response to the Response to the .... yeah 14 Simon 0 5


June 27, 2009 9:49 PM
Can't really come up with any thoughts, comments, or suggestions at the moment. Will add them on if any come to me later.

As far as I know, I'm not doing much of anything in July, so whatever meeting time works out best should also work for me. If, for some reason, something comes up so it doesn't, I'll do my best to let you know.
0 John All good 19 John 0 5


June 30, 2009 1:57 PM
If you're happy for Danielle to teaach transfiguration until midterm thenplease go ahead (see your e-mail, and sorry about the short notice).

As for the character-exchange, that of course would be up to you. If you decide it's what you want to do just submit a staff application
0 Sadi And a Post Script 0 Sadi 0 5