Professor Skies

November 29, 2012 2:05 PM
“Good morning,” Professor Skies greeted her beginners class as they filed in. Unlike some of the lessons for the other classes, which had involved borrowed university equipment for the advanced group and a tree for the intermediates, the classroom was relatively bare, looking pretty much like its usual self. However, she had tried to make at least one of her classes for each year group have a tie-in with the bonfire at the end of term, however tenuous. She hoped it would make the classes seem a bit more festive as well as getting them looking forward to the end of year event. The beginners class was probably the one which worked best, in spite of the lack of obvious signs at the outset.

“We are continuing on with our inanimate transfigurations today. By now you should all be familiar with transfiguration tables so I will not be handing out any templates. If you would like to still make notes, that it perfectly acceptable but you should come up with the categories from memory, or by consulting your neighbour or your text book should this fail you. If you can begin to carry out the process in your head instead, that would be preferable, especially for second years.

“To tie in with our end of term event, we will be transforming sticks into toasting forks, suitable for roasting marshmallows. Now, I know part of the fun of roasting marshmallows is being a little rustic but there are times when you can't find a very good stick and using your magic might be a good way to circumvent that problem – and I have taken care to choose sticks that are especially ill adapted to the purpose of sticking a marshmallow into a fire,” she smiled, handing the box to the student on the end of the front row so that they could take one and pass the box on.

“The spell for this will be 'furcia' and you will need a strong flicking movement. Those of you with springy wands may find this easier to achieve, although strictly speaking the movement should come from your wrist, not your wand. Therefore those of you with unpliable wands have every change of achieving results just as good, you will just have to ensure you are getting the correct wrist action. Doing so will benefit you in the future and I would encourage even those of you with pliable wands to focus on getting the flick action in your wrist rather than letting your wand compensate for you as you will eventually come across spells where this won't work, so it is in your best interest to learn how to do it properly in the first place.

“If you cast it correctly then.... Furcia” she cast over a rather dumpy looking twig. It lengthened, refining itself into a slender, elegant metal fork with two prongs, a little like a sharp tuning fork, “this is what you should get,” she smiled, holding it up. She always demonstrated spells for the class but she had felt a particular need in this instance as they were aiming for a rather archaic object and she was not sure that they would all have quite known what she meant unless she had shown them. Behind her, the chalk drew a quick sketch as an aide mémoire for them.

“As an added incentive, whichever student produces the best fork in class and whoever hands in the best homework assignment will receive a bag of marshmallows from me to toast with their friends at the fire. As usual, I am available if you need help, and you are permitted to seek it from your neighbours as well. Begin.”

OOC – usually rules apply, along with 'no stabbing each other with toasting forks.'
0 Professor Skies Beginners Transfiguration 26 Professor Skies 1 5