Janette Wolfe

April 16, 2010 5:11 PM
Janette entered her very own classroom, a bubble of excitement lifting her spirits. She couldn't wait to meet her students. Teaching has always been something she had wanted to do, and now that she was here, she felt wonderful.

Her bright blue robes swept the floor as she approached her desk, sitting behind it. Her eyes skimmed over the roster, though she had probably looked over it fifteen times already. She was nervous, she had to admit. How would they react to her? Would they be bothered by her tattoo's? Or would they be in awe? Were they behaved? Would she have to deduct points?

She shook her head, hoping for a bit of clarity. Everything would be fine. As the students began entering the room, a sudden calmness and serenity enveloped her. She stood and grinned, her arms wide open. her eyes friendly and inviting. She watched the students sit down, and as every murmur was silenced, she began.

"Welcome to Transfiguration! My name is Janette Wolfe, and I am your professor. You may call me Professor Wolfe, Professor Janette, or even Professor Jane. I'm not particularly picky." As she said this, she walked out from behind her desk so she could see them better.

"Transfiguration is a rather dangerous art- fooling around during the lessons won't be tolerated, I'm afraid. As some of you may know, Transfiguration has different branches. Some of these are Animagus, which is significantly dangerous, Animate to inanimate, vice versa, Cross-species, and Conjuration- to name a few. Now, this assignment will be relatively new for the first years. But for the second years, it will act like as a review." Janette finished with a smile. She skimmed over the student's reactions, whether they were pleased or annoyed mattered little to her. What did matter was that they got this right.

"Let's begin." Janette began. "You will notice three randomized objects your desk. They have different qualities about them that I want you to take note of. Examine them and jot down all the details you can think of. For example, write if it is smooth or rough, soft or not, light or heavy, and so one. Pay particular note of the colors.

"When you are finished taking your notes, point your wand at the object and imagine it changing into something similar. I don't want you to change it into anything alive, simplicity is best at the present moment. However, the changed object must have some similar qualities of the original object. For example, I am going to change this button," she held up a red button, slightly transparent and with swirls of white, "into a pebble. Like so."

Holding her palm out for all to see, she made the elaborate wand movements, slightly exaggerated for the benefits of the first years, and tapped the button and said, "Mutatio."

Janette held it between her fingers so that the students could see the difference of the button. It was now a pebble, slightly red in color. It was the same color as the button as well.

"You pronounce it Moo-tay-shio. Before you cast the spell, it is crucial that you keep in mind the item you have, and the item you want it to be. If you do not, something will go wrong, and it will likely seem disfigured. When you are finished, turn them in as well as your notes. Do not worry about transfiguring them back- your magic won't sustain the transfiguration for long."

Janette smiled comfortingly. "I realize it may seem like a huge task, but relax. Everything will be fine. Don't be afraid to ask me anything if you need it. Be creative, and good luck!"

OOC: Usual rules apply, ten sentences minimum. Don't worry about the notes, I'm not expecting an essay. Use details, your imagination, and have lots of fun!
0 Janette Wolfe Beginners Transfiguration (Ist and 2nd years) 0 Janette Wolfe 1 5

Sophia Randolph

April 18, 2010 5:19 PM
Transfiguration classes seemed to be very difficult but Sophia was willing to make the effort to fully understand it and master it. She knew it would probably be difficult but it was worth the effort.

She dutifully made her way to where the class was being held fully prepared to what she was sure would be a difficult class. Her hair was tied up in a neat ponytail and it bounced with every step she took. She smiled remembering the letter she had gotten from home, her parents were curious to know how well she had been adapting to her new life…they were just worriers. In fact, they had nothing to worry about…she was doing excellent!

Sophia started humming and was still doing it when she entered the classroom. Her face was constantly adorned with a smile these days. She sat down at the front row and waited for the class to begin. She looked at the Professor and became wide-eyed at her appearance…it was the first time Sophia saw tattoos on a Professor but her eyes were friendly and that helped her ease her nervousness.

She introduced herself as Prof. Janet Wolfe, and Sophia decided she actually liked the goofy looking woman. She paid attention to everything she was saying and nodded to every part she thought was important. She grinned when Prof. Janet gave them their first task, it sounded super fun! Sophia looked over at some items that were scattered on her desk…a pencil, a button and piece of paper.

She decided to transfigure the pencil. She took the necessary notes (the pencil was long, yellow, pointy and slim). She was concentrating on the task at hand. She pointed her wand at the pencil and said the spell…the pencil slightly changed its color.

She sighed and tried again.

This time the pencil became longer and leaner! This was fun! She smiled at her mild success and took a deep breath before attempting it again. This time nothing happened and Sophia frowned.

Concentrate harder! she began telling herself. Her blue eyes were looking at the pencil…

Success! The pencil was transfigured in a white feather. She began clapping enthusiastically at the completed task. She grabbed her feather and notes and skipped to the Professor’s desk to hand in her class work.

Transfiguration was hard but extremely rewarding!
0 Sophia Randolph I am a beginner... 167 Sophia Randolph 0 5

Tobar Brishen

April 18, 2010 9:44 PM
Tobar dislike Transfiguration and he was nervous about having a new Professor. Carter had been tough and he was sure Wolfe would be to. He saw Nadi and groaned trying to stay far away from that girl was harder then he thought it would be. They had all the same classes, ate at the same time, and even walked the same way every day. Thankfully, they were in separate houses or Tobar would have had to stay in his dorm when he wanted to study or even relax. The new professor seemed very laid back and put Tobar at ease a bit.

He looked over his three items and sighed, one a feather, a metal toy car, a toothpick. What the heck was he going to do with this? He ran a hand through his shoulder length black hair and sighed. This was a waste of time he was never going to turn any of these objects into something useful. He began to copy the notes and sighed. Notes did nothing for him and didn’t understand why they had to copy them to turn them in. Finally he was done and set them to the side as he pulled out his want and looked at the feather.

He saw that the first year girl next to him was done so he tapped her shoulder. “Since you seem so creative over there Miss. Perfect would you help me figure out what to do with a feather?” He asked with a smile hoping she could tell that he was only joking with her.
0 Tobar Brishen I'm no expert either. 152 Tobar Brishen 0 5


April 21, 2010 8:10 PM
Since Sophia was finished with her assingment she had nothing else to do. She eyed the remaing items on her desk and debated between attempting to transfigure them too. The truth was that she was tired, her first attempts had drained her out of energy…she was a little eleven year-old girl but she was sure that with time her body would get accustomed to it all.

She grabbed her parchment and began doodling on it with her quill. She had already drawn a sun, a broom, and a bunny when a black-haired boy tapped her on the shoulder and asked for her help. She was taken a back at first by his statement but she quickly caught on the joke of it all.

She smiled at him, “I’ll be glad to!” she furrowed her brow trying to come up with something to transfigure a feather into, “how about a drum stick? Or a pencil? I transfigured a pencil into a feather!” she suddenly stopped talking and looked down at the floor. She was proud of her accomplishment but she didn’t want to be seen as a stuck up know-it-all, because she really wasn’t one.

Remembering she hadn’t introduced herself she offered him her hand, “You know, Miss Perfect has a name,” she gave him a friendly at him, “I am Sophia.”
0 Sophia Then we shall learn together 0 Sophia 0 5