Professor Jacob Carter

January 29, 2010 11:22 PM

Jacob Carter had set up the classroom a bit differently for his advanced class, with a wave of his wand the desks transfigured into sturdy but comfortable chairs, and a small end table for books and for note taking. He liked the small intimate advanced class, he was able to interact more with the students then he was with his other classes.

He nodded and then with no more then a nod Jacob turned into a Blue Jay. Ah he loved flying and sometimes missed the feel of the wind under his wings. With a flap of his wings he flew up to the rafters and watched as the few students came into the room. Once they were all settled he flew down. He landed on each student who seemed surprised by a Blue Jay flying in the room. Finally he flew towards his desk and without another thought he was just boring old Jacob Carter.

He turned around and smiled. “Welcome class.” He said with a smile. “Our next half of term will be dedicated to learning the rules and regulations and eventually trying to become an Animagus. Now it’s not an easy process and most of you won’t be able to do it. But I don’t want to discourage you in the least working hard will be the only way to know if you will be able to do it.”

He pointed his wand at the black board and the word Animagus . Jacob looked at his class and smiled. “Please take careful notes.” He said before being the lecture. “We do not choose what our animal form will be; it’s more like who you are inside. Animagi are required to register with the Ministry, so if any of you do manage to become an Animagus I will insist you register.”

With that he nodded and smiled. “Alright ladies and gents lets get this started. Everyone get comfortable and close your eyes. In your minds eye search for the animal that calls to you. Think of that animal and imagine your hands becoming the arms or wings, your legs becoming legs of the animal.” Jacob said as he thought of the Blue Jay. Ah he loved it. “Now imagine that you are that animal, think it, know it feel it.”

Jacob stood up and began to walk around the class. “Just relax. Now keep working on this image in your mind. If you have any questions please ask.” He said as he sat down and watched the students work. Even if it was just imagining something the process was exhausting, the magic used to transform into another being and retaining your mind was enormous amounts. So the advanced class was the last on Fridays so they had a whole week to recover. Jacob felt awash in all the raw power coming from the students and he smiled.

OOC: This is the first class, but since it’s assumed that the transformation process will go be the whole term, you may use fuzzy time to work over the period. For example, you might write how excited your character is to start, how their animals came to mind, how frustrating the class during the process, and then at the end if they were able to transform. Remember this is suppose to be hard so not everyone should be able to do it!
0 Professor Jacob Carter Animagus (6-7th years) 0 Professor Jacob Carter 1 5

Helena Layne

February 07, 2010 12:29 AM
Helena spent a lot of time thinking about ways it could possibly get worse, but somehow, a bird landing on her head had never really factored into her calculations. It was just too outlandish to consider. She was a mostly indoor creature, and birds were usually outdoor creatures – and she’d never heard of a pet bluebird. A bird like that who got into a classroom should have been flapping around crazily and pecking people’s eyes out, not calmly flitting from student to student. Birds weren’t her specialty, so she couldn’t be sure, but she thought they disliked ceilings and were paranoid around people, which made this one either enchanted or really, really stupid.

She held still, not wanting to lose the use of her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief when it abandoned her. Helena actually liked birds – her mother kept a bird feeder out in the yard at home, and she had been able to watch it for hours before entering the living room had become as smart as walking into no man’s land – but she liked them better at a distance. When it turned into Professor Carter, she couldn’t help an exclamation of surprise.

Was he suicidal or what? There were plenty of people in this school who, if a bird felt inclined to land on them, would take their wands out and hex the poor thing senseless, if not worse.

At least she now thought she knew what the topic for the day was. Helena went ahead and turned to the section on Animagus transformations in the textbook. She always liked to be a little ahead of where she was required to be when it was at all possible, which was why it came as a disappointment when they weren’t told to read anything. It was one of those visualization tasks she was no more than competent at when she wasn't already tired from a full day and stressing about her epic pile of Potions homework.

Ignoring a persistent little voice in her head that told her anything that didn’t involve hard-and-fast numbers and principles was pointless, Helena changed her position in her chair slightly, closed her eyes, and began rubbing her shoulders, wincing as she did. She could hardly ever get those muscles to relax.

Maybe she was one of those wound-up, hyperaware animals, like a rabbit. But she didn’t have much strength in the ways of trying to bite anyone who approached her; she was too darn nice, or maybe just weak, to be a rabbit. There were some types of monkey that, she thought, were capable of some rudimentary planning and of using tools…Wrens were plain and kind of hopped around pointlessly, never actually accomplishing anything…

She tried to imagine herself as a monkey or a wren, or at least transforming into the same, and came up with an image of a much-prettier version of herself with outsized brown wings and a thin tail. The image was wearing a narrow pink dress, a ridiculously huge diamond-and-pearl necklace she could never hope to afford, and, for some reason, far too much eyeshadow and lipstick. It looked like some kind of demented angel. Or perhaps, if she upped the pretty factor a little more and added cat ears and more prominence to the tail, a demented goddess.

Yeah. This was pointless.

She raised her hand. “Professor?” she said. “Can I go the library? I don’t know enough about zoology to do this.”
16 Helena Layne In which I hate having an unoriginal mind. 88 Helena Layne 0 5

Oliver Abbott

February 12, 2010 9:02 AM
Transfiguration wasn't something Oliver found particularly easy, but he didn't think someone should study a subject only if they could do it without too much difficulty. Potions was his first love, of course, but Oliver couldn't overlook the usefullness of transfigurations. Plus, this year they would be starting to learn about being an Animagus, and how awesome was that?

Once the Blue Jay that had confused a number of students had turned back into Professor Carter, the lesson began. Oliver already knew a little bit about Animgagi, how it was pretty difficult, and how there had been so few registered in the past century that the Council were keen to encourage school students to try so they could rekindle the interest in this branch of magic. Oliver wasn't sure of the reasoning behind this; he couldn't see a real beneift of a nation that could turn into animals at will. He couldn't deny it was incredibly cool.

It was somewhat disappointing to discover the first part of learning was to just sit and think about it. Thankful the chairs in the advanced class were comfortbale, Oliver closed his eyes and tried to do what the Professor said. He waited for an animal to call to him, but none did. He was distracted a little by thinking of all the possible creatures he could be - like a dog, or a lion, or a goldfish... maybe a lion? Oliver didn't feel any affinity with any of these creatures, though - he was starting to feel like he should have wings. A bird - that sort of felt right. Or maybe that's just because the professor had been a bird and Oliver was letting that cloud his judgement?

Eyes still closed, he stretched an arm out to the side, and flexed his fingers. Definitely a bird, and he was going to have huge wings. An eagle, maybe? That would be amazing on so many levels. He could soar over mountains, dive at grizzly bears, fly for miles without - wait. Webbed feet? Where had they come from? Oliver lowered his arm in disappointment. There was no arguing - he felt sure he was going to have webbed feet. Huh. Being a duck sucked in comparison to being an eagle. It was downright comical, in fact. Oliver couldn't help feel disheartened. Ducks weren't even that big. And they had stupid beaks. Maybe he didn't want to be an Animagus if all it enabled him to do was sprout feathers and bob for bits of bread.
0 Oliver Abbott Um... wow? 99 Oliver Abbott 0 5

Talitha Cumni

February 15, 2010 6:47 AM
Talitha smiled at the blue jay that landed on her shoulder. It was fun to see a Northern bird in the dessert Southwest. Because it was definitely a bird out of its element, Talitha knew that it was either the professor demonstrating his Animagus ability or his familiar keeping track of the students until its Human arrived.

Her smile widened when the blue jay turned into Professor Carter. Quickly, at his admonishment, she withdrew her notebook and began to take meticulous notes. Talitha chose to use muggle spiral notebooks as her classes became more intense. They were far more practical than parchment roles and less bulky in her karisak.

The initial exercise reminded Talitha of her own cultural rituals. As Professor Carter led them through the relaxation and mental visioning steps, she was reminded of the sweat lodge and spirit journey rites. All she needed was a fire of cedar and sage to make it feel as though she was in her home community in the Pacific Northwest.

How strange, the way practical and spiritual magic wove together and mirrored each other, yet neither discipline was willing to acknowledge the other. More convinced than ever that her combined Nation and the philosophy of the People she loved held the key to True Balance, she snuggled down into her comfy chair and closed her eyes and let herself go.

Concentrating on feeling herself become an animal, Talitha first noticed the temperature in becoming uncomfortably warm and dry. No surprise there. Talitha constantly had to adjust from the dry hot desert and the cooler clime of the Puget Sound. Her body lengthened her muscles elongated. Her heart beat, warming blood. She longed for water, icy cold salt water. Her breathing changed. She no longer had nostrils. There seemed to be a more direct path to her lunges that didn’t involve her nose or mouth.

Talitha knew she could glide and dive deeply. She was free and beautiful. She was definitely a carnivore. She craved warm flesh between her gleaming white teeth. She experience a deep love for her family, deeper than she felt naturally which was saying something. She longed to hear their songs. Opening her eyes, she witness the Artic Ocean and its teeming life in spite of the cold waters. She twisted her spirit body and admired her smooth, scaless black and white skin.

She suddenly understood so much. Her brain was not diminished. In fact, her intelligence seemed to grow. Talitha had so much more understanding about how the Creator designed the world and each creatures role in its balance. She thought of what her Grandmother and the Spiritual Counsel had taught her about Orca Medicine.

Orca medicine people are very creative although they can have a tendency to keep their creativity hidden or allow their creativity to rule their lives. Those with this totem should pay attention to the way in which the orca appears to them. If it is seen breaching out of the water it is asking you to surface from the depths of your inner reflection and express yourself outwardly in a grounded and creative way.

That so described how Talitha felt. She had constantly fought with her creative side and practical side. Perhaps this was a sign to release her need to appear “normal” and her drive to reach beyond and celebrate her life.

Still, the discomfort in the temperature and lack of water was present. Truthfully, it became more than present, it felt as if her life was in danger. Dry, so dry, so arid. Talitha’s eyes flew open in a wave of self preservation.

“Professor?” She cried out. “Professor? I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s safe for me to pursue my animagus here.”
0 Talitha Cumni Drowning (tag Professor Carter) 102 Talitha Cumni 0 5

Professor Carter

February 15, 2010 12:02 PM
Jacob had settled down in his chair as he watched the students for signs of distress. It was eerier how quiet it was in here. He wished that he could put a radio in here but he knew that would be distracting for the students. He began to grade his younger year classes as the students worked. “Professor Professor? I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s safe for me to pursue my animagus here.” Talitha cried causing Jacob to jump a bit. He dripped ink over the easy but that could be easily removed once he took care of Talitha.

He walked over to her and smiled knowing how difficult it could be for some to continue with this sort of magic. It was not wand magic it was something deep inside their souls that was scary to explore. He knelt down by her chair and said. “Are you okay Talitha?” He asked genuinely concerned about his student. “Why do you think it’s not safe for you to pursue your Animagus here?” He looked her over making sure she seemed to be okay.
0 Professor Carter Coming to the rescue. 0 Professor Carter 0 5


February 15, 2010 10:51 PM
Talitha blinked her eyes wide, and looked at the Professor, then at the other students, some who were staring at her because of her outburst. She had no idea she’d been so loud. She glanced around apologetically, her cheeks coloring. It was hard to feel completely human again. She felt very unbalanced.

Talitha'd been through guided imaging several times but never in conjunction with physical magic before. The whole experience was rather unsettling. Cool, but unsettling.

“I… I’m sorry, Professor,” Talitha drew a cleansing breath so she could speak a bit more coherently. “I believe I felt myself becoming an orca. All of a sudden, I felt as though I would have been in danger if I couldn’t get to salt water. I’m okay now.

“I guess that type of Animagus isn’t very practical.” Talitha grinned self-consciously, her dimples deepening. “I mean it would be awesome to experience and great if I ever had the need to do some deep sea diving, but here? In the desert? Not very useful.”
0 Talitha Thanks for the hand up 0 Talitha 0 5

Professor Carter

February 16, 2010 6:45 PM
After the girl apologized Jacob smiled but then gasped as she said. ”I believe I felt myself becoming an orca.” that would be a gather large change for the tiny girl but it wasn’t as if it couldn’t happen. He was a rather tall man and able to transform into a small blue jay. He smiled at the girl and patted her shoulder.

“It’s quite alright Talitha. The first time I felt my inner Bluejay I fell from my seat and broke a whole table.” He laughed fondly remembering that embarrassing day. “As for the usefulness of you Animagus that is neither here nor there. My one friend was a snake, not very useful but he enjoyed being one and if you have the rare ability to transform into one you should take every advantage to try it out.” He said with a smile and a nod.

He stood and motioned her to follow him to the back of the room. Once they were there, he smiled at her. “The great thing about magic is we can bring the ocean to us.” He said and with a wave of his wand, a rather large tank appeared in the room. “Now it’s up to you, do you want to continue trying?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
0 Professor Carter Not a problem. 0 Professor Carter 0 5

Professor Carter

February 16, 2010 6:53 PM
Jacob was once again watching his class when he saw Helena Layne’s hand shoot up. “Professor? Can I go the library? I don’t know enough about zoology to do this.” He sighed and made his way over to the girl. She had barely given it a chance, and this project was suppose to extend the entire semester, though if enough gave up on it he would have to change those plans. Finally, he stood and made his way over to Helena.

Squatting down next to her, he forced a smile. “Helena this isn’t about knowing zoology. When I was finding my Animagus side, I had never even seen a Bluejay up close before. It’s about knowing what’s in your soul. What calls to you. Now if you would like you may go to the library to research animals you may, but at least give it a chance. Or I’ll have to find another lesson for us to work on together while the other students work on their Animagus.” He smiled at her, he didn’t like to be mean but he did want her to give this a chance.
0 Professor Carter Ah. 0 Professor Carter 0 5


February 19, 2010 7:14 AM
Talitha stared at the huge aquarium that Professor Carter conjured in the back of the classroom. It touched her that he cared enough about her education to go to such great lengths. For a moment she was very tempted to just joyfully dive in and try. Inevitably, self doubt raised its ugly head. First of all, she wasn’t dressed for a dip in a pool and there was no way to avoid at least a temporary soaking while still in human form. While she was practiced at the spell to dry off quickly, her tee shirt could give her male classmates who chose to watch her attempt a very interesting view.

Worse yet, there was that ever present possibility of failure. In the chairs, with the rest of the students attempting the same thing, it wouldn’t be so bad. The mammoth aquarium sort of put her center stage. Not good. What if she only transformed partway and ended up looking like some deformed mermaid?

“I don’t know…” Talitha answered hesitantly. “I mean, what does one do? Besides, you know, just imagining? And what if I can’t change back if I do make it?”
0 Talitha Oh, Wow, Ah, Yeah.... 0 Talitha 0 5