Professor Wood

December 04, 2004 12:48 AM

Time Table by Professor Wood



0 Professor Wood Time Table 9 Professor Wood 1 5

Tori Evans

December 05, 2004 2:08 AM

Late Note by Tori Evans

Tori Evans pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom. She surprised to find that she was the first student there. Tori was not known for her punctuality. She remembered the message Professor Wood left for the students about getting detention if you were late so she marched right up to the professor and handed her note to her new teacher. Tori being the gutsy girl she was said "Hi I'm Tori. I'm sorry i'm late but the note will explain why I came to school a day after term started. I was on vacation visiting family." Tori gave Professor Wood a big cheeky grin and sat down in the front row right in the center. She started to draw little doodles on her parchment while she waited for the rest of the class.\n\n
0 Tori Evans Late Note 0 Tori Evans 0 5

Flora Blackwood

December 05, 2004 4:54 PM

Another Tardy by Flora Blackwood

Flora rushed into the Transfiguration classroom before pausing to catch a breath and to push her hair out of her eyes. She was awfully bad at coming to things on time, always having been a bit of a procrastinator. She gasped inwardly, however, to find that she was only the second student to arrive.

"Sorry I'm, er... late," she said unsurely, glancing around the room. Certainly she wouldn't have been given detention if she was the second student, right? "I, uh... Well, you see... There was... In the library..."

Excuses never worked. Sighing, Flora threw her hands down and collapsed into a seat. "Okay, I'm late because I was... I was busy, okay?" She felt a smile creep onto her cheeks as she threw her hair into a messy and loose bun. "Where is everyone?"\n\n
0 Flora Blackwood Another Tardy 0 Flora Blackwood 0 5


December 05, 2004 5:33 PM

Where is our class by Tori

Tori was pulled out of her daydream by the sound of a door opening. Another girl came into the class. The professor didn't say anything so Tori figured it was ok to go and talk to the girl. "Hi I'm Tori. What's your name and do you know where our class is?" Tori said smiling. She glad another student came into the room. It was odd being the only kid there and this girl seemed nice.\n\n
0 Tori Where is our class 0 Tori 0 5

Jen Knoll

December 05, 2004 5:38 PM

RE: Late Note by Jen Knoll

Jen pushed open the doors to the Transfiguration classroom, only to find out that she was fifteen minutes late! She quickly took a seat and tryed to listen to what the professor was blabbling about. Jen then noticed Tori Evans, the girl who had woken her up in the common room. Out of boredom Jen skrunched up a piece of looseleaf from her notebook and flung it at Tori's head, which ended up missing her head, but still got her attention. Jen then slid over to sit next to Tori and began to, softley, talk to her about her about her life back in California, hoping the professor wouldn't notice her not paying attention. \n\n
0 Jen Knoll RE: Late Note 0 Jen Knoll 0 5


December 05, 2004 5:52 PM

Jeez Tori! by Mia

Mia sprinted into the room. She looked around and saw Tori talking to another girl she remembered as Flora.

"TORI EVANS!" Mia hissed as she closed in on her friend, still panting. "You are beyond deaf! I was calling your name but you wouldn't slow down and then you made a turn and by the time I made the same turn you were gone!" Mia exclaimed. She put her stuff down next to Tori's and rest her head on Tori's shoulder.

"Now, I'm late for class and I blame you." Mia said. She didn't really blame her and her panting might have covered that joking note in her voice. She hoped not.

Mia remembered Flora standing there.

"Hey, Flora right? We met at the feast. I see you made it here too." Mia said as her panting lessened. She gave the two girls her signature smile and put her head back on Tori's shoulder.\n\n
0 Mia Jeez Tori! 0 Mia 0 5


December 05, 2004 6:00 PM

Sorry by Tori

"Sorry Mia I totally didn't hear you. I was trying to find the classroom." Tori said as she patted Mia's head that was lying on her shoulder. Tori wondered just exactly what transfiguration was done. She skimmed over her textbook before starting Sonora but was still curios to see how it was done.\n\n
0 Tori Sorry 0 Tori 0 5


December 05, 2004 6:18 PM

Re: Jeez Tori! by Flora

Flora grinned as Tori walked over to her, glad to have been noticed. "Yeah, I'm Flora," she said with a smile, noting the door opening quite suddenly behind her.

It was then that a girl she recalled as Mia ran in, her hair flying behind her. She laughed as the girl yelled at Tori, a bit saddened that she hadn't found any REAL friends of her own. Normally, she had no problem meeting people, but she'd been acting too shy recently.

It was then that she decided that it would all end now. She would go back to her outgoing, spontaneous self. Here it went, smooth as a feather in the air. "And you're... Mia, right?" Flora asked, turning her head to see if anyone might have been coming. Where WAS everyone?! "Did we come to the wrong place or somethin'? It sure seems like it..." She sighed tiredly, her grey-blue eyes staring into the thin air. "I knew I should've gotten more sleep last night."\n\n
0 Flora Re: Jeez Tori! 0 Flora 0 5


December 05, 2004 6:45 PM

Re: Jeez Tori! by Mia

Mia turned her head when she heard Flora talking to her. Mia lifted her head and turned to talk to Flora.

"Mia's my name, don't wear it out!" Mia smiled "I'm pretty sure we're in the right place but I don't have any idea where everyone could be." Mia shrugged and took a seat near by.

"Well, as long as we're here, grab a seat, chill out, stay awhile!" Mia said as if she owned the room. Mia started laughing and suddenly out her head down on the desk under her arms. She knew the other girls would think this weird. She raised her arm and gave them a thumbs up, telling them that she was fine but really really tired. \n\n
0 Mia Re: Jeez Tori! 0 Mia 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:05 PM

RE: Late Note by Leann

She was late!! She was never late. Leann always arrived on time. Of course, she knew where everything was, but still, she was never late. She quickly slipped into a seat and hoped the Professor wouldn't notice that she was late.\n\n
0 Leann RE: Late Note 0 Leann 0 5

Tally and Chrissy

December 05, 2004 7:14 PM

Transfiguration by Tally and Chrissy

Tally and Chrissy ran full out into the Transfiguration classroom, already knowing they were late.

"Nice going Tally!" Chrissy cried out, not noticing the other girls in the room.

"It wasn't my fault! You know I have bad sense of direction, why'd you trust me in the first place?" Tally demanded right back. Her nostrils flared and her eyes narrowed. Chrissy stopped and glared back at her, for a moment they didn't move from their positions. Then quite suddenly they were laughing.

"You really do have a bad sense of direction, you know that?"

"Yes, I got lost going from the feast, to the library, to finding out PR, then to the common room, and back to breakfast the next morning. And this school isn't even that big!" Tally exclaimed, amused at herself. Chrissy laughed again, her short curly blonde hair billowing out around her head while her brown eyes danced in amusement. Chrissy reached over and tugged on Tally's long brown hair. "Ouch, what was that for?" Her green eyes flashing.

"For being you." Tally rolled her eyes and then noticed the other occupants in the room. She threw and apologetic look at the professor before walking over to the girls, nodding her head to those she didn't know.

"Hi Mia, hi Flora." Chrissy behind waved to them. Turning to the other girls, "I'm Tally Adams, from Teppenpaw, and this is Chrissy Mathers from Aladren."
6 Tally and Chrissy Transfiguration 0 Tally and Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:19 PM

Wake up guys by Tori

Tori looked at Flora's tired eyes and Mia practicaly sleeping on the desk. She needed to do something to liven things up."Well I'm not one to sit and waste time." Tori said. This was untrue because Tori wasted more time than anyone but no one neded to know that. Tori strutted up to the front of the room in a walk that resembled a snooty professor " Now class take out your books and open them to page one." Tori drawled. Her voice was a bad immitation of a professor. She never met professor Wood yet so she didn't know how the real person really sounded. " hurry open your books or I'll take away house points and start giving detentions." Tori vouldn't keep a straight face and started to giggle. She looked in her textbook to find the first spell. "Well we might as well get a jump start on it." Tori said in her normal voice. "Um does anyone know how to do the first spell?" Tori opened up the book and couldn't pronounce the spell. She needed help.\n\n
0 Tori Wake up guys 0 Tori 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:24 PM

Hey by Tori

"Hi I'm Tori." Tori said to Chrissy and Tally. "Hey I think I've heard of you." tori said pointing to Tally. Mia filled me in on the little prank war thats going on. Your kinda stuck in the middle huh? Hey do you know when class is supposed to start? I was immitating the professor before and She didn't seem to notice.\n\n
0 Tori Hey 0 Tori 0 5

Tally and Chrissy

December 05, 2004 7:30 PM

Hello by Tally and Chrissy

Tally giggled and looked around the room. She looked back at Tori and shrugged,

"Not really enough students to start, is there? I have no idea when it starts, we thought we were late." She gestured to Chrissy. "Anyway, I'm so sure I'm stuck in the middle, I never even found PR, I got lost."

"You're always getting lost." Chrissy cut in. Tally stuck her tongue out at her before continuing.

"Er-anyway, I was friendly with her, but she left so quickly, who knows where I stand with her now." She shrugged.

"You immitating the Professor without losing house points?" Chrissy piped up, "Now that is wicked cool." She laughed and sat down beside the other girls.\n\n
6 Tally and Chrissy Hello 0 Tally and Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:40 PM

I hope by Tori

"Uh ho. I didn't even think about house points but nothing happened. professor didn't even look up." Tori walked up to Professor Wood and waved her hand in front of the womans eyes. " Hey look do you think she's sleeping with her eyes open?" Tori reached to wake her up but reconsidred at the last second an withdrew her hand. "Um do you think we should wake her?" Tori asked the other girls. her green eyes flashing with worry. "I dont really wanna make a professor mad in the first class." 'I'll wait till the second' Tori thought sneakily.\n\n
0 Tori I hope 0 Tori 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:45 PM

hm... by Tally

Tally looked at the professor with raised eyebrows. She had never known a professor to be so out of it before. The idea of waking her was intriguing, but the idea of getting in trouble made her hesitant.

"Well, we can wake her and get into trouble, or we can wake her and her be happy that we did it, or we can wake her, have her be angry, then realize so few of us are here and have her become even more upset, or we can wake her, have her be happy then realize we are the only people here and have her become angry. Do you think we should risk it?" Tally asked with a small smile.\n\n
6 Tally hm... 0 Tally 0 5


December 05, 2004 7:49 PM

Re: I hope by Sally

Sally rushed into the room, gasping. She saw Tally, Flora, Mia, Chrissy, and another girl she didn't know.

She went over to sit by then, and grinned sheepishly. "I got into another fight. I swear, if there's an award for 'Most likely to be murdered by a classmate before the end of 1st year,' I'm getting it."\n\n
0 Sally Re: I hope 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:07 PM

fighting by Chrissy

Chrissy laughed when Sally rushed in to anounce her fight. Chrissy hadn't been present for any of the prank war, but she always enjoyed hearing about them.

"Who was it this time? Or was it that Kade and PR persons?"\n\n
6 Chrissy fighting 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:19 PM

Sleeping... Sounds good... by Flora

Flora giggled as Tori waved her hands in front of the teacher's eyes, grinning over to Chrissy and Tally as she heard them say her name. "Is she really asleep?" She asked rather cautiously, a laugh in her voice. "Wow, I'd kill to sleep in a few hours tomorrow... Or now!" She said with a laugh, brushing a few stray hairs out of her eyes.

"She's probably got some weird insanity disorder..." She said with a grin, making goofy faces at the woman's absent eyes. "What a nut-job. D'you think we should tell someone? Or... wake her? But then, she might like... attack us or something... It's like the sleepwalking thing! How you can't wake them! Oh, I dunno, guys..."

0 Flora Sleeping... Sounds good... 0 Flora 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:19 PM

No, not them by Sally

Sally's face darkened. "No, it wasn't them. IT was one of those pureblood extremists. We got into a big of a discussion, then he called me a mudblood.

"Liz was there, and so she went and backhanded him. I simply informed him that he wasn't really all that superior.

"Believe me, I would have prefered it to be the other two. This was some guy named TJ something or other."\n\n
0 Sally No, not them 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:28 PM

Oh by Chrissy

Chrissy blushed at the mention of purebloods, as she was one herself, and Sally hate of them.

"T.J. O'Reiley of the O'Reiley family. Every pure-blood knows him and his family is the worst." Chrissy commented. "Best you stay away from him." Chrissy smiled a little at her, "Don't listen to him about the whole pureblood nonsense, most purebloods, like myself, don't give a crap about a person's blood. And just think, you're a muggle-born and have no prior knowledge of what an m-word even was, just stick to that and it shouldn't bother you so." Chrissy then grinned broadly, "Besides, we all know who's the better one out of the two of you." \n\n
6 Chrissy Oh 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:40 PM

Re: Oh by Sally

Sally looked startled. "I know what it means, alright. And I did yell at him, in a way. I told him that it didn't matter, magic was all DNA, or something like that. And that he was only doing all of that to hide his own insecurities. Don't worry," she told Chrissy, "I hate people who use steriotypes. I'm not going to judge you, or anyone else that's pureblood, on what he said. I met you first, after all, and you were nicer than alot of other people I've known in my live.

"I used to go to this preppy private school. That's one of the things alot of them cared about. I can blow it off just fine. I'm expecially good at that."\n\n
0 Sally Re: Oh 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:48 PM

Good to hear by Chrissy

Chrissy smiled at Sally,

"Well, at least you can do just that. You know, shrug things off. I can hold a grudge like you wouldn't believe. Anyway, I've met T.J. at lots of parties, whether he remembers me or not is another story. He's a pompus as-er-jerk and always will be."\n\n
6 Chrissy Good to hear 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 8:48 PM

Re: Oh by Flora

Flora felt herself feel just a bit more at home when she heard about the incident between Sally and TJ. "That O'Riley is always trying to start something up with someone," she commented bitterly, obviously showing her dislike for the boy. She herself was a Muggleborn, and she sometimes wished otherwise.

"And I'll bet he's got 'insecurities,' Sally," she said with a laugh, brushing her hair out of her eyes as she glanced over at her newfound friends. "Isn't O'Riley like an old Irish family? What's he doing in Arizona?"

Certainly an interesting question, but Flora didn't spend much time on it, as 'Blackwood' wasn't exactly American either. In fact, she'd been born outside of the United States, in good ol' London. \n\n
0 Flora Re: Oh 0 Flora 0 5


December 05, 2004 9:00 PM

Well.. by Sally

Sally twirled a strand of blond hair around her finger, nad then confessed, "I can blow it off, but I hold a grudge forever. I still haven't forgiven my mo-" but here she cut off. THey didn't need to know, at least not yet. SHe continued about the boy.

"Anyway, I think he thought there was something weird about me. I don't know what gave him that impression, but he was talking to Liz after she slapped him, and jsut kept staring at me with this weird look on his face. THe kind of look one has when they're going to blackmail someone, or try.

"So, Chrissy, do pureblood families have alot of those get-togethers, or is it just some? Cause all purebloods seem to know each other, no matter where they come from."\n\n
0 Sally Well.. 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:10 PM

All the time by Chrissy

Chrissy watched Sally speak about grudges and wondered why she had stopped in mid-sentence. She vaguely remembered her doing it before at the welcoming feast but hadn't put much thought into it.

Chrissy smiled a bitter smile at the mention of pureblood parties.

"They have them constantly and most pureblood families go. If nothing else but for show." She sighed, "We all basically know each other, or at least, of each other. There aren't many pureblooded families left, so it isn't hard to do." She shrugged. Chrissy never liked where her parents had come from and her parents didn't seem to either. And yet they still went to the parties...\n\n
6 Chrissy All the time 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:22 PM

Re: All the time by Sally

Sally undestood her friend's reaction. "It must be like where I come from. Everyone wants to prove that they're just as sophisticated, and all that jazz. Plus, everyone believes they're better than everyone else. And if there's even a hint of scandal, they pounce on it like a pack of starving lions."

THen her face lit up in a grin. "Oh, I would pay big money to see the reactions on some pureblood extremists' faces when they were told they were behaivng just like preppy muggles. It would be beautiful."\n\n
0 Sally Re: All the time 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:31 PM

Totally by Chrissy

Chrissy laughed as she imagined all of those families she had grown up knowing and grown up hating and the looks on their faces with a mention that they were behaving like muggle school girls.

She laughed so hard that she had tears in her eyes. She wiped them away and looked over at Sally,

"You know Sally, you're alright." She smiled, "I was a bit worried you didn't like me, but you're pure as gold to me."\n\n
6 Chrissy Totally 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:36 PM

Nahhh by Sally

Sally laughed too.

"No, whatever gave you that idea? The only people I ever don't like are the ones who hurt my friends, or who are just plain mean. However..." here she went into the proper pondering pose. "Should I be worried that I seem to be liked because I'm the comic relief?"

SHe put a very forlorn look on her face, then couldn't hold it any longer, and burst out into laughter again. THis would be a fun year, indeed.
0 Sally Nahhh 0 Sally 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:43 PM

Well... by Chrissy

Chrissy laughed too. So far this year seemed to be going rather smoothly, well, for her anyway.

"Well, if the shoe fit me, I'd wear it." She said, referring to the comic relief bit. "Anyway, what are we suppose to do now?"\n\n
6 Chrissy Well... 47 Chrissy 0 5


December 05, 2004 10:49 PM

Re: Well... by Sally

Sally shrugged. "Eat, sleep, plot world domination? I'm kinda leading toward the latter, but I guess it's whatever floats your boat til the prof wakes up."\n\n
0 Sally Re: Well... 0 Sally 0 5


December 06, 2004 12:23 AM

Let's get this party started! by Flora

Flora watched as Chrissy and Sally interacted, and she could only smile. It looked like they'd end up being golden friends by the end of the year - or by the end of the week, for that matter! "So..." She started once again, twirling a dishwash-blonde hair in her finger as she glanced out the window. Her hair was, as always, in a loose and rather messy ponytail that trailed just a little ways down her back. She'd never been one for keeping her hair down, all prim and proper and such. Ugh. "What should we do? Practice our spells?"\n\n
0 Flora Let's get this party started! 0 Flora 0 5