Professor Yu

June 29, 2014 1:08 PM

Peace begins with following directions (Years 3-5) by Professor Yu

So far, Diana had settled into her role of the new Potions Professor at Sonora. The term had gone by surprisingly well with no real horrible incidents, just a typical mishap here and there as was expected by students who were still learning. However, as the end to the term drew ever nearer, she was getting antsy. SIt would soon be time to go home and she was excited to see her brother again. Nevertheless she expected the students were probably more antsy to see their families than she was and she tried to keep it together for them. However, she was sure that they could tell from the way her hair wasn't wound quite as tightly in it's bun as it had been in previous lessons and the way her blouse was only loosely tucked into her pencil skirt that today her mind was a little distracted.

"Good afternoon class," Diana said, smiling a little bit wider than she had, perhaps, in the past. "I hope today's lessons have gone well so far? Your essays on the Antidote to Uncommon Poisons are due today so if you could pass them forward to me please, thank you." She was sure that her classes probably hated her for giving them essays that were due each Friday but their writing skills had improved over the term with her corrections and she felt as though their understanding of the art of potion making had too. Either that or they were just writing what they felt she wanted to hear. While the papers were being passed forward, she brought a large box filled with vials for grading from under her desk. "Today we will be learning how to brew the Draught of Peace. If even the smallest mistake is made it could put the drinker into an irreversible sleep so there will be absolutely no testing of this potion on anything like we sometimes do."

Normally, with the Advanced students and sometimes the Intermediate students, Diana had collected small bugs for them to test their potions on. She'd always had some sort of antidote on hand and so far had only lost three grasshoppers and two earthworms. "Now, the instructions for the potion are on page 321 of your textbook. This time I want pairs only so that there is less room for miscommunication. Now, the ingredients that you will need are powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn. If you are missing one of these ingredients from your kits please raise your hand and I will fetch them for you from the potions cupboard." Usually she let the students get their own ingredients but she wanted to be sure that they were using the correct ingredients. Today she would have no one grabbing false hellebore on accident. Something which, when misused, created horrible, toxic fumes. In fact, she didn't even know why she had false hellebore in an area that students could access. Diana made a mental note to take it out of the potions stores immediately.

"For the potion, it is imperative that you follow the directions carefully so if you know there is someone that tends to make you more distracted than usual then I would encourage you to find someone else to partner with. Like always I will be walking around the classroom to make sure everything is going well so don't hesitate to drag me to your potion if it is blood red and giving off a smell like grapes. Your finished product should be turquoise in color and the vapor should be light silver. As soon as you notice your potion is at this stage, please come get me and I will bottle a sample for grading. You may begin."

-The ingredient list and brewing instructions can be found here
-Please remember posts must be kept as realistic as possible and be a minimum of 200 words. Feel free to tag Professor Yu if assistance is needed. Otherwise have fun— points are awarded for creativity and grammar.
0 Professor Yu Peace begins with following directions (Years 3-5) 0 Professor Yu 1 5

Chloe Jareau, Pecari

June 30, 2014 8:14 PM

But I'm too ADHD to do that... by Chloe Jareau, Pecari

Chloe was not having a very good day today. She had woken up feeling pretty good but after she had showered and dressed herself for the day, she hesitated on her feelings for the day. Normally, Chloe had no problem throwing on a pair of Emery’s old shorts with a random tee shirt on top, but today she just didn’t like how she looked. She was on the tall side for girls and still growing, her limbs were lanky, but she had hips and hints of curves, making her shirts fit funny. Although she was naturally thin, she felt large and unpretty. Even her hair, a trait of hers that she loved, was frustrating her that morning. She tried it down and straight, down and curly, up and messy, up and neat… Nothing was working out well for her and she was so frustrated she wanted to scream.

As a result of her indecision for what to wear and how to do her hair, Chloe nearly missed breakfast (a hungry Chloe was never something to mess with), but managed to make it before the food was cold or the bell to the first lesson of the day rang. She had ended up in a dress to hide the ‘large’ feeling and her hair was in a half up braided crown, her curls tousled after being thrown around until she finally settled on a look. She wasn’t really happy with the overall look and was glad that her robes would hide her flaws. There were some days where she just really hated being a girl.

Aside from her troubled morning, the rest of the day went on as it usually did. She struggled a bit with the theory work in some of her classes (it was hard trying to still catch up after missing half the school year of lessons), while did fair enough with the practical work and now she was sitting in the Potions classroom for her final lesson of the day. Potions was not her favorite class. She was not patient enough for the work it entailed and couldn’t wait until she no longer needed to take it.

Chloe dug through her disorganized mess until she found her homework and passed it to the front along with the others. One of the good things about having a brother in Aladren was that he always made sure her homework was done early so that she didn’t have to worry about it. Her weariness of the subject grew when she flipped to the indicated page and found that they would be doing the Draught of Peace. Chloe thought this was a very difficult potion for her to be doing as a third year. Wasn’t this the sort of potion that could kill someone if it was done incorrectly? Why would she have to do this so early on? Fifth years, sure, but her too? She was going to fail this for sure. There was no way she was going to get this to perfection in one class period. And most people knew Chloe, knew that she didn’t have the mental capacity to focus on this subject for too long and would be a distraction.

She pouted to herself while she gathered her things to begin working. She was normally a vivacious person, extremely outgoing and probably rather obnoxious to other people, but today she was quiet. She knew how crazy some people were about perfecting their potions and she didn’t want to be disruptive to them. Hopefully, she wouldn’t get in trouble for not having a partner. Or, so was her intentions until someone set up beside her. “Uh, are you sure you want to work with me on this?” She asked, perplexed by their choice in her.
6 Chloe Jareau, Pecari But I'm too ADHD to do that... 0 Chloe Jareau, Pecari 0 5