Waverly Canterbury

June 20, 2014 7:40 PM
From the beginning of her academic career, Waverly had set herself apart as a baker. She enjoyed baking for her friends in and out of the Baking Club, and her roommates, Jade particularly, had been subject to the smell and occasional taste of pastries in their room. Now that her seven years at Sonora was coming to an end, it was also time to shift responsibilities of the club to someone else, if anyone else was willing to take it on. It had been such a fun experience for her, being president of a club for however many years, and the thought of leaving it behind made her feel sad.

But a duty is a duty.

Waverly made a signup sheet of people who would be interested in being president of the club next year. At the next club the members would vote on who they wanted to be president; she had never really liked the idea of simply appointing someone she thought would be good because she could be wrong. She set out cups of milk and juice as usual for them to partake in once their baked goods were done. One of her favorite parts of this club was eating all that they had baked. Today’s recipe was especially delicious.

“Hi everyone! Thank you for coming to the Baking Club. Before we begin, I have a signup sheet to pass around. As you all know, I’m going to be graduating this year and I don’t want to see Baking Club stop. If you’re interested in taking the club on as the president, please sign your name and at the next meeting we will vote on who should be the next club president!” Waverly smiled and handed the piece of parchment to the person closest to her.

“With that going around, today we’re going to be making raspberry tarts. It’s kind of a hard pastry to make, but so rewarding once it’s finished. The ingredients are written here on the chalkboard, and so you guys can start mixing and breaking things into the bowl. They should look like these.” There were two tarts left from the batch she had baked a couple days ago in preparation for today’s club meeting. Even if they were two days old, they still look delicious. “I’ll be walking around to help, so just call me if you need me!”

Waverly poured herself a glass of orange juice, hoping that someone would want to be the president next year. "Oh," she said, turning around quickly, "just to say for the presidency, you don't have to be an expert baker or anything. As long as you have passion for baking, that's enough!" Waverly smiled, hoping that would at least inspire some people to sign their name.

OOC: Tag Waverly if you need any help with baking. The link leads to a recipe on Food Network, and sign up if you’re interested in taking care of the Baking Club next year!
19 Waverly Canterbury Baking Club! 218 Waverly Canterbury 1 5

Atlas Primred, Pecari

June 27, 2014 3:18 PM
Since his first year at Sonora, Atlas had considered joining the Baking Club, yet the thought of cooking with out his little sister there had discouraged him from joining. However this past year the homesickness finally subsided with the help of some real friends, and a small scolding from little Katie for not sending her any what she called, "Magic Sweets". He didn't dare tell her that most of the recipes were tragically muggle. Thankfully, the warming spell he cast before packaging them was enough to excite the little first grader.

Now days, the Baking Club felt as familiar as the Quidditch Pitch. It was a place he felt he could practice his skills with other students who were also interested in the culinary arts. The few spells they did use for cooking were really useful for a variety of things. The warming spell for instance, when Atlas wasn't accidentally setting his clothes on fire, was great for keeping warm during the Quidditch games. Today however felt more similar to Quidditch than usual, mostly due to a particular sign up sheet.

“Hi everyone! Thank you for coming to the Baking Club. Before we begin, I have a signup sheet to pass around. As you all know, I’m going to be graduating this year and I don’t want to see Baking Club stop. If you’re interested in taking the club on as the president, please sign your name and at the next meeting we will vote on who should be the next club president!” Waverly smiled and handed the piece of parchment to the person closest to her. “With that going around, today we’re going to be making raspberry tarts"...

However, Atlas stopped listening to the rest of her speech and just eyed the paper going around the tables. He rubbed his hands, thinking intently if he should, or even would be permitted to sign up. He felt guilty because he hadn't been in the club the pervious year, and in addition he was just a second year. He really did love baking though, but would that be enough to be worthy for the position?

"Oh," Waverly said, turning around quickly, "just to say for the presidency, you don't have to be an expert baker or anything. As long as you have passion for baking, that's enough!"

Atlas popped his head up out of his thoughts after hearing this. "I could give it a try. It would be cool to meet people and have fun cooking," he thought to himself before thunking his head on the desk, "Man, I sound so lame." He tried to calm his nerves by getting his ingredients for the lesson, but he just couldn't shake the thought from his head. He pondered what could he contribute to the club by being president. He didn't think he was nearly as cheery and outgoing as Waverly, but perhaps he could try and find more odd recipes that would use magic? He still wasn't sure about his decision and decided to just try to work on the recipe.

He was already chopping the butter for the crust when the paper floated it's way to his table. He paused and looked at it before plopping the butter chunks into the flour-sugar mixture. After wiping his hands on a wet towel, he took the paper examining it. He wasn't sure if he would get any votes, but he was feeling a little bold today. He got a quill out from his bag and signed his name.

Atlas Primred

It was definitely worth a shot.
0 Atlas Primred, Pecari Cracking out of my shell 276 Atlas Primred, Pecari 0 5