Philemon Papp

June 21, 2005 2:07 PM

*Stomps foot* But I'm a nice person! by Philemon Papp

Philemon wilted, both mentally and physically at the sullen reply given him. That his choice in discipline wasn't being taken well was an understatement; obviously, Mia Kerova thought he was being unfair. He tried to remember back a decade, to when he was twelve years old. The only memories that re-surfaced were those of tractability and complaisance. Never once would he have considered acting as such with an adult; the only time he ever acted out was in such a passive aggressive manner, his mother failed to notice it entirely.

Thankfully, though, that played in his favor, what with being able to finish mediwizardry training and all.

Still though, he was not cut out for this sort of handling. In his final term at the Vincenza Institute, all soon-to-be graduates were forced to take a mandatory 'bedside manner' course. The class centered on how a mediwizard was to relate to his patients. The professor stressed repeatedly how important being firm was- sympathetic, yet firm. Chances were fairly strong that his professor hadn't had the idea of a school infirmiary in mind when teaching the course, however Philemon knew the principle of it still held true.

Even if he would have preferred to let things slide and go back to being liked and thought of in a good light, it would be unprofessional of him to do so. It was this conviction in place, that he finally replied.

"If your wand's gone, then I guess there's nothing to worry about." He pushed forward the goblet from earlier. "Your class assignments will arrive shortly."

He turned, heal clipped to the floor, and marched stiffly back to his supply cabinets. His mind, however, was miles away from the task. Mia Kerova looked angrily miserable, and despite whatever reasoning he used, it was partially due to him. He stifled a groan, and made note to seek advice- and perhaps sympathy- from another faculty member post haste.
0 Philemon Papp *Stomps foot* But I'm a nice person! 0 Philemon Papp 1 5


June 23, 2005 7:58 PM

You've got a funny way of showing it. by Mia

'Well so much for getting my wand back for now.' Mia thought with a sigh after the mediwizard spoke again.

She followed him with her eyes to the back of his room and watched as he continued doing whatever he was doing with those vials. She shook her head and looked towards the entrance of the Hospital Wing wondering if Silk was nearby with her wand. If she was stuck here for the rest of the day than she wanted to practice some more spells in the mean time. It's not like she would try to escape again though it really was fun if you cut out the losing ten points part.

Mia shrugged and pulled the spell book out of her bag. She skimmed through some pages for lack of a better thing to do. As she looked over some spells she drank some more of that weird water that made her feel better and made her slight dizziness fade. Mia was reading over a tickling spell that seemed pretty easy when she felt a light weight land on her legs.

“Perfect timing, Silk.” Mia whispered happily and scriched her cat behind the ear making her purr softly and drop the wand in Mia's lap.

Mia looked back over at the mediwizard who didn't seem to have noticed Silk's arrival and she was glad for that. She didn't need him freaking out and taking points for…maybe having an animal in his super neat Hospital. That thought made Mia laugh quietly. It's not like she didn't notice how clean the place was, she just didn't dwell much on it. Hospitals were supposed to be clean though this place was excessively so.

Mia wanted a simple spell to try and tucked her wand in her back right pocket until she needed it. She didn't want the mediwizard coming by and taking it now that she got it back. Silk meowed quietly and nudged up against Mia's side caringly before jumping off the bed and scampering towards the doors, leaving Mia alone again with her spells and awaiting work. Work? Psht.

‘I'm sick, remember?' Mia thought with a smirk and leaned back against the pillows, hiding the wand completely.

Mia waved at the retreating form of her cat and continued reading about the tickling spell.
0 Mia You've got a funny way of showing it. 0 Mia 0 5