Captain Hannah Laurent

June 10, 2009 1:02 PM

Teppenpaw Quidditch Tryouts by Captain Hannah Laurent

It was truly a horrible thought to think, but Hannah wasn’t quite sure why Teppenpaw had to bother holding tryouts. It wasn’t as though they ever got more than the required number of people. Heck, this year, she wasn’t even sure they would get that. They had lost last year’s Captain and a beater, which opened two spots on the team, assuming everyone from last year signed back up. Unfortunately, looking at the roster, not everyone had. They were missing Josiah Ashwood. And with the two new signups, it still didn’t give them a full team.

So, given that she wasn’t about to turn anyone away, Hannah had decided to run tryouts as a practice instead once she got everyone situated. “Welcome everyone to Teppenpaw’s Quidditch tryouts. For those that don’t know me, I’m Captain Hannah Laurent. Okay, so since we don’t have a full team yet, I’m just going to tryouts as a practice unless more people show up.” It helped that no one had signed up for competing positions and the practice would be good for getting the former team back in shape after a summer probably without Quidditch.

Tilting her cap up slightly so she could see better, Hannah glanced down at her clipboard of names for those that were new. “Are Elliot Valentine and Afton Stokes here?” Once she made sure that the newbies had shown up, she moved along to positions. “Good. Okay, Chasers - Lucie Dupree, Gabrielle DiCarlo, and Elliot Valentine; Keeper – Afton Stokes; and Beater – Amber Carey. Hopefully, we’ll get another person to fill the other Beater spot. Oh, and I’m the Seeker.” The advantage to being Seeker is that she wasn’t needed at the moment and could watch everyone else.

“Now just because it’s a practice doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun too. I don’t know how many of you have heard of a muggle game called Horse, but for those of you that have, this should sound familiar. We’re going to play an adapted version. The rules are simple. Every time you make a goal, the opposition will get a letter. The first is an H, the second an O, and so on. The first one that gets Horse, loses, and the other is the winner. In the muggle version, it’s simply a matter of throwing a ball and making the score or not. Of course, our version is going to be rather harder.”

She gave a grin to her teammates. “Let’s get started. Lucie and Elliot, you’ll be working together with Gabby as the opposing Chaser. All three of you will be trying to score against Afton. So, if Lucie or Elliot get a goal, Gabby gets a letter, and vice versa. And to make things more interesting, Amber, you’ll be working to take all three of them out. Any questions?” Once the question and answer section was finished, she sent everyone up with a ‘good luck’ while she released the quaffle and one of the bludgers. She figured that’s all that was needed for this practice.
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