Kiva Kijewski

December 02, 2007 1:22 PM

Onto my Next Subject by Kiva Kijewski

Now that she had spoken to Simon, Kiva was making her way to the Pitch. The ice rink was gone, though she was sure to the disappointment of some of the students, and the pitch was back to it's original state. Kiva was never at the pitch except for an occasional game she went to see. But, usually during those times, Kiva was off cleaning out various pens where her creatures stayed. It was even rarer, however, for Kiva to be at the Pitch without students present or an upcoming game looming. She felt awkward being there in the silence, but she had a reason to be there and it was that reason alone that had Kiva heading to the Coach's office.

She kept running over different scenarios in her head of the outcome of this conversation. Kiva wasn't a very good debator, so if Amy asked her exactly why Kiva wanted her or what the benefits of it would be, Kiva wasn't so sure she could talk her way through her thoughts. She wanted Amy there because Amy was a force to be wreckoned with, her job was to react to any change within a complicated game. Kiva trusted her judgement. The problem was, would Kiva be able to say that clearly and would Amy even bother to listen to her? Well, there was no turning back now. If Amy decided not to help with the retreat, Kiva would just have to recalculate a few things and look for another female staff member. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

Kiva took a deep breath and knocked on the Coach's office door. "Amy, it's Kiva. If you don't mind, I'd like to discuss something with you." Kiva spoke tentatively though the door. She hadn't actually had any sort of real conversation with the Quidditch Coach, so she wasn't sure how to go about asking for her assistance with the retreat. She could only hope that Amy didn't laugh in her face or slam the door.
6 Kiva Kijewski Onto my Next Subject 5 Kiva Kijewski 1 5

Amy Fox

December 10, 2007 12:29 PM

Oooh...I'm a Subject. by Amy Fox

If one thing was certain, this year had been hectic. With the Quidditch games and flying lessons combined- two things which had also been present in previous years, but seemed so much more time consuming this time- and the added stress of WAIL, Amy wasn't ready for midterm to be over.

Seated at her desk, Amy poured over the score totals from previous games as she tried to determine which two teams would be playing in the next match. It obviously had to be two teams that hadn't played each other, but did she want to place the winners versus winners and losers versus losers or winners versus losers. The decision needed to be made quite soon and she was starting to find it all rather burdensome.

Not to mention her lessons. While some lessons came much easier than others, she found that she needed to find something that would not only teach the students flying techniques but would allow them to- shock of all shocks- have fun. Not that the little nose miners deserved it.

The knock that broke into her thoughts was both a relief and a disturbance. The muffled noise that followed caused her eyebrow to raise. Moving to her feet, Amy shuffled over to the door and opened it, shocked to find Kiva instead of a student. Had something happened up at the school? Amy had never really gotten into the whole teacher-teacher buddy-buddy relationship thing with other members of staff. She hadn't wanted to be at the school and she had always hoped that her stay at Sonora would be short lived. With the exception of Simon and Wolfe, and the Headmaster, she had spoken barely a handful of words to the other teachers on staff.

After standing at the door in shock for a moment, Amy stepped out of the way and motioned for Kiva to enter. "Hey Kiva. Is there something I can do for you?"
0 Amy Fox Oooh...I'm a Subject. 0 Amy Fox 0 5


December 15, 2007 5:48 PM

Yes, you are. by Kiva

Kiva could hear movement behind the door and only had to wait a moment before the door to the office opened. Kiva smiled in greeting to the Quidditch Coach and quickly walked into the office. She still had the heating charms that Simon had bestowed about her when she had visited him, but it was always nice to be out of the cold.

"Hello Amy." Kiva voiced once she was inside the office. Kiva glanced around the office, always curious to know how others lived. Her own office was filled with small cages, tanks, and various books along with her cat. Not to mention the necessary overstuffed chairs and desk. She needed it to be as comfortable as possible considering she spent much of her time there.

She ran a hand through her hair and discovered the Holly was still in it. Taking it out from her curls, Kiva held onto it while she directed her gaze to Amy. "Well, I was actually hoping to discuss the possibility of you being a champerone for the retreat." Kiva started before quickly continuing. "I know you probably don't want to and I can understand that, but please at least hear me out." Kiva pleaded.

"I'm not much for forcing rules on the students. I just don't always find they are necessary and had this retreat only been for a day, I don't think it'd be that big of a deal. However, " Kiva took a breath before continuing, "it's a weekend at a retreat with twenty or so teenagers who will be spending a few nights with one another and I need someone who is willing to put her foot down if the occasion arises."
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