Niobe Yuma, Divinations Professor

May 09, 2007 4:06 PM

Looking to scheme with McKindy by Niobe Yuma, Divinations Professor

Niobe had stumbled on an interesting bit of information this week whilst co-teaching Runes-Divinations with Sadi Powell. Sadi's birthday was coming up, and soon. It was the big 5-0. It definitely required some kind of surprise or get together or something.

Not being sure who on the staff was friends with Sadi, Niobe went to Aaron McKindy first because she'd seen them talking at least a couple times and she had gotten a chance to talk to him a bit as well. She knocked on his door and poked her head inside, her long hair sweeping out from behind her as she leaned into the room.

"Aa-ron," she taunted excitedly, "I have a secret. Will you have schemes with me?"
0 Niobe Yuma, Divinations Professor Looking to scheme with McKindy 0 Niobe Yuma, Divinations Professor 1 5

Aaron McKindy, Charms

May 15, 2007 9:33 PM

Looking to get rid of this blasted cat by Aaron McKindy, Charms

So it was set. Thank the gods for that. Midway through March, instead of the end of April as had been thought, Aaron could finally get rid of his generally unwelcome roommate. Yes, it was nice to find Twitch purring at him when he did something the cat appreciated, but nine times out of ten, the animal was wrecking his office, living quarters, or classroom. Or staring at him. Aaron could have sworn that the animal had been ordered by Declan Chatterjee to make his life as miserable as possible in retribution for his many missteps around the man.

"Twitch-cat," Aaron cooed, trying to mimic Declan's voice when he spoke to the animal. "Come on, come out from under the bookcase. Come on cat. Out, out!"

"Aa-ron, I have a secret. Will you have schemes with me?"

Aaron jumped at the sound of Niobe's voice. "No, don't--!" he started, but it was too late. A streak of gray lightning flew out from under the bookcase, out the door, and down the hall beyond.

Swearing under his breath, the charms professor stood, retrieved his pink bubblehat from the stack of beanbag chairs next to him, and grinned wryly at Niobe.

"Hullo," he said. "Depends. What're you scheming? And how good are you at catching particularly destructive cats?"
0 Aaron McKindy, Charms Looking to get rid of this blasted cat 0 Aaron McKindy, Charms 0 5

Niobe Yuma

May 16, 2007 2:39 PM

The Schemes by Niobe Yuma

Niobe tensed out of the way as the cat brushed past her (for a second, she thought it was going to leap on her like a large dog), and her glance followed it down the cooridor toward her own open classroom. Interesting. That reminded her... she'd been thinking about getting a cat. Somehow destructive was not a word she'd have used to described her own imagined feline.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe he'll go to my room and eat my music box," she suggested hopefully. Mmm, tasty annoying music box people, "He seemed to be on his way." Maybe if she came to their rescue she'd be in their good graces again. Now there was a pleasant thought... might be worth tracking The Grey Streak down. She motioned with her head for McKindy to follow her. They could scheme on the way.

"So," she began rubbing her hands. Her eyes darted side to side and she lowered her voice a smidgen, "Word is, Sadi's birthday is coming up. The big fiiiiive-ooooh." She smirked at him. This was fabulously fun, but not very professional. Still, McKindy saw her bouncing around in the sledding line over midterms and it hadn't killed either of them. She was pretty sure he had a nutty side himself. Spreading her hands, she finished, "Clearly, there must be schemes."
0 Niobe Yuma The Schemes 0 Niobe Yuma 0 5


May 22, 2007 4:12 PM

Scheming with you? Fun, fun. by Aaron

"Eat your music box?" Aaron laughed. For all that she was considerably younger than he and taught a subject that he put no stock into, the professor truly liked Niobe Yuma. She was genuinely enthusiastic about her job, or so it seemed, and tended to spout off the most random things. He had no doubt that the students loved her. After all, she was very nearly one of them. "So far as I know, Twitch doesn't actually eat anything. Destroy it, yes. Eat it? Not so much."

The Divinations professor didn't seem to object entirely at following the cat. She was also very interested in the schemes she had mentioned. After she explained what she wanted to desperately to share with him, he was mildly excited as well. He rather liked Sadi Powell as well. Older than him, almost old enough to be his mother, but very personable. Perhaps he would arrange a joint lesson with her next year. Runes were very useful in charms, after all.

"Fifty?" Aaron mused. "What are you up to, Niobe? Party? Ambushes in the hallway?" They reached her classroom. The door was half-open and Aaron rolled his eyes. The cat was probably in there. He opened the door all the way for the young professor and made a mock bow, gesturing her inside.
0 Aaron Scheming with you? Fun, fun. 0 Aaron 0 5

Niobe Yuma

June 02, 2007 3:36 PM

ooc: Moving to the Divinations Room (nm) by Niobe Yuma

0 Niobe Yuma ooc: Moving to the Divinations Room (nm) 0 Niobe Yuma 0 5