Arista Thornton

July 31, 2012 12:15 AM

Searchin for Sully by Arista Thornton

Sully- I hear you were looking for something else to do for the concert?? I have an idea, but I need a male to finish my duet... The song is: Suspend My Disbelief/I had a Life (from the Musical Ghost). If you have Spotify on Facebook you can search for it, if not its here: Let me know what you think!!!
0 Arista Thornton Searchin for Sully 0 Arista Thornton 1 5


July 31, 2012 6:46 PM

Erm by Sully

He suggested that maybe he could help someone lift stuff if needed, but he wasn't really planning to do anything else performance-wise, and he's not sure he really has a very good singing voice. If she can't find anyone else, he'd probably do it anyway if she didn't mind a substandard partner, but he's not really looking to sing in front of everybody and their mother.
0 Sully Erm 0 Sully 0 5


July 31, 2012 11:54 PM

Thats fine if you want to... by Arista

She's okay with that if Sully wants to!!! It's a really pretty song and she wants to do it bad... but needs a male...
0 Arista Thats fine if you want to... 0 Arista 0 5