Hey all!! First off, I wanted to apologize for not being online at all this weekend. I had hoped to get online on my phone while I was away but it never happened! Secondly, nobody did last weeks new Word of the Week! So, here is another one: EXTRA points if you use both words in your same post! So here is last weeks again. Your new words Sonora are: freedom and kerfuffle!!
Enjoy your week!! See you on Saturday (Cause I'm a few days late myself!) Sonora! I look forward to reading your work!
I used your word! sort of by Clara with Brielle
Sneaking in under the wire by Thad Pierce
0Aubrielle ThorntonWORD of Week!0Aubrielle Thornton15
I was going to put this up earlier but life happened (as Clara's author well knows) so it never ended up happening. I was going to be glad to award my dear Clara the award as shed been the only one to use my words in two weeks... but then because I didn't get this up fast enough, Thad got one in just in time. I had a really hard time deciding the winner, but for two reasons I feel as if I've made the right choice right now. First, although Clara did an awesome job of being the first one to use my word, I feel perhaps it may be better for her to watch what happens this round and come back in full force next round! Thad not only has done this before (and can show Clara how to do this!), but he also used both my words! It is for those reasons that Thad gets the chance to give us our next word! Congratulations!