Coach Amelia Pierce

July 31, 2011 1:40 PM

Aladren vs. Pecari game posted on the pitch. by Coach Amelia Pierce

For new players, remember to keep your posts clear and detailed. Usual posting rules apply, plus these additional ones:

-Seekers, don't catch the snitch unless you get an email from me saying you can.
-Chasers, let the Keepers decide if you made a goal.
-Beaters, let your targets decide if you hit them.
-Keepers, you don't need to make every save; be realistic.
-Beater Victims, you don't need to dodge every bludger; be realistic. Also, no falling off your broom and crashing horrifically into the ground. Falling off your broom is fine. Just not the crashing part. I'm watching. I will use my wand to catch you before you die or are horribly maimed by a sudden impact with the planet. So end any falling posts while you're still in the air.

-Spectators, do not post in the game thread. You can make a separate spectator thread.

Any questions drop them here.
1 Coach Amelia Pierce Aladren vs. Pecari game posted on the pitch. 20 Coach Amelia Pierce 1 5

Amira Thornton

August 02, 2011 10:30 PM

I have a question! by Amira Thornton

Just wondering when the game will end? Thanks in advance!
0 Amira Thornton I have a question! 208 Amira Thornton 0 5

DiAnna Diaz

August 03, 2011 7:21 AM

I have an answer! by DiAnna Diaz

Games tend to last for about 2 weeks, and the Coach usually lets you know closer to the time when it will end for sure. Hope that helps!
0 DiAnna Diaz I have an answer! 0 DiAnna Diaz 0 5


August 05, 2011 12:12 AM

Thanks by Amira

a bunch! It does help :) I just wasn't sure when the post would be that would make the end of the game happen and I didn't want to miss the snitch in my last post literally if the win was going to Pecari! :)
0 Amira Thanks 0 Amira 0 5