Hello, nice authors of Sonora. We, the Staff of this fine institution have decided to reinstate an old favorite that some people might remember: The Word of the Week challenge.
How it works is pretty simple. I'll give a word in this post. Until next Friday, you may submit any post (reply to this post with a link to your post) that uses that word into this contest. There is a one post per character limit, but if you have multiple characters, you can enter multiple times.
Next Friday, I will be reading each entry and choose my favorite use of the given word, and I will declare a winner. That character earns 5 points to their House, and the author who wrote it will get to choose both the next word and the next winner.
Obviously, if you're a word chooser, your characters are disqualified from the contest that week. (Though if you want to use the word in your own posts, by all means do so, you just can't pick yourself as the winner.)
You can use any form of the word if it has multiple forms (example: if the word is run, you can use 'run' 'running' 'ran' etc.) If anyone has any further questions, drop a reply here and I'll do my best to answer them.
And now, without any further ado, here is your first Word of the Week in several years:
Advanced CoMC (for 6th years) posted! by Professor Donovan Cohen
*Reminisces* by Jane Carey
And another! by Topher Calhoun
Participating! by Sophie Jamison
*nostalgic* by Charlie Abbott
*Reminisces nostalgically* by Marissa Stephenson
1Coach Amelia PierceWord of the Week20Coach Amelia Pierce15
...Assuming twice in one post doesn't mess with the rule, anyway. Ignore if it does, or take the use where it's unmodified. I only thought of that after submitting it.