To the 1st and 2nd Year Pureblood Families
by The Sinclairs
You have all been formally invited to a meet and greet social event at the Sinclair Manor during the midterm holidays. There will be food and drinks at hand prepared by the finest chefs and catered throughout the party to keep everyone satisfied. The Sinclairs hope to meet other families who have the same core values as their own as well as to learn more about Sonora and the new life their youngest has just begun. However, they are aware that the invitation is short notice and will not take any offense if you are unable to attend.
OOC: Midterm will hit in a couple of weeks, but I’ll be putting the thread up within the next couple of days on WtS, so please look for it. Families with older children are more than welcome to bring them as well. If you do not have an IJ account and do not plan on making one but would still like to participate, please email me at the address linked above and we can work something out. Or, if you want to go and for OOC reasons cannot post there, just email me and we can still work something out.
0The SinclairsTo the 1st and 2nd Year Pureblood Families0The Sinclairs15