Yearbook Mod

January 07, 2011 6:41 PM

Survey Reminder by Yearbook Mod

Hey everyone,

I know I put up a reminder not too long about regarding the surveys, but as of today, we have a total of 12 surveys. 12 are just not enough. This site has roughly 65 active characters and we have only obtained 12 surveys.

We knew we weren’t going to be able to put the yearbook up before the end of the term, but with the lack of surveys that we have received, it doesn’t look as though there will be a yearbook at all.

So, I’m giving a deadline. I didn’t want to, because I know how busy lives are and sometimes things slip to the back-burner, but I had hoped for better results. The yearbooks were loved in the past and I wanted to bring that back to Sonora.

The deadline is the start of the new term, January 17th. If we have enough surveys by then, we will hopefully be able to have the yearbook up by the coming midterm.

If this date is not a good one and there is a majority that wish to move it to a later date, please let me know. Otherwise, come January 17th, I will let you know whether a yearbook will come to be or not.
0 Yearbook Mod Survey Reminder 0 Yearbook Mod 1 5

Yearbook Mod

January 19, 2011 5:05 PM

Yearbook.... by Yearbook Mod

We managed to scrape by with the surveys that we received (although it was very difficult with the 2nd, 4th, and 7th years). So, by midterm, the yearbook will be available.
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