Jethro Smythe

June 16, 2009 4:37 PM

I'm leaving on a jet plane by Jethro Smythe

Sorry to those I'm in threads with - I'm off on holiday for a week. I'll do my best to cacth up when I return.

(My other characters will become more noticeable upon my return, too - didn't want to leave too many threads hanging)
0 Jethro Smythe I'm leaving on a jet plane 146 Jethro Smythe 1 5

Jae Dimitri and Lutece Anthony

June 18, 2009 3:54 PM

Me too by Jae Dimitri and Lutece Anthony

except it's actually a car trip for me.

0 Jae Dimitri and Lutece Anthony Me too 0 Jae Dimitri and Lutece Anthony 0 5