Amy Fox

February 26, 2006 4:25 PM
Amy couldn't believe it. She truly couldn't believe it. She, of all people, had been chosen to teach. Of course, the subject was flying, but that was beside the point. She wasn’t the type to teach anything, let alone a group of first years who didn’t even know how to fly.

She didn't fit the part. She didn't look like a professor, she didn't dress like a professor and she most assuredly didn't act like one. Her hair was thrown into a half-hazard bun, wisps of the multicolored mass falling around her face. She was openly chewing a wad of gum, a fact that would have sent her mother to an early grave.

Amy’s eyes glanced over the brooms and equipment she had already set out, mentally making sure that she hadn’t forgotten anything. She didn't belong at Sonora and she definitely shouldn't have gotten this position, but here she was. Sighing heavily, Amy paced the field as she waited for her "students" to arrive. Students...she couldn't believe that she was actually going to have students in a matter of moments.

Of course, she knew that she only got the position through various connections. She should be grateful, really. She was in need of a job, any job, at the moment- but this...this was just silly. She was a Professional Quidditch Player- a Beater at that. What did she know about teaching students? How was she supposed to…to deal with a bunch of nose miners that were more likely to cry and spew snot than suck it up and fly like a man?

It was just about time for the lessons to begin the students to arrive. In truth, she didn't care if they actually bothered to show up. It'd be simple. She’d just smile, fail them and move on. To her slightly disappointment, the students started to enter the field. They were coming. Great.

As soon as the last straggler found their place, Amy placed her finger and thumb to the corners of her mouth and let a loud, shrill whistle sound through the pitch. Upon hearing silence, she smiled.

“Good,” she muttered more to herself than to the class. “Hello, I’m Amy Fox. I’m your flying instructor for the year. I’ve no doubt that some of you will recognize me; however, please wait until after class for questions. Got it?”

Smacking loudly on her gum, Amy froze. Oops, she knew she had forgotten something. Blushing slightly, she planted a smile upon her face as she quickly swallowed the gum. Grimacing slightly as the slimy wad slid down her throat, she waited until it had stopped before she continued.

"Er, yeah. You’re not going to need your brooms just yet so just make a pile over there,” she said pointing in the general direction of the large pile of brooms that had already been dropped on the pitch. “Once you’re done I want you to separate into groups. Um, you Als can go over there. Crots, you get behind me and, um, you Paws go to the right. Oh yeah, Pecs, just go wherever everyone else...doesn't...or whatever." Impatience seeped through Amy as she waited for the students to follow her instructions. She bounced slightly on the balls of her feet, her robes moving in waves around her feet.

Upon realizing that they had finished, with only a few mishaps, Amy looked them over slightly confused as to what she should do next. “So,” she began slowly, drawing out the word as she tried to find something to say, “I’m going to quickly cover the rules. They’re pretty simple and if you follow them, we’ll get along just fine. One,” she started, placing her forefinger in the air, “don’t talk while others are talking. It’s rude, plain and simple. This covers: don’t talk when your classmates are talking, don’t interrupt and don’t talk when I’m talking.” At this, she looked at a particular student who was whispering to their friend. “Got it? Good.”

It was at that moment that she realized that a large number of the students couldn’t really see, as she had placed them behind her. Sighing heavily, she rolled her eyes and addressed the groups. “Hey, everyone just move in your groups to where you can see me. Do it fast though so we can get on with the lesson. And, uh, sit down.” Backing up a few paces, in order to give the students more room, she waited a moment before beginning once more.

Adding a second finger to the air, she continued, “Two: Don’t do as I do. Do as I teach. I am not to be used as an example; I’m just here to make sure you know the basic rules of flying. There will be no funny business.” Hearing a small snicker, Amy’s eyes narrowed as she tried to find the perpetrator. “Something funny? I didn’t think so.” Scowling slightly, Amy began to pace in front of the class.

“Three: I expect you to listen to my instructions. There is a chance that you will get hurt, but that chance won’t be as big if you actually listen. I’m not going to be sympathetic if you’re foolin’ around and you get hurt. I’ll just tell you to suck it up and move on.

“Four: you will be on time to my class. Don’t come ten minutes early unless you have an appointment and definitely don’t come late. Your grade will be penalized if I have to stop my class in order to wait for you to put on your gear and grab a broom. Is that clear?” Coming to a stop front and center, she gazed out into the sea of faces. Faces that belonged to students that most likely thought she was evil at the moment.

“Finally, five: please make sure you participate. Participation plays a great part in your grade. I will not bite off your head if you have a wrong answer. I also don’t have a stash of Beater bats and Bludgers inside my pockets to attack you with. Have fun but be mindful of the other rules,” she ended with a smile. ‘Did I forget anything?’ she silently asked herself. Shrugging slightly, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her robes

“Now, just to answer a few questions that I’m sure you’re going to ask. Yes you have to take flying lessons. Yes you will fail if you don’t show up and no you can’t get out of them. Yes, you have to fly; you may not sit on the sidelines and watch. No, I don’t care if you get hurt.

“I don’t care if you’re a girl and I don’t care if you think flying is a man’s sport. I don’t care if your parents think it’s silly. And I certainly don’t care about what you think. Got it?”

Placing her hands firmly on her hips, she waited a moment for the grunts and whispers to die down before she finished. “Any questions?”
0 Amy Fox Flying Lessons: Lesson 1 0 Amy Fox 1 5

Melanie Rose

February 26, 2006 8:24 PM
Melanie was the first there seeing how she was already on the field to check it out. The one person she had seen was the teacher. A short thing she thought was a student! She was loud, rude, and a very odd strict lady. This lady was so rude she had whistled so loud it hurt her ears. That seemed almost impossible compared to the music genre she listened to. She didn't think she'd get along with this 'Amy Fox' lady at all. As Miss. Amy went ranting and raving about getting into lines and calling her whole house a 'Paw' when that wasn't the name of it, and going on about five or so rules seeing how it basically was many rules with subclasses of rules. By the time she had gotten to the second rule all she could do was poorly stifle a laugh as she heard someone murmer stuff about the woman being mad or loco as some call it. Atleast it was something close to that. When the woman stopped preaching about her rules that Melanie actually did listen to she decided to ask a question,
"Where were you taught to rant and rave? And what exactly are we going to learn? Is it just simple flying or are we going to get fancy? Seeing how it's a flying broom I can think of many ways to have more fun then it's sounding. And last of all what is a Bludger?"
It just spit out before she could think! All she could do was sit on the grass and wait with a smirk of her trying to hide a big smile. What was with her moods today? They had been everywhere. Transfiguration she went from nice to insulting. In the magic creatures class she was just being annoying. She needed someone to tell her to wake up and see the fist that should be flying at her head. Now all she needed was to wait and hear the answer to her blerted out questions.\n\n
0 Melanie Rose About FACE! short, demanding, & military issue so it seems! 0 Melanie Rose 0 5

Amy Fox

February 26, 2006 9:23 PM
"Where were you taught to rant and rave?"

Amy's nostrils flared, her eyes narrowing in anger as she spotted the little twit that had decided to speak out. She breathed in deeply for a moment, the muscles in her jaw tensing and twitching slightly in restraint.

Did the ankle biter actually dare to speak? Did she truly think that Amy would take that kind of disrespect? Obviously, she really wasn't all that intent on passing the class.

"Listen, Whatever-Your-Name-Is, maybe I forgot to mention something. I have the right to take points off and kick you out of my class if you p- make me angry. You got that? I don't care if you like me. And maybe, just maybe if you had actually paid attention to what I was saying you would have gotten the drift.

"Out. Of. My. Class. Get out. You are not welcome today. Your participation points will not be counted and you will fail today's lesson. You're lucky I'm not taking points away from your house."

Amy pointed directly at the child and then motioned for her to make her way to the exit. "Collect your things. Oh, and maybe you should learn a little respect before you decide to come back to my class."

Turning her gaze away from the girl, Amy directed her attention back to the rest of the class. "Anyone else have any questions? Questions that actually deal with the class, that is?"

OOC: Hey Melanie, just playing the part of my character. Good post. Just a note, I haven't actually stated the stature of Amy quite yet, so I wouldn't state that she is 'short'. She just gives off the appearance of being a student due to the fact that she dresses and acts like one.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Amy Fox Out of my class! 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

February 26, 2006 11:31 PM
Ginger didn't want to go to flying lessons in the first place. She preferred just to practice everything on her own. She already knew the basics thanks to her aunt. She had a bad feeling about this since she signed her name on the paper. She followed her fellow Pecaris, and tried to avoid Morgain. It wasn't that Ginger didn't like her, she just heard her have an outburst with Grim in Transfiguration. People like that scared Ginger, and Ginger didn't want to get her feelings hurt by a fellow house mate. She stood near Saul, and hoped for the best.

She didn't like her flying instructor at all. It made her insides just squirm around when she said that she didn't care if anyone got hurt. What if one of her classmates, or her got seriously injured? Would she just leave them there to die? Ginger didn't like the sound of it at all. She didn't think her attitude was appropriate for a teacher. Teachers were supposed to be mentors, and care for their student's well being. This person didn't seem to give two hoots and a chirp about anything having to do with her students.

Ginger's eyes widened with fear, and she began to shake a little harder than she was earlier. Ginger wished that Amy was an enemy on a video game. That way, Ginger could control her character, and conquer. Ginger knew that life wasn't like that, that life was a video game all in itself. That she was her own character, and she herself had to chose what to do. The bad thing about real life was, that she couldn't hit a reset button, and start all over. Nope, she couldn't deleate herself and start a new character. She had to play with the cards she was dealt with, and she had to play them once.

Ginger shivered even more as the Teppenpaw actually smarted off to the teacher. Ginger admired her bravery, and wished she had the guts to do the same thing. She also got a bit scared when Amy retaliated by kicking the Teppenpaw out of her class. Ginger wanted to do the same thing, she wanted to tell the teacher to go blow it out of her butt, and find a replacement. She wanted to tell Amy that she was a crappy teacher already. Ginger did none of the sort, she didn't want to draw attention to herself, and she didn't want the people in her house to hate her, or hate her more than they already did.

Ginger sighed, and paid attention, if she could get through this without bad attention from Amy, she would level up. \n\n
0 Ginger Silverstein I wish I had the will to follow suit... 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5

Geoffrey Spindler

February 27, 2006 1:53 AM
Geoffrey had of course noticed the name at the bottom of the parchment for signing up for this class, but for some reason hadn't quite got to the point of associating it with the notorious Quidditch player Amy Fox until he got down to the field. The face was unmistakeable - there had been enough pictures in the magazines (particularly after the incident when three spectators had ended up needing midi-wizard attention after a spectacular bat into the stands; he as fairly certain - not entirely sure, but he could check quickly enough when the class was over - that she held some kind of record for injuries inflicted on opposing teams) to make her instantaniously recognisable. It was enough to stop the pudgy eleven year old boy in his tracks.

There was a real life Quidditch player teaching him to fly.

There was a real life Quidditch player teaching him to fly.

He went through all his pockets, trying to see if he had some spare parchment in case she was going to give out signatures, but was unable to find a single one. Muttering under his breath he made his way to where the rest of the first years (and what might have been a couple of older students) were standing, and winced as the loud whistle ripped through the air.

The next few minutes passed in a daze, her words barely taken in before he shuffled off with the other Crotali to stand in a group behind her. It came as a shock when one of the girls, a Teppenpaw, he thought, started to mouth off. It was entirely strange. Weren't Teppenpaws supposed to be walkovers? That's what Mother had always said. This girl though... he thought he recognised her from disturbances in other places as well, other classes. Didn't she know she was talking to a Professional Quidditch Player? To Amy Fox of the Florida Heliopaths. Well, formerly of the Heliopaths. The Teppenpaw girl was probably a Muggleborn, he thought condescendingly. Mother had mentioned them too.

The only thing that really gave him pause for thought was when Miss Fox said, “I don’t care if you’re a girl and I don’t care if you think flying is a man’s sport. I don’t care if your parents think it’s silly. And I certainly don’t care about what you think. Got it?”

Mother wouldn't appreciate this, he knew. But then, she didn't like Quidditch, and she didn't approve of it, and .. he frowned. He wasn't sure she'd approve of there being a female Quidditch Coach either. But then, as an ex-professional player (for the moment at least)...

"Excuse me," he said, raising his hand momentarily and then dropping it along with his gaze. "I just wanted to know-" he cut off, feeling his whole face going red. He wasn't sure how she's take it, and, well, had never thought he'd ever get this close to a celebrity, but with a glance at his classmates, made his way over to the teacher, and continued in a low voice "I just heard, I mean... the brooms, they'll be able to take my weight, right?"

The last thing he needed to discover, particular if it were when he tried to mount a broom for the first time, was that his mother had been right about that as well.\n\n
0 Geoffrey Spindler I cower, perhaps with fear, but with utmost respect 79 Geoffrey Spindler 0 5

Melanie Rose

February 27, 2006 4:32 PM
Melanie bit her lip. The woman was angry with her questions. No- She was fuming, ferious, etc., ect. She didn't mean to get her that mad. It just slipped. Although that wasn't stopping her from laughing but her teeth were.
As soon as the woman stopped throwing her fit of "GET OUT!" and "Come back when you learn someshe spoke,
"The name's Rose," She spoke dully as her Jersey accent came into play strongly. She then smiled big, "And JEEZ! Heatmiser! Take a chill pill and go visit Coldmiser! I only axed a few questions but if you want me to leave you didn't have to yell. I think that whistle was enough in my ear for today."
That was it. Melanie knew she had to get out of there fast or die. That woman was probably even more furious that she continued to speak. Hey, she wanted to know if anyone had questions! Melanie obviously did. And she also meant them seriously. She pulled her cloak hood up to shade her eyes better and then grabbed her bag. She started off the field and wondered why she was generous about the points and, come to think of it, she didn't get a detention. This was a lucky day for her. That was until she had said something with no thought or control. Maybe she'd be able to roam the school. She didn't think anyone would be around to scare her while she walked.\n\n
0 Melanie Rose 1-2-3-4 kicked my butt out the door! LmAo! 0 Melanie Rose 0 5

Amy Fox

February 27, 2006 4:37 PM
"Excuse me."

Amy's head whipped around, hackles already on the rise after the attack from the other student. Were all of the students going to hate her? Not that she really cared, but being surrounded by glares and mental death threats might slightly hinder the classes.

Taking a deep breath as a way to calm her nerves, Amy finally took note of the boy just as he was lowering his arm. The insecurity. It was different than the hate. She neither reveled in it or hated it. It was just...different. She had seen it in her fans from time to time, but had never truly known how to handle it.

A corner of her mouth quirked upward, as a great deal of the angered tension seeped from her form. He was worried about them being able to hold him.

"Yeah, you'll be fine," she answered with a nod. "The brooms have been charmed ta hold ya. The air also helps ta hold ya up. I wouldn't worry 'bout it. 's that answer your question?"\n\n
0 Amy Fox The other side 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Amy Fox

February 27, 2006 4:51 PM
Did this- this Rose actually think that she would be able to speak to her this way and get away with it? It was one thing to revolt; it was another to be disrespectful. She was a professor, after all.

"Listen Rose," Amy grit out, "I seriously doubt that you would talk to your other professors that way, so don't think that you can get away with speaking to me like that. It wasn't that you 'axed' a few questions, you were rude. I will not accept it."

Raising her eyebrow as though to create more of a challenge, she turned to address the rest of Rose's house. "Five points from Teppenpaw. Ya can thank your dear Miss Rose for that one. Miss Rose you also have a detention. Now get out and goodbye."

OOC: Melanie- Amy wouldn't allow you to talk back and then leave the pitch. Just as a note. She would not have left yet.\n\n
0 Amy Fox You pushed it 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Melanie Rose

February 27, 2006 5:11 PM
Melanie stopped in her tracks. No, she wasn't mad. She expected it. Although the points through her off but she didn't care. Her goal was to try to stay isolated for the year anyway. Amy went on with When she decided to reply, she never even turned around.
"So, when and where?" She sighed.
Melanie seriously had no clue where the attitude appeared from. Although, she couldn't find a way to stop it. Certain things triggered it. Saul had crazy ideas. This woman was like a drill sergeant in a way. She would have to learn to control her mouth at some point or she would cost her house points.

(OOC: I love your character. She's great! I kinda' already figured Amy wouldn't allow her to just walk off that is why Melanie only "started" to walk off. So, yeah... hehe, and sorry about the 'short.' I keep forgetting im not at school-school. Our teacher, over here, stresses context clues and it's messing me up, lol.)\n\n
0 Melanie Rose *sigh* maybe pop will get his way after all. 0 Melanie Rose 0 5

Amy Fox

February 27, 2006 9:23 PM
"So, when and where?"

When? And where? Did that really matter at the moment? She had a class to teach and the particulars of a detention really didn't set precidence.

It also didn't help matters that the child just wouldn't leave. She continued to talk and talk and back talk and dig herself even deeper. Obviously, she had no sense of danger, which in certain scenarios would be admirable. At the moment, however, it only added to the aggravation.

"I'll owl ya. Now, quit interrupting my class and leave. I have a class to teach."

No more. She wasn't going to respond any longer. She didn't care if the girl spoke back again, she'd continue on with her class. She had work to be done and she wasn't going to be interrupted by a student who couldn't understand the meaning of respect.

Turning completely away from Rose, she directed her attention once more to the class. "Any more questions?"

OOC: Thanks so much. No worries. Can't wait to see how she reacts.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Amy Fox Not yet 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Melanie Rose

February 27, 2006 9:45 PM
After Miss. Amy Fox had answered her by basically saying she'd find out sooner or later is when she had finally gained control of herself. Instead of a comment she continued walking in silence thinking about what her Grandmother had talked about before she left. 'Don't cause trouble or I'll put you on medication.' Medication-phft-She didn't need medication. Just her problem solved. She left the pitch hoping next time she'd be in a better mood. That whole morning went wrong from the time the sun hit her face.

(OOC: Ah, I decided it would be best for her to calm it down. But then again it just makes me think of some one unpredictable. "Ya' never know whatcha' gonna get.")\n\n
0 Melanie Rose Oh, Hi- ho Hi-ho it's off to school I go. 0 Melanie Rose 0 5

Zack Dill

February 28, 2006 2:49 PM
Zack slouched in on himself, making him appear even smaller than his already tiny four foot seven frame. He didn't know anything about the new coach. Even had he not come from a normal family, he would not have heard of her before she appeared as one of his teachers. Sports weren't exactly something he followed. Most of his name recognition of people like Magic Something Or Other That Starts With a J And Ends With A Son came from overhearing other people's conversations and reading their t-shirts and jackets. (It might be Jackson, unless Zack was confusing the sports guy with Daniel on Stargate. Daniel was definitely a Jackson. The basketball - or was it baseball? - player may or may not be the same. He couldn't remember. If it wasn't Jackson, it was Johnson. Of course, Jack was just a slightly different form of John, so Zack's confusion was perfectly reasonable.)

Anyway, Zack did not know anything about Amy Fox prior to arrival on the Quidditch Pitch. He felt a little out of the loop when she said some people would undoubtably recognize her, and rather like he'd failed somehow when he wasn't one of them even when he squinted at her funny. He was a genius. He was supposed to know everything than anyone else knew.

He took comfort in the fact that he knew she swallowed her gum. Some of his classmates might not even know what gum was, which made him feel even better.

Zack did not have a broom of his own, so he didn't need to dump it with the others in the broom pile. He was breifly offended at the misuse of his house name when she instructed the 'Als' to stand together. Nevermind that he had never gotten it right himself. He at least was from Alderaan. Er, Aladren.

His pique lessened somewhat when she equally bastardized the other house names. He even smirked a bit in amusement when she designated the Pecaris as the 'Pecs'. He wasn't sure whether he should make a muscle joke (for pectorals) or a bird joke (for pecking) next time he saw Stephen or the twins.

She started talking again, and Zack made himself pay attention until she manuevered them arround in a too simple variation of muscial chairs that lacked chairs or music but ended with them sitting on the ground. Zack rather fussily did so, trying not to get the seat of his school robes dirty. He decided kneeling, with the front of his robes folded up into his lap, was the way to go and wrote off the knees and shins of his jeans as a lost cause. Nobody was supposed to even see that he was wearing jeans anyway so he deemed it acceptable if they got dirty. Oscar might take exception, but Mr. Reynolds probably wouldn't notice or care as long as Zack brushed all the loose dirt off before going into the library.

The coach was talking again, and Zack frowned at 'Do as I say not as I do' because this was a sporty thing and Zack's instincts were pretty poor in that arena. He preferred to imitate as best as he could. At least this was his third year so he had two previous instructors he could mimic.

The rest of the lecture was pretty standard. Don't fool around, participate, be on time, yada yada. He didn't really get the slur on girls; girls were made to participate in gym in his normal school and nobody said anything about baseball or basketball being guy-dominated sports. Heck, even the fat girls were usually picked before him for teams. They could at least lift the baseball bat.

As for parents thinking flying was silly, he wasn't sure that quite applied to him. 'Silly' wasn't the word his mom or dad would use. 'Impossible' would be closer. 'Nice' might cut it as well, if they were in a patronizing sort of mood or not paying attention. He didn't see what their opinion on the matter had to do with anything. They were all the way over in Detroit and the last thing they were worried about was whether or not their strange older son was learning to fly on a broom. They liked to pretend he was just at some normal boarding school and he didn't often bother to remind them that he wasn't. They tended to give each other 'I think our son has lost his mind' looks whenever he did.

It wasn't until one of the new kids starting really royally pissing off the teacher that Zack decided that he ought to make himself look small. Smaller. He might be two years older than the first years, but he didn't look at all out of place among them. If Fox had looked at the sign up sheets and seen there was a third year among the kids, she'd be far more likely to peg the giant Gunter as Zack rather than Zack himself.

He slouched and try to make himself invisible among the other Alderaanians, not wanting to draw the woman's wrath down upon him. He liked teachers to only notice him for his brilliance, thank-you-very-much. And since this was a gym class, that didn't seem likely. So it was best just to blend in.

Besides, he'd done this twice before. He didn't have any questions. He was just here for the practice and review.

He relaxed a little and stopped blatantly hiding behind Gunter when Fox's attention narrowed on a kid who looked like a fellow Last Pick Gym Reject. He had the more common overweight problem, rather than Zack's underweight fragility. Zack wished him the best of luck against the teacher's temper. He certainly wouldn't have had the guts to speak up right then. Zack liked his head on his shoulders.

He was a little surprised when the woman calmed down and didn't bite the kid's off. He'd struck Zack as a little too timid to be an athletic heavy guy and the gym teachers in Zack's experience tended to not like the Rejects. But the kid had spoken up while she was angry so maybe his Reject-Radar was malfunctioning and Fox was able to pick up on the subtle difference between Reject and Athletically Incognito. Zack had always had difficulty classifying the overweight guys into one group or the other.

He'd wait until a more obvious Reject didn't get their head bit off before he did andything to draw attention to himself. Fox was even scarier angry than Mr. Garrison.\n\n
1 Zack Dill keeping quiet 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Guenther Heindrich

February 28, 2006 6:20 PM
(ooc: a fellow stargate fan! YEAH!!! Daniel rocks but i hate Jonas!)

Guenther tried not to take notice of the teacher. He really hated first days of classes. They always went over rules and more rules and in his experience they were more common sense rules in the first place. But, he supposed that since this was the magical world that the rules were slightly different. He felt, though that the concept was really very much the same.

He started looking around trying to find people he knew. He noticed a couple of people from his Transfiguration, Defense against the Dark Arts, and Care of Magical Creatures classes but it took him a long time to realize that his newly found magical friend from the night before was sitting behind him on the grass. Was he hiding?

It certainly looked like it. He was crouched behind him in an odd way and Guenther had to wonder if he was hiding from the teacher. She had seemed pretty strict and she actually scared him a bit. Still, Zack was an older student. Surely he couldn't be THAT afraid?

Guenther was afraid of heights, so this whole flying around on a broomstick thing really wasn't going to do much for him, but if you don't try you always lose. He had been so nervous he hadn't even eaten this morning.

That was what happened when he was nervous. He didn't eat, because although he didn't feel nervous, he wasn't exactly hungry either. Then after everything was over with...KABOOM! He was so hungry he could faint from hunger.

"PSST! ZACK...what are you hiding from?" Guenther whispered, though he wasn't sure how loud he actually was.\n\n
0 Guenther Heindrich Don't hide behind me! 0 Guenther Heindrich 0 5

Zack Dill

March 01, 2006 9:03 AM
(ooc: whoo-hoo! Long live Daniel!)

Zack's eyes widened in alarm and he flinched slightly as Gunter realized what he was up to, and worse, mentioned it. "Nuthin," he lied quickly, the response automatic rather than a serious attempt to make anyone believe he wasn't doing exactly what Gunter accused him of. It was an ingrained habit from years of being faced with questions like "Zack, honey, what are you doing in the closet?" or "Zack, what are you doing to the toaster?"

"Zack ... what are you hiding from?" was really much too close to his mother's formula of inquiry.

Recognizing his mistake, he shrugged and flushed slightly, then gestured vaguely toward Coach Fox. "Teacher's wrath," he whispered back quietly and concisely so as to limit the chances of the same being directed at them for speaking out of turn. If he remembered correctly, that had been part of rule number one.\n\n
1 Zack Dill Hiding? I'm not hiding! 40 Zack Dill 0 5


March 03, 2006 10:07 PM
"Oh. Right," Geoffrey said, feeling his face heat up even more, with both embarrassment and relief. "Thanks."

He stood there awkwardly for a moment, then moved quickly back to where the rest of the Crotali were, and hid up the back of the groups. Here at least he shouldn't get too much unwanted attention. It hadn't been good, having to ask that question. Dreadfully embarrassing, really. Still. Wow, he was going to get to actually fly. Mother would be turning in her grave if she were dead. He wasn't entirely sure what his Grandmother would think, and Father, well, Geoffrey was considering whether he might be able to get his first full sized broom when he got to return home after this year was over. It might happen, after all he had allowed Geoffrey to look in that Quidditch shop on their wand buying expedition.

But now he was getting a little antsy and eager to have his chance at flying. Geoff leaned a little closer to the nearest person and asked in a low voice, "when do you think she'll let us try the brooms?"\n\n
39 Geoffrey oh good.. so glad I didn't get yelled at 0 Geoffrey 0 5

Eduard Grimaud

March 06, 2006 5:57 AM
Grim had been hanging back in all his classes, trying to stick with the male side of the class. After the transfigurations outburst with Morgaine 'The Pain' Carey, as he now called her, he decided the boys were a far safer option, in case she had any friends.

This was an excellent idea. Given the girl's rude outburst at the teacher, he had all the evidence he needed to declare most of the girls to be nut-jobs. And the fact that he was late for class meant that he was well disgused behind a group of Crotali. He held his broom in his left hand, eager to start flying. It was less of a lesson, than practice for the experienced flyer.

The boy he was standing next to asked him quietly 'When do you think she'll let us try the brooms?'

'I don't know,' responded Grim. 'That girl made her pretty mad. I hope soon, I want to get back to flying practice.'

Grim considered for a moment grabbing his broom and making a run for it. The desire to fly swelled up in his body. How could anyone not like flying? But he held back.

'Have you flown before?' he asked in an effort to make conversation.\n\n
0 Eduard Grimaud Lets go fly a broom? 0 Eduard Grimaud 0 5

Lila Gringe

March 09, 2006 7:46 PM
Lila would have been amused, if not for the fact that this was an adult- even if she hardly looked the part- in front of her, and thus not someone to be amused at. It wasn't good to find adults amusing, and even worse to show it, mainly because, as Lila had noticed, giggling was usually considered disrespectful. And it wouldn't do to be disrespectful in a class she was actually interested in.

Despite the fact that flying seemed decidedly unladylike- which was just as bad as being disrespectful- she couldn't help but be interested. After all, when someone explained a game and was extremely enthusiastic about it, it usually gave a good impression of the game, even if one had never played or watched the game before. It was fairly easy for excitement to become contagious, all in all.

Even if it would be disrespectful to giggle, Lila nearly did. Giggle, that was. Since when did professors chew gum and then swallow it in front of their classes? The Crotalus contented herself with a faint smile, repressing the instinct to giggle fairly well. It wasn't that hard to, that was for certain. It was definitely easier to keep a straight face than to fake laughter, at any rate, and she'd rather do the former than the latter any day. She wasn't sure why, but she supposed it was because it somehow seemed more manipulative to fake laughter than to keep a straight face. Who knew?

Lila didn't find it funny, though, when Ms. Fox said she didn't care if they got hurt. The girl frowned. Hmph. The teacher ought to care, at least. Whoever she was, she wasn't a heartless human being.


As she was distracted, Lila's concern showed on her face. It wasn't extreme, but it was certainly present. Hopefully no one would get hurt. Hopefully.\n\n
0 Lila Gringe So I'm a 'Crot' now, am I? 0 Lila Gringe 0 5

Adam Brockert

March 16, 2006 5:50 PM
There were few places in the world that Adam less wanted to be right now. He had absolutely no desire whatsoever to fly. He knew lots of people, especially young pureblood males, eagerly awaited the day they got on a broom, but not him. Instead, Adam dreaded it. He'd tried to think of anyway he could out of it.

Not to mention the episode in Care of Magical Creatures. After that, Adam wasn't sure he wanted to face anyone from his class. Between these two things and his general fear of people, the young boy was terrified. He sat off by himself, his knees pullled up to his chest.

It didn't get any better as the coach began to speak. Adam felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. She was mean! She didn't even care if they got hurt. Adam envisioned himself falling off the broom and landing unconscious on the ground, his bones all broken. She'd just leave him lie there and he'd die. Of course, if he just got hurt really bad and lived, he probably would avoid any subsequent flying classes. However, she did seem like the type who'd make him get on a broom even if he had a concussion.

His fear of her intensified when she began yelling at that Teppenpaw girl who'd came over by him when he had that spell in Care of Magical Creatures and threw her out class for mouthing off. Yelling scared Adam and made him nervous,though he envied the girl slightly. He started shaking and hoped nobody would notice. He felt sick to his stomach.\n\n
11 Adam Brockert Send lawyers, guns and money to get me out of this! 78 Adam Brockert 0 5

Amy Fox

March 24, 2006 2:51 AM
Finally deciding that she had sufficiently, although caustically, answered the questions of her students, Amy decided it was time to offically start the technical part of the lesson. Flying lessons did need to cover some bit of flying, after all.

Pausing only momentarily to collect her thoughts, Amy once again addressed the students. "Alright," she started, drawing out the second syllable. "In some kind of an orderly fashion, I need each of ya to go grab a broom. If you don't have one there's a pile just over there," Amy said, waving her arm in the general direction of the pile. "For those of you who are a bit more...frightened about your flying I'd suggest the Cleansweeps, as they're a bit slower and a bit more maneuverable than your WarpSpeeds and your Firebolts.

"When you've finished choosin' a broom come back here and wait. Once all of you have collected I'll begin with the next section of the lesson."

Amy finished her speech, her eyes grazing over the clumps of heads. "Uh, go," she said lamely, waving her hands as though to shoo them away.

As the students moved about the pitch collecting their brooms and for some, their protective gear (why they'd need it was beyond her), Amy found herself staring at the extremely tall young man that she assumed was a first year. She couldn't help but think that if she could get him coordinated enough on a broom, he'd do fabulously as a Keeper.

By the time the students came to some sort of a grouping once more, Amy had impatiently become lost in her thoughts. After a few moments of silence, she eventually realized that they were waiting on her.

"Oh," she started once more. Right, I'm the teacher. They're the students. I teach. something other than teach. "Alright, now that you've gathered your brooms and such, I need you to spread out. I'd like for each of you to have at least an arm's span worth to the side, as well as about two or so feet in front and behind of you. Try to stay close to me so you can hear my voice.

"Go ahead and get situated once more."

This whole waiting thing was really starting to get to her. As a student, she had also been rather slow in response; however, as a teacher, she just wanted to get the whole thing over with so she could move on to the next step.

"No, no," she interrupted a pair of students that were standing rather close to each other. "Arms length," she stated, throwing her arms up into the air for reference. "If you can touch your neighbor's fingertips you are too close. Got it?"

Teaching was just not her forte. She was a Quidditch player. She was meant to work with people who had been flying for years. People who were experts in flying. People who knew what they were doing. Not first year students who had never flown before in their life.

"Alright, good," Amy commented as they finally got into place. "Now put your broom on the ground. Place it below your dominant hand, meanin' the one you use when your usin' your wand."

Turning her attention to the bag at her feet, Amy stooped for a moment and removed her broom from the bag. Her broom was a one of a kind, having been made especially for her on her entry into the professional Quidditch world. The handle was a bit thicker than your normal flying broom, built more for durability and power than for speed and maneuverability. She had found that she needed a broom that was more able to hold against impact from bludgers; ultimately she would easily be able to get where she was needed without the need of a slimmer, lighter handle.

Moving away from the bag, Amy placed the broom on the ground below her right hand. "Everyone please look, if you have any questions. This," she said waving her hand in the air for emphasis, "is my right hand. This is my wand arm. I use my wand with this hand. Got it? Alright, put the broom below your wand arm, whether it be right or left."

Sighing heavily, Amy waited for another handful of moments. Were all children this...slow? Did all teachers experience this much uncertainty from students when they were teaching?

"Okay," she began once more, with a little more force in her voice. "In order to get your broom going or, uh, to activate it, I'd guess you'd say, you will be using the 'Up!' command. Make sure that you are firm in voice but not timid or forceful. Espcially not forceful as you are not ready for the response. The brooms kind of sense your manner of speaking and I guess respond to you accordingly.

"Also, you're going ta need to have your hand waitin' above the handle in order to catch the broom when it rises into the air. You may not see results during your first few attempts; that is common. Got it? Alright, just watch me first for an example and then I'll set you all to doing it."

Placing her hand neatly above the handle of the broom, Amy paused for a moment in order to make sure that she had everyone's attention. Upon seeing everyone's eyes upon her, Amy firmly commanded to broom to, "Up!" As though tied to a string, the broom easily rose into the air, stopping only as Amy's hands enclosed the broom.

"So," Amy said, once again addressing the class, "now it's your turn. Try it and see what your results are. Don't stop if nothing happens, keep trying. If or when you get your broom into the air, do not get onto it. Just hold on to it. Okay, go!"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Amy Fox Flying Lessons Part 2 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Zack Dill

March 28, 2006 11:53 AM
Ha! Right there. The new teacher had said, "For those of you who are a bit more...frightened about your flying I'd suggest the Cleansweeps, as there a bit slower and a bit more maneuverable than your WarpSpeeds and your Firebolts."

Which meant that the WarpSpeeds and Firebolts were the fast ones. That was a useful piece of Quidditch playing trivia he hadn't known before. There was a point to taking this class again. He moved with the rest of the class and poked around the pile of brooms, trying to find a handle that said 'WarpSpeed' or 'Firebolt'.

Not that he didn't qualify as frightened about flying, but he'd signed up for Seeker and Seekers were supposed to be fast and well, he'd done two years of Flying Lessons already, right? He wasn't an absolutely rank beginner. Besides, if he was going to kill himself trying out a faster broom, it was better to do it with an adult supervisor.

There. That one was a WarpSpeed. He reached over and nabbed it before someone else could. It looked a lot sleeker than old Bones had during his very first time on a broom. He decided he'd name this one Enterprise. That was a suitable name for a broom with a model name like 'WarpSpeed'. Seriously, how could he not name it after a starship?

He shuffled back to where the teacher was waiting for everybody to come back with brooms, then found a space for himself when she told them to spread out. He laid Enterprise down beside him with a murmured, "Alright, Enterprise, we're only gonna hit Warp One today, okay? I'm not really good at this yet."

Then he straightened up, held his hand over the wooden body of the broom, drew on two years of practice, and stated firmly, "UP!"

Enterprise leapt up into his waiting hand, and he gripped it, barely managing to not fall on his rear out of sheer surprise at the alacrity it had done as it was told. Bones was old and lazy and had liked to rise up taking his own sweet time.

He broke out into a wide grin and praised the energetic younger broom for her good behaviour (ships were girls, so a broom named after a ship probably was, too), "Good girl, Enterprise! That was great!" \n\n
1 Zack Dill To boldly go . . . up. 40 Zack Dill 0 5

Lila Gringe

March 28, 2006 7:44 PM
Well, she wasn't frightened. Nervous, sure. Inexperienced beyond belief, most definitely. That said, she didn't particularly care about speed at the moment. She just wanted to learn to fly. So it didn't exactly matter what broom she chose. That was Lila's reasoning in just grabbing the first broom she could reach. A moment later, she noticed the writing on the handle that proclaimed it was a Firebolt. Okay, she had a faster-than-a-Cleansweep broom. Whatever that meant. She didn't know how fast a Cleansweep was, so there wasn't much basis for comparison.

When spreading out, she again didn't do much, finding herself beside a boy who was decidedly shorter than herself. He couldn't be a first year, though, not being in any of her classes. Of course, she could have just managed to not notice someone so short. Whatever year he was, though, he seemed rather odd, muttering to either himself or the broom he'd picked. Decidedly odd.

Placing her own chosen broom on the ground, Lila held her hand over the handle of the broom, and said "Up!" It didn't come up. She suspected that this was because she half believed it wasn't going to work- much like the beginnings in most of her classes. However, right about then she noticed that the boy to her left had succeeded. That meant it had to work. She'd seen it happen, and she'd already ruled out the idea of all of Sonora being an elaborate hoax, a while ago, actually.

So, with considerable more belief backing her voice and half ignoring someone's voice, she again said "Up!" This time, the broom leapt into her hand, and Lila found herself smiling. Then she realized that the voice she had heard was that of the short boy, and, after running through the moment mentally, he had been talking to his broom.

She couldn't help looking in his direction and raising an eyebrow. She was almost, but not quite, tempted to say something. Almost, but not quite.\n\n
0 Lila Gringe To somewhat less boldly follow suit. 0 Lila Gringe 0 5

Geoffrey Spindler

April 03, 2006 12:48 AM
Geoffrey was a little slower than the mad rush that went for the pile of brooms. It wasn't to say that he wasn't excited at learning to fly (particularly with Amy Fox as his teacher) but he was more the slow and careful sort by nature. He checked through the brooms that hadn't been snatched up right away, his well practiced eye looking at their lines and the angles that the twigs stood out at, and the wood that the handles had been fashioned off, mentally identifying each by model, maker (or company, with those made by some of the massmarketing heavyweights of the wizarding world) and year of manufacture and trying to decide which would be best for him. In the end, he decided not to go for one of the more flashy brooms (which was just as well as the last of the Warpspeeds and the Firebolts looked to have been nabbed) and pulled out a Phantom Phlyer.

It was the chestnut model (rather than the Orange, like one of his favourite models brooms at home - a one eighth sized one, which was kept on a special stand he had begged his father to buy), and Geoffrey was fairly confident of it's capabilities. Not overtly flashy, but still capable of good speed and quite remarkable at turns except in drizzly weather.

Still looking the over critically, he made his way back to where the rest of the class was awaiting their next set of instructions. He broke off a twig that was sticking out in entirely the wrong way, and was considering pulling his wand out and moving a few of the others back into proper formation when Amy Fox realised that they were all there waiting for her, and the next set of things to do were pointed out.

He got a spot that was relatively clear, and checked, a little self consciously, that he had the right amount of space around him. Wand hand... right. That was easy. Geoffrey put the broom down on his right side, and then glanced up again to see that Amy Fox (perhaps he should get over being awestruck, considering that this was his Quidditch Coach, and she had her reputation from the league, but it wasn't quite so easy as all that) had pulled out her broom from her bag. Even as she started in on her speech for the more dimwitted (or directionally challenged) of the flying students,he stood on his toes, straightening up properly to his full height for the first time in quite a while and cranning his neck, trying to get a proper look at it.

One-of-a-kind, that broom was. Quidditch America had said 'There has never been a broom better suited to a player. It's powerful, like Fox. It's as durable as a beater has to be. And, it's a bit thicker than the others.' Of course, then there'd been the contraversy, and the lawyers and the retraction on threat of being sued... which was possibly why the statement was so clearly remembered. That and the heavily publicised 'bludger through the press box' incident. It was definitely an impressive looking broom, he decided, giving it a last admiring look before realising that important things were being said, and giving his attention back to Coach Fox.

"You may not see results during your first few attempts; that is common. Got it? Alright, just watch me first for an example and then I'll set you all to doing it."

Geoffrey didn't expect to have that problem, as he reached his hand out over the broom. He, after all, was a Spindler. And a Sanderson. He'd been born to magic. How could a pure-blood (even one whose own mother thought nothing of him) not get a broom to listen to a simple command?

"Up," he said forcefully, trying to get his voice to sound like his Father's. No one and nothing disobeyed a directive from Diggory Spindler. It didn't come out right though. He couldn't pitch his voice down to the right depth. And the broom barely twitched. Geoff looked down in consternation, and then, with reddening cheeks saw that at least a couple of people had got their brooms up already. One of them, at least, we was fairly certain was a Muggleborn, no less! If his mother ever heard of it...

"Up," he tried again. "Up! Go up!" It twitched some more but still didn't rise as the others had. Maybe his Mother was right about him. But, even she hadn't said that he wouldn't be able to make a broom so much as rise into the air. He felt hot tears building up in his eyes and, blinking rapidly, desperately forced them back. "Up," he tried again, hopelessness creeping into his voice. It wasn't fair. He lovd brooms. His room was a shrine to them, with models filling every available space, flying around haphazzardly when he had convinced his father to activate the charm for him. How could those others do this, when he couldn't?\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
39 Geoffrey Spindler To not at all go boldly... 79 Geoffrey Spindler 0 5

Saul Pierce

April 10, 2006 12:53 PM
When Saul first arrived on the pitch for his first ever flying lesson, he thought he recognized the coach person. When she said she was Amy Fox and that some people would recognize her with the assurity of a person who knew they were well-known, Saul was sure of it. He just wasn't entirely sure why or how he'd heard of Amy Fox. Presumably, she was a Quidditch player.

He sat where he was told to sit and listened with moderate attention as she went through the rules. His attention peaked when she and one of the students got into a shouting match. It flagged as she answered questions, then rekindled when she went on about picking brooms. When she instructed them to 'Go!' Saul was among the first on his feet and darting toward the brooms.

The first two he laid hands on were Cleansweeps, so he had to throw them back to the pile. Sure, he'd never done this before but he was a California Pierce. His family had never done anything the easy way.

He found a relatively recent Nimbus model, which he'd heard decent things about, including that Simon had gotten thrown from one once (it varied by telling, but the main cause for that seemed to be a bludger rather than the broom itself, but it was hard to tell with Simon sometimes).

Satisfied with his acquisition, Saul returned to his patch of grass and sat down indian-style* with the broom laid out across his lap. It took a while, but eventually everyone else returned, too. There were a few awkward moments, that Saul could almost believe were intentional on the teacher's part to hike the tension.

When she spoke, though, it was just to get them to stand up and spread out. Saul did, but he was kinda in a tight area and there wasn't a lot of space to move to.

"No, no!" Saul jumped a little as she decended upon him and another student who was closer on one side than he was to the person on the other. "Arms length," she stated, throwing her arms up into the air to demonstrate. "If you can touch your neighbor's fingertips you are too close. Got it?"

Saul nodded and put out his arms to either side, finding, predictably, that he touched fingertip-to-fingertip on one side and overlapped fingers to mid-forearm on the other. He shuffled to the back of the group where there was more space. Then, to prove he was paying some attention, he held out his arms to either side again, showing unequivacally that he now had the requisite amount of space to either side, with some to spare.

As she gave her next instructions, he put down his broom and held out his right hand, his wand hand, over it. On the signal to start getting it to work, Saul took a deep breath and projected, as he'd been taught in his voice lessons, "UP!"

And, well, that was up, he supposed. But really, how was he supposed to get on it, when it was hovering way up there? He doubted even a giant with a giant sized stepladder could reach it. Saul rubbed at his arm, which had gotten scraped a bit when the broom went zooming past it. He figured he was lucky it hadn't gotten rammed out of its socket or broken or anything.

* OOC: Do kindergarten teachers still tell their kids to go sit indian style in a circle? Or is that politically incorrect now? Or, more likely, is it a regional phrase and nobody knows what the heck I'm going on about? *grumbles something unintelligible about 'sneakers' and 'gym shoes'*

Anyway, if it is regional and Californians don't use it, pretend Saul's internal narration reflects 'cross-legged' or whatever else that position is called.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
1 Saul Pierce To boldly go ... I guess that qualifies as <i>up</i>. Way up 82 Saul Pierce 0 5

Amy Fox

April 21, 2006 11:09 PM
Amy watched with partial interest as the students tried their hand at the first step to flying. One couldn't exactly fly if they couldn't activate their broom, after all. Of course, there would be some who would initially have problems. She had even told them so.

Amy nodded as one student in particular activated his broom on the first try. Following not too far behind, another girl seemed to have a small mishap at the beginning, but her broom soon rose into the air as well. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Amy's attention soon focused on the boy who had questioned her earlier.

Taking a few steps forward, Amy watched as his first try failed miserably, and then his second and his third. Upon seeing his obvious distress, Amy slowly, as to not direct unwanted attention to the boy, made her way over.

"You know, Phantom Phlyers are a pretty good broom. Really reliable," she began, trying to catch the boy's attention. She rubbed her hand over her mouth, as she looked toward the broom. "Ya know, it usually doesn't work your first time. Most can't," she commented. "A lot of times, it doesn't even work the first ten or twenty or even fifty times.

"The thing is," she said, "you've really got to want it to come to you, ya know. But, the funny thing about it all is that you can't think about it too hard. Like, hmmm..." she paused for a moment, thinking how to best explain. "Okay, I've got an idea but you gotta trust me. First, what's your name?"\n\n
0 Amy Fox More force 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Geoffrey S.

April 22, 2006 3:07 AM
Geoffrey didn't notice Coach Fox coming up to him, his attention being soley on his broom and his feet. He jumped, guiltily when she started to talk to him, feeling even more ashamed now. A professional Quidditch player had seen him to be the miserable failure that his mother had always said he was.

He hunched his shoulders down more, in the way he usually tried to make himself smaller as she continued to talk to him, feeling selfconscious at having to be singled out for further instruction, looking around and trying to work out if anyone was watching, if anyone was stiffling laughter at the stupid fat boy who couldn't even get his broom into the air. He wasn't paying quite as much attention as he should have to her words, which didn't help her explainations make much sense at all. Even as he sank further into his dispair at the idea of ever managing to fly, something he could answer was asked.

"Okay, I've got an idea but you gotta trust me. First, what's your name?"

Geoff wasn't entirely sure how his name would help, but considering how everything was going so far it was the only way open to him. She was the coach, there didn't seem any reason not to trust her, after all.

"Ah, my name's Geoffrey, Coach - we do we call you 'Coach', right? - Fox. Do you need my full name? It's Geoffrey Spindler." His right hand, which had been over the handle of the broom until this point drifted back to a more comfortable position where his left met it, and he subconsciously gripped them together, swallowing and wondering what the next step was. \n\n
39 Geoffrey S. This is the new LucasFilm project? 0 Geoffrey S. 0 5

Adam Brockert

April 22, 2006 3:45 PM
Adam slowly and unenthusiastically made his way over to the brooms. Unfortunately, when he got there, the Cleansweeps were all gone. That meant he would have to choose a faster broom which he was even less comfortable with. He unhappily grabbed something identified as a Sky Swiper, as well as some protective gear and rejoined his classmates, standing a bit away from them all in the back. He didn't want to be seen, of course. Adam was sure they'd smell his fear, like a
bunch of hyenas would on their prey, and they tease and torment him.

He listened carefully to the instructions, though Adam was certainly not going to say it with much force. He couldn't even if he wanted to. Adam was not a least bit forceful person. He wasn't even capable of telling his younger sister Nina to go away if she was pestering him, Kaylie would have to speak up for him.

Once the Coach was finished giving her instructions, Adam strapped on his protective gear. He gave the broom a terrified look as he placed his hand over it and said timidly, his voice shaking liking crazy and the rest of his body along with it, "U-up"

Oh good, it hadn't moved a bit. Hopefully it would stay that way....\n\n
11 Adam Brockert To timidly hide in the back and hope it doesn't work 78 Adam Brockert 0 5

Amy Fox

April 24, 2006 11:41 AM
"Coach is fine, Geoff," Amy answered, waving her hand wildly in the air. She had to help him get that broom in the air. It was her job, after all. And, if she couldn't do her job well, then what kind of a Quidditch player did that make her?

Spindler. Amy paused for a moment as the name seemed familiar. Unable to place where she'd heard it before, however, Amy waved it off.

"Alright," Amy started, drawing the word out slowly. Her hands drifted to her hips, as her gaze moved from the broom to Geoff. "Geoff, what's your favorite thing to do?" A simple question to start it off. Something that would get his mind off of whatever it was that was hindering the connection with his broom. \n\n
0 Amy Fox It's fine 0 Amy Fox 0 5

Geoff S.

April 25, 2006 12:06 PM
Well, at least he had got that right. His mother was always at pains to explain about the importance of proper address, but this was just another example of the kind of thing he was told over and over again that he was lacking at. His hands loosened a little and his shoulders straightened just a bit, but he didn't allow himself to smile. Smiling tended to result in being told he was being cheeky, whether it was his mother or the tutor who had been teaching him the last three years.

The next question was easy too.

"I like making brooms," he said, enthusiasm edging into his voice. "Models of them. All sorts. Just about Christmas I got a beautiful Silver Arrow. It took me just over a month to get it just right, with the separate twig allignments and painting the name so that it looked appropriately aged and getting Father to help me with the charms." The smile of simple pleasure graced his face for but a moment before it was hidden again; the shadow that entered his eyes just after stayed a little longer. "So, err, making broom models," he finished up, apologetically.\n\n
39 Geoff S. right..... ok. 0 Geoff S. 0 5

Amy Fox

May 11, 2006 3:08 PM
"Alright," she started slowly. "So you like broom models. Is there any reason why you like them? Could you possibly imagine that this broom is one of your models that you have spent hours to complete and you just want it to come to you once?"

It was a long shot but it might work. She needed to get his mind off of whatever it was that was restricting the connection between Geoff and the broom.

"Geoff, or you can just think about making the broom models. Think about how you like making them and don't think about anything else. Close your eyes if needed. And- when you think you're ready try again."\n\n
0 Amy Fox Concentrate 0 Amy Fox 0 5