Geoffrey Spindler

February 20, 2009 5:25 PM
Could all the authors of Crotalus Characters please give me their availability for this coming week - Sunday through to Saturday? I want to organise a meeting so we can get this concert sorted out once and for all.

Lila, sorry if I'm stepping on your organising toes! Be assured that I will bow to your superior actually-a-prefectness.
39 Geoffrey Spindler Crotali! Attention please! 79 Geoffrey Spindler 1 5

Lila St. Martin and Helena Layne

February 20, 2009 6:22 PM
My toes are trampled into the dust. I'll never forgive you.


Actually, I'm in the week-before-midterms and up to my ears with stuff, so I'm grateful. Help/intervention is very much welcomed. Anyway, onto my availability. Since it's a little variable, I'll split it up into a pseudo-chart.

Sunday: Available from 3:00 p.m. EST until 10:00 p.m. EST.

Monday/Wednesday: Available from 4:15 p.m. EST until as late as midnight/12:30 a.m. EST.

Tuesday/Thursday: Available from 12:00 p.m. EST until about 6:00-6:30 p.m. EST.

Friday: Available from 4:00 p.m. EST until as late as 2:00 p.m. EST, if necessary.

Saturday: Not available after midnight. Before that, I can probably work it out.
16 Lila St. Martin and Helena Layne Availability 80 Lila St. Martin and Helena Layne 0 5


February 20, 2009 8:42 PM
I honestly want everyone to be there, if they can. I don't care if your character will be involved or not.

Anyone can be bribed, coerced or blackmailed into joining, after all. Not that I'd use or condone such tactics. No, not me.
39 Geoff Ammendment: All Crotalus Authors Please Read! 0 Geoff 0 5

Alexis Ashwood

February 20, 2009 9:41 PM
But I can try to be, if I'm needed!

Sunday: I have an audition for my community theatre practically all day.

Monday-Thursday: I go to school from 8-5 EST. But I'm usually looking for a distraction from my homework after that ^_^

Friday: 8-2 EST is when I go to school on Fridays. But I'm available after school.

Saturday: Except for my SAT class (1-4 EST), I'm available.
0 Alexis Ashwood Not involved as of yet... 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5

Earl Valentine

February 20, 2009 11:32 PM
Tuesday and Thursday after 3 are pretty much clear. Monday after 3, Wednesday after 8, and most of Saturday and Sunday are free. As you might be able to tell, I have no life.
0 Earl Valentine You have it. 67 Earl Valentine 0 5


February 20, 2009 11:40 PM
Sunday- Off but most likely sleeping a good portion of it.
Monday- 9am-6pm work which usually turns into a 7 or 8pm thing.
Tuesday- 8am-6pm-ish work. Same as Monday.
Wednesday- Off and most likely sleeping then too.
Thursday- 2pm-11pm work. Whoo.
Friday- 2pm-11pm work. Again Whoo
Saturday- 9am-6pm-ish work. Yay.

Anywho, I'm in and out but I'm around and I know you know how to get in contact with me should you need me. *grins* Meetings are fun!
0 Anabel Erm... 0 Anabel 0 5


February 20, 2009 11:48 PM
Figured I'd mention that I sleep until it is time to go to work on Thursday and Friday. So those days, unless they are after 11pm EST are probably out for me. Forgot to say that.

Gosh, I'm impossible. *sighs*
0 Anabel Ooh yeah... 0 Anabel 0 5

Josh Santoro/Adelita Garcia

February 21, 2009 1:21 AM
Sunday - aside from errands, I should be free. Although, Saturday night is my night out, so I will not be up early. Meeting or not.

Monday - Friday - Work until 5:00

Friday - Saturday - Unavailable

I can't promise that I won't have plans after work during the week. It's better to give me a specific day and time beforehand and I'll work around the meeting time.
0 Josh Santoro/Adelita Garcia Schedule 0 Josh Santoro/Adelita Garcia 0 5


February 21, 2009 3:55 AM
...I have every intention of giving people as much notice as I can. Will go through the responses tonight (GMT - that's my timezone for the moment) and get times up. So please answer as soon as you can, everyone! And then I'll abuse my connection to the Headmaster to email you all with the link and password (to keep those tricksy non-Crotali at bay ;)).
39 Geoffrey Believe you me... 0 Geoffrey 0 5


February 21, 2009 3:56 AM
I used to claim that. And now I seem to have one. This morning it involves taking a tonne of people - Irish, American, Spanish... who knows who else at the moment - on a tour of the city. To which I should get moving. Better go!
39 Geoff Ha... 0 Geoff 0 5


February 21, 2009 5:18 AM
That sounds like fun. Which city would this be? London? Speaking of which, the times I gave were PST. I always forget that not everyone is from California.
0 Earl Yeah 0 Earl 0 5

Smythes & Abbotts

February 21, 2009 9:23 AM
And I have neither :( Anyway...

I'm usually free after about 5.20pm GMT weekdays, but not Wednesday - then I'm free after about 9pm. I could make up some excuse to finish early if necessary and be home by about 4pm ;)

Weekends - no plans yet. Unless I'm moving house, in which case - well, that's fairly obvious.
0 Smythes & Abbotts Time is money 0 Smythes & Abbotts 0 5

Renaye and Josh Warren

February 21, 2009 7:37 PM
I'm in Eastern time.
Tomorrow, not likely I'll be available at all.
Monday: School until I get home around 3.
Tuesday: School, and then Politics Club till 4.
Wednesday: School.
Thursday: School. Youth Group at 6:30. Not likely I'll be available.
Friday & Saturday: Won't be available most likely.

Please keep in mind that homework tends to own my life :/
0 Renaye and Josh Warren Accounted for. 0 Renaye and Josh Warren 0 5

Geoff S

February 21, 2009 7:58 PM
You think I'm silly enough to give that away on a public messageboard? Not London though ;)
39 Geoff S *grins* 0 Geoff S 0 5


February 21, 2009 8:27 PM
You've foiled my plans to sabotage your life :P
0 Earl Darn... 0 Earl 0 5


February 21, 2009 8:28 PM
I'm clever like that ;)
39 Geoff ha! 0 Geoff 0 5


February 21, 2009 9:13 PM
So, tomorrow (Sunday) may not be so good after all. Plans to see the Sister and Nieces have been made and then off to see the Boyfriend after that more than likely. So I probably won't be home until after 9.

The best bet during the week is Wednesday as that's LOST night and I always make sure I'm home for that.
0 Josh/Adelita Amendment 0 Josh/Adelita 0 5

Gwen Carey

February 21, 2009 11:24 PM
I don't really have an ordered schedule at the moment, so it's hard to say specifically, but I should be able to be around at most times. Tomorrow and Wednesday are probably bad, though.

Sorry for the lateness of the reply. And not being around in general for a while.
0 Gwen Carey Well... 63 Gwen Carey 0 5

Lutece Anthony

February 22, 2009 1:28 PM
Theoretically? High availability. In actuality, I have no idea...if I were really needed I could be there.
0 Lutece Anthony Um... 100 Lutece Anthony 0 5


February 23, 2009 11:33 AM
You already know, but I'm limited to my work lunch hours (1230-1330 EST), before work (0830 EST), or after work (1730 EST) Monday through Friday. That is, until my laptop returns to me. I'm at a convention this week-end (MegaCon, what!) so I'm completely unavailable until Sunday night (maybe).

So, many regrets on that end.
0 Laurie Well now. . . 0 Laurie 0 5


February 23, 2009 9:24 PM
I will not be home tomorrow (tuesday) all day. So, that day is no longer good for me either.
0 Josh/Adelita Another Amendment 0 Josh/Adelita 0 5


February 26, 2009 12:47 PM
So I have full availability. Tell me when and where.
0 Laurie Amended- notebook is back and repaired! 0 Laurie 0 5