
November 23, 2008 3:49 PM

Charms Club: TAG Headmaster by Josiah

Hey there! Whilst I talked with our lovely Professor Taylor, she says that I need your seal of approval.

I wish to use Bombarda (the blowy-uppy spell) and she says that if you approve Josiah has to go outside and take great safety measures.

Yea or nay?
0 Josiah Charms Club: TAG Headmaster 0 Josiah 1 5

Benvolio Dramulan

November 24, 2008 2:58 AM

Bombarda, sounds like fun! by Benvolio Dramulan

How does one join the Charms Club? Blowing stuff up with a wand seems like a great thing for Benvolio to do.\n
0 Benvolio Dramulan Bombarda, sounds like fun! 269 Benvolio Dramulan 0 5

Professor Taylor

November 24, 2008 5:52 AM

Hold your horses there by Professor Taylor

Headmaster Bulla has to say yes before you're all allowed to do this. Don't get too excited yet. >_>
0 Professor Taylor Hold your horses there 0 Professor Taylor 0 5

Headmaster Bulla

November 24, 2008 7:34 AM

*headache* by Headmaster Bulla

If you're going to do this, Josiah, you're going to need a staff member present. Also, everyone in the charms club needs to remember that this isn't an easy spell and I think it is going to be beyond the younger students. Perhaps pair it with something less dangerous for the younger students. And, as said, there needs to be a Staff Member Present if you are going to do this.

And people wonder why insurance premiums on schools and public events are skyrocketing these days!
39 Headmaster Bulla *headache* 2 Headmaster Bulla 0 5


November 24, 2008 7:25 PM


I will undoubtedly think of something easier for the youn-uns. Probably a less potent version of this spell. Like a pushing spell or something. And as for joining, just show up. We love people, lots of people. New people especially. Spread the word to firsties! But keep in mind that he wouldn't know about bombarda until he got to the club. Josiah doesn't tell spells in advance. Mostly because the author gets mental blocks on them, but also cause he wants to keep the playing field even for firsties and the older ones. SPREAD THE WORD. Charms club rocks!

Professor Taylor

November 24, 2008 8:52 PM

Calm...? by Professor Taylor


The last thing we will be doing is teaching a charm like this to a bunch of hyperactive students. That would be bad. And it would cause the Headmaster's insurance to go up.

Which is also bad.

Thank you.
0 Professor Taylor Calm...? 0 Professor Taylor 0 5