Tally Adams

November 17, 2008 10:32 PM

Survey! by Tally Adams

SURVEY TIME!!!! We need as many of you to fill out this survey for us. Please be sure to use only the Active List that I have provided (click on the link below if you need it). Also be sure to give us a picture if you haven't already or at least a name of a celebrity you wish to use for our Yearbook Photos.

7th years, please pay special attention to the very last part of this survey as that's particularly just for you.

Please send all surveys to the email address linked above. Do NOT post them to this as we want these to remain completely anonymous. We appreciate everyone who submits one as it definitely helps us with the yearbook. Please be sure to read the rules in order to avoid any confusion. Thanks!


Favorite Subject:
Favorite Professor:
Best Memory at Sonora:

Questions 1-14 should be answered using your entire class (ie; first years should be voting using the entire first year class). Everyone should be voted at least once, so please do your best (also, be sure to vote for yourself for at least one category).

Please only use the http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=226297;article=7810;title=Questions%20and%20Comments">Active List that I have provided for you. We will only be putting people in the yearbook who are on the Active List. Not the school list, the Active List.


Answer each Question with both a male and female for an answer.

1. Most Serious?

2. Class Clown?

3. Most Talkative?

4. Most Bashful?

5. Most Quidditch Obsessed?

6. The Class Gentlemen/Princess?

7. Biggest Brain?

8. Most Dazed and Confused?

9. Most Logical?

10. Most Creative?

11. Most Likely to Become a Criminal?

12. Most Well Behaved?

13. Class Flirt?

14. Class Bookworm?

Questions 15-18 are School Wide questions (ie; first years can vote for sixth years). Please keep an open mind and try to reframe from voting for yourself and your own friends.

15. Best Looking?

16. Best Friends?

17. Worst Enemies?

18. Best Couple?


This is the section where you put the nice little comments you'd like to see in the yearbook for your friends. Be kind and reframe from naughty words! (please keep your comments to a limited amount.)

7th Years only

Please tell us what your future plans are (school, job, family, etc.):\r\n\r\n
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