
November 11, 2008 5:11 PM

A farewell to our 7th years... *cries* by Caedence

Bye bye all you seventh years! My author, no joke, is tearing up. Stephen your thread over break with the kidnapping and all was a source of endless intertainment and many uttered profanities. And my crazy Alien boy will be so missed as well! How dull is Sonora going to be now without Star Trek and Alien theories? How dull? And one of the school hotties, Jake, is leaving too!

It wasn't until I went through the yearbook just one more time out of all the billions I have as of late that I realized how many people are leaving. :,(

You're all going to be missed guys! Its been fun tagging along on the site you all started. Its been a blast! Sometimes literally tee hee.

*waves* So long guys!
0 Caedence A farewell to our 7th years... *cries* 94 Caedence 1 5

Zack Dill

November 11, 2008 5:29 PM

So long and thanks for all the fish by Zack Dill

Thanks, Caedence. Now, new Alderaanians, repeat after me, your house is called Al-der-aan, okay? No? *sigh* But don't worry, the Snitches are still going to be around causing a ruckus even if they don't have me to pick on anymore.

.... You only think I'm kidding about the Alderaan thing. Somebody cyber-hit me if Daniel calls it the wrong thing, k? Thanks.
1 Zack Dill So long and thanks for all the fish 40 Zack Dill 0 5