Daniel Fintoc

November 25, 2018 6:20 PM

Being sociable. by Daniel Fintoc

It was strange how fast Daniel’s seven years at Sonora had gone by, even taking into account his brief authorized absence when Granddad Fintoc had been ill a couple of years ago. Now that he was facing his RATS exams at the end of the year, his graduation looming, Daniel was taking his studies even more seriously than usual. He had always been the type to buckle down and work hard but now it seemed to be at the expense of his social life.

He had dropped Quidditch, despite Alistair having wanted him to take his place as Quidditch Captain when he had graduated. This was due in part to his own absence and then Alistair’s graduation but also because of the full realisation about how much he wanted to dictate his own future and how important his grades would be in doing that.

Daniel had no desire to continue life in the Fintoc family farming business, even if it were to do with the financial side of things as Granddad Fintoc had suggested. There was a time when Dan would have been so pleased with such an offer from his grandfather, and a part of him still was, but he wasn’t the little boy he once was and had grown tired of living in Chuck’s shadow. He wanted more than his family seemed to be capable of giving him. He wasn’t going to get the recognition he wanted from them and as he had grown older, he had become more comfortable with the concept of challenge.

Daniel had always been fairly intelligent and what he lacked in natural ability, he had always made up for in dedication. And it was now more than ever that this dedication really mattered. He understood now that despite what Granddad Fintoc liked to think, it was not the Fintoc name and support that he needed to get him anywhere in life, it was himself and his own attributes. Daniel had reached the age where he saw things as they really were and was no longer blindsided by his elders. The Crotalus would never understand why his grandfather would always favour Chuck over himself. As much as Dan loved his older cousin, he believed that he himself had the better characteristics for success and he was prepared to show them all just how true that was.

There was, unfortunately, one flaw to his strategy for success. Daniel had always been a sociable person and good at making the right kind of acquaintances but somewhere along the way he had become so focused on studying that he had forgotten to have fun, especially since Chuck and Alistair had graduated. With that in mind, he made an effort to get up early one morning and make time for a sociable breakfast in Cascade Hall.

“Good morning,” Daniel smiled as he sat down next one of his peers. “How are you?”
8 Daniel Fintoc Being sociable. 333 Daniel Fintoc 1 5

Arianna Tate

December 31, 2018 12:40 AM

Being bitc-snotty but not to you by Arianna Tate

Sometimes, Arianna got incredibly bored with the company at Sonora. Basically there was Angelique who came off desperate and Jasmine, her honorary little sister, who was three years younger and had her own friends, mostly Miss O'Malley.Of course, she spent as little time possible with her actual brother or her first cousin Connor. The latter Arianna could be polite to and had so far stayed out of her way like she wanted him to but she did her best to completely avoid Beau and talk to him only when completely necessary.

Honestly, if Arianna could have, she would have passed the Pecari off as a distant cousin. After all, there were people barely related sharing the last name Brockert and the Pierces even had some questionable branches that shared their last name. So just because she and Beau both had the same last name that didn't mean they had to be siblings or even first cousins.

But Beau knew it bugged her so he outed himself as her brother all the time. If it had been because the second year was proud to have her as a sister, it would have been understandable, but annoying none the less. But no, it was simply to irritate Arianna because she wanted to hide the fact that he was her brother.

Anyway, she was alone a lot more than she would have liked. That was the price she paid though for being selective though. There were some people that Arianna just wouldn't lower herself to talk to. She had standards.

And then there were people like Juniper who probably wouldn't talk to her even if the Crotalus would have been interested. Girls like Arianna ate girls like Juniper for breakfast and the Teppenpaw, to her credit, seemed to be smart enough to sense it. The other sixth year's fear was as apparent as Angelique's desperation.

Arianna sat down for breakfast-which was not her distant cousin, but a fruit plate and light yogurt. She was just about to start eating when Daniel Fintoc greeted her. Fortunately, he was someone she deemed worthy to talk to, from a good family and fairly attractive, if a tad nerdy."Good morning, Mr. Fintoc. I am well, thank you. And yourself?"
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