Tess Whittaker

March 05, 2016 7:12 AM

Getting to know you (tag Cameron) by Tess Whittaker

Tess was enjoying being at Sonora. Whilst she had been a little homesick at first, it wasn't in Tess’s nature to dwell on such things, and she’d quickly got on with making new friends and learning lots of new things. Her housemates all seemed friendly, and even though she was the only girl in her house she’d met others in class.

She’d also been enjoying the challenges, especially as she got to meet people outside of her year. However, Tess couldn't help but feel that she wasn't of that much use to her team. As a first year, she had limited magical knowledge, which wasn't helped by having been brought up mostly in the muggle world. As a result, she'd found it quite difficult to come up with magical solutions to some of the problems.

As she walked into the hall for dinner that evening, she spotted Cameron Dempsey sitting at the Pecari table. He was someone that she hadn't really spent much time with, which was a shame – Tess liked to know everybody, and felt that she definitely should be friends with those who were in both her house and her year. Walking over to the table, she sat down next to him and started helping herself to some food (she was starving!). Once she was satisfied that she’d got enough (for now, at least), she turned to the boy next to her. “Hey, Cameron,” she said cheerfully. “How’re things?”

Taking a quick sip of juice she continued, hardly leaving room for a reply. “What do you think of the challenges? It’s great getting to meet more people, isn't it?”
9 Tess Whittaker Getting to know you (tag Cameron) 338 Tess Whittaker 1 5

Cameron Dempsey

March 10, 2016 6:46 PM

I don't sing by Cameron Dempsey

Winter break had been both unwelcome and desired. On one hand it had meant no Sonora, which allowed for a respite from skipping class, dealing with roommates, and the exceedingly exasperating challenges the school had been doing this year. On the other hand it meant returning home. Home was no cozy place, no warm, comforting atmosphere, the Dempsey home was cold, maniacal, and surprisingly even more ill seeming than usual when Cameron returned. Dylan and Kevin had not taken time out of their schedule to “welcome” Cameron home, which had been a relief, but they were quick enough to have allowed Cameron only a short break before their bullying resumed. Dempsey bullying always involved blood.

His first night home he had been too weary from the beating that he had skipped dinner. Had Frankie more concern for his children Cameron might’ve incurred his wrath for missing a family gathering but, mercifully, Frankie had no such attachment to any of the three boys that he would have even noticed they were gone. Frankie, at least, would not be making up for lost time with Cameron.

His brothers were another story. It had taken them one sighting of him to remind them he existed and, unfortunately, also remind them that they wished he didn’t. What was usually done in almost jest, the haranguing of a prepubescent boy, was done with more malice than usual, and a new found disdain for their younger brother. Cameron originally imagined improving his wizardry would set him apart from the elder boys, putting him above them but it had been the opposite. Apparently using magic was for the weak. Being unable to perform magic outside of school wasn’t what held him back from defending himself, but what it was he didn’t know. Maybe it was that at this point he’d Only learned to unarm an assailant of their wand, wands neither of the two possessed. Maybe it was that resistance only ever made the beatings worse. Whatever it was, Cameron had proved them right that he was weaker, even with magic.

Coming back after escalating periods of “brotherly time” together and betting ignored by his father completely (which was really in his best interest), Cameron was almost ready to like the school. But when Tess sat down and nonchalantly asked how things were he broke down.

Looking at his plate, he listened to the only Pecari girl in his year ask about the challenges. He was not about to talk about “how things were” but he had something to say now.

“Most people aren’t worth meeting. Even if they seem alright they’re most likely either dull or hiding stuff.” Before she could retort, as most people here seemed wont to do, he added “Everyone I’ve ever met has been that way.” Despite his harsh words he was uncharacteristically withdrawn into himself. He didn’t know Tess well, and he didn’t care to. She was prettier to look at than know – everyone was. On the verge of tears, he cursed Sonora, his family, the world. Filled with self loathing and hatred for the outside world, Cameron shed a few hot tears before plunging his fork into his food, and wiping his face with his napkin. Hopefully Tess would leave him alone now.

OOC: I finally finished! Sorry he's so. . . Unfriendly... Keep trying, he'll open up!
7 Cameron Dempsey I don't sing 336 Cameron Dempsey 0 5

Tess Whittaker

March 14, 2016 11:23 AM

Let's start at the very beginning by Tess Whittaker

Tess frowned at Cameron’s initial reply. She was ready to speak up in defence of people in general, to point out that most people were in fact nice, and even if they were hiding things it didn't mean they were a waste of time. But he steamrollered over her before she could speak, which was probably a good thing – Tess tended to get a bit harsh and defensive if anyone was mean to her friends, and she definitely thought their classmates were worth getting to know.

However, her annoyance at the way he had written off ‘most people’ disappeared the minute he started to get upset. Tess never liked seeing anyone unhappy. Filled with concern and compassion for the boy sitting next to her, she tentatively put an arm around his shoulders, half expecting him to just shrug it off.

“Are you…” her voice trailed off – he obviously wasn't alright, so there was no use asking that. She sighed.
“Maybe you should give people a chance?” she replied gently. “There are lots of people here, I’m sure they can’t all be completely awful.”

Picking up the napkin by her plate, she offered it to him in case he wanted another tissue. “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked, assuming he would say no but wanting to give him the opportunity. She always felt better after getting things off her chest, and if that was what Cameron needed she was more than happy to be there for him.
9 Tess Whittaker Let's start at the very beginning 338 Tess Whittaker 0 5

Cameron Dempsey

March 26, 2016 4:06 AM

The Big Bang? by Cameron Dempsey

Tess was too optimistic in Cameron’s opinion. Still believing that people were generally disagreeable, Cameron thought the pretty-ish blond witch erred definitely on the less disagreeable side of worthless, the stupid side. She might not have anything to hide but that didn’t mean she was worth getting to know. She probably had no complexity to her at all then. Which was just boring and a hassle.

Cameron shrugged her shoulder off, feeling the loss of warmth keenly. He grimaced, admonishing himself for his over abundance of sensitivity. When Tess proffered a napkin, he glared at the thing, pushing her hand away again. “Do you want to talk about it?” the girl asked. No. No, he didn’t want to talk. The anger he didn’t realize he’d been harboring quieted itself enough for his airways to be relieved of the heavy feeling that came with crying. He was done feeling, he just wanted to eat (despite not being hungry) or do some other monotonous task (anything that would distract him.) The problem was the only activity that really was readily available at the moment was making small talk. He didn’t want to make small talk, because he honestly didn’t want to learn about anyone.

Tess was just weird enough that maybe she’d be of some diversion though.

“You talk. You might be somewhat interesting.” That was a nicer way of saying what he really thought- that she was weird. Not in a bad way, just. . . strange. Different. He didn’t get his hopes up for humanity but he could at least use her for company he guessed. As he started to wonder why he bothered to censor himself, Tess spoke up.
7 Cameron Dempsey The Big Bang? 336 Cameron Dempsey 0 5

Tess Whittaker

April 01, 2016 12:51 PM

I was thinking do-re-mi? by Tess Whittaker

Tess removed her arm the moment Cameron shrugged it off, not wanting to annoy him. She had always been quite affectionate and tactile, but was aware that others often were not. Luckily Cameron seemed to be cheering up a little – well the crying had stopped, at least, which was hopefully a good sign.

However, she wasn't expecting him to encourage her to talk. Whilst she did considering herself to be at least somewhat interesting, she’d expected that Cameron would lump her in with everyone else – as someone who was ‘either dull or hiding stuff’.

“Um,” she replied. “Well how am I meant to respond to that? What do you want me to talk about?”

She paused, trying to think of something to say and feeling a little put on the spot. She felt she had to try – after all he’d been upset and needed a little cheering up. The only problem was that she wasn't sure what would cheer him up.

“Are you looking forward to going home for the summer?” she asked eventually. Maybe talking about home would be a nice conversation – after all, everybody liked their families. Talking about hers definitely brought a smile to her face.

“I’m quite excited to be going back home – but I will miss everyone here of course! Being at home’s a bit strange at the moment tho, as we moved to America from England just before I started Sonora, so I don’t really have lots of friends at home. At least we’ll probably go back to England over the summer, to visit my grandparents and everybody…” Tess trailed off, realising she was rambling quite a lot about her home life, a subject that she didn't think Cameron would be that interested in.
9 Tess Whittaker I was thinking do-re-mi? 338 Tess Whittaker 0 5