Headmaster Brockert

March 06, 2015 11:59 AM
The break had come and gone and Mortimer was glad it had done the latter. Family gatherings were bad enough but then came the obligatory parties with stupid people and their inane chatter. It seemed most people just never had anything good to talk about. Fortunately, being wealthy and invited to parties with other wealthy people meant they did have good scotch. Mortimer wouldn't consider himself a big drinker, he went months with only a glass here and there when especially irritating things happened at Sonora and he never actually got drunk and sloppy, for that would never do for his reputation and that of his family. He just had enough at parties to make them almost tolerable.

Personally, he was just happy it was all over and he was back at Sonora. While there were certainly people here, he rarely had to converse with anyone. Much preferred over holiday gatherings. Nothing interesting really ever happened at these parties anyway. They were such a waste of time. The only remotely interesting thing was Opal being pregnant again and was due soon. Honestly, Mortimer hoped they had a boy this time and that they'd be done . Also, that his future grandchild would not inherit their mother's intellect-or lack thereof.

Besides, it was about time that he had a grandson. Not that his grandson would have any chance of being the Brockert family patriarch.

Anyway, giving the short speech-and it would be short-might be annoying but at least Mortimer wouldn't have to force being sociable or pleasant for awhile once it was done. He rose. "Welcome back to Sonora, I hope you all had a good vacation." And that they actually fell for that. Granted, it was likely they didn't care if he wanted them to have a good break anymore than he actually cared if any of them had one. " Just as a reminder, the Midsummer fair will be taking place at the end of the year." Honestly, Mortimer didn't know why they needed this reminder, but much as he didn't want to, he felt obligated to give at least one announcement of some kind, and this had been the only one that occurred to him.

With that, he sat down and the feast began.
11 Headmaster Brockert Returning Feast 6 Headmaster Brockert 1 5

Jake Manger

March 07, 2015 2:55 AM
Perhaps because his mother was a talented artist and piano virtuoso, Jake had been blessed with a pretty noticeable creative streak. He had the natural ability to sit down and make new and exciting things. And while finances had never demanded it, he also considered himself rather thrifty, able to find materials and items for incredibly reasonable prices. But above all else, Jake knew that he was kind. He was simply a boy with a big heart.

When Teppalus had lost their match, that heart had been broken, not in the name of the game or even the House but in the names of his teammates. The third year couldn’t stand the thought of his fellow Teppenpaws and comrade Crotali being upset. So in addition to making presents for his family members, Arnold’s friend Ji-Eun, and Diana, whose company Jake had found to be wonderfully pleasant at the Ball and thus had spent the first semester making a conscious effort to remain friends with, he used his break to acquire gifts for all of his teammates.

It had taken a bit of doing, but he managed to find individualized gifts for everyone on the team. For Isaac, he had made Quaffle-shaped cuff links. For Alistair, a Crotalus red tie-dye shirt that faded into Teppalus orange and said “Captain” across the back in a swirly black font. Liac had a similar present, except it naturally began as Teppenpaw yellow. Andrew’s gift was a quill jar shaped like half a Quaffle. Tobias was getting a small whirligig wherein an orange-clad Beater struck an anthropomorphized Bludger, which had crazy googly eyes that blinked shut upon impact. Uzume’s gift was a golden necklace bearing a Snitch, the back of which held the inscription, “Teppalus” and the year. Ginger’s present was perhaps Jake’s favorite of all: a small, hand-stitched pillow featuring the rings and their Teppalus guard bearing the same message, and sewn in by the bottom was a small pocket which held a thin orange ribbon he thought Ginger might enjoy wearing in her hair.

After all this work, Jake returned to Sonora justly proud of his efforts. He was quick to hand out his little goodie bags to his teammates (as well as Ji-Eun, for whom he made a pair of fluffy Kitsch socks, and Diana, for whom he made a yellow pendant meant to be a rose but looked more like some sort of sunflower), managing to locate them all and plop down at the Teppenpaw table just as the Headmaster began to speak. Of course, Headmaster Brockert was characteristically succinct, and this Returning Feast proved no exception. And once his remarks had come to a close, Jake eagerly turned to a nearby peer. “Sure is good to be back, huh?” he grinned. The holidays were some of his favorite times--mostly because the age-old tradition of gift-giving simply excited him; he loved both giving and receiving gifts--but it would certainly be nice to now return to the normalcy of the school year.
12 Jake Manger 'Tis still the season! 280 Jake Manger 0 5

Leo Princeton

March 07, 2015 1:17 PM
The holiday hadn’t actually been as horrific as he’d expected them to be. His mum and dad had gushed initially about how Rupert was finally getting his life on track and how Quidditch would save them all from lifelong embarrassment, but their attention soon turned to him and praising Leo for his high marks. It was nice receiving attention from his parents for once, and hearing that they were proud of Rupert for staying behind at school to research Quidditch leagues was somewhat pleasant. Leo was incredibly proud of his older brother despite their stark differences in opinion of, say, Muggles.

It was overall a pleasant holiday at home without Rupert to entertain him. His eldest brother had spent loads of time out of the house doing Merlin knew what, but he’d at the very least been home for Christmas dinner. Leo had been reunited with his beloved cat, Bonnie, and his mother had once again refused to allow him to take Bonnie back with him. It wasn’t fair, not having a pet at school whilst Rupert did, but Leo grimly accepted it and returned back to school on the abominable flying wagon with his cousins.

The welcoming feast was something to look forward to, but part of him also looked forward to seeing his brother again. It was somewhat repulsive seeing Rupert constantly attached to his muggle-born girlfriend, but Leo had kept mum about it as he’d promised, though certainly the news would reach his parents through the pure-blood grapevine eventually. Leo sat down at the Crotalus table with his house-mates and rubbed his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to go straight to bed, but the aromas of the different foods were too enticing to pass.

Once the song and the announcements were done with – he had no interest in the Midsummer Fair – he scooped a plate of rice and goat curry onto his plate. His father had promised over the holiday to take Leo to India one day and show him the flats and properties they owned there and introduce him to authentic Indian cuisine. If Leo was being honest, however, he much rather preferred to travel back to Italy or France and live there awhile and improve his second and third languages. Hindi would be an interesting language to pick up, but more difficult.

If Leo was ambitious in any way, he would have liked to start up an international club of some sort or some sort of language club. He wanted to find others who spoke French or Italian like he did, others who spoke it fluently, but his laziness always won out over his ambitious fancies. He saw the naan in a basket out of reach, so Leo turned to the person next to him. “Hello, pleasant holiday? Could you please pass the naan?"
40 Leo Princeton Good thing - I'm starved. 263 Leo Princeton 0 5

Gia and Jax Donovan

March 17, 2015 9:21 PM
Jax and Gia had enjoyed their time home with their mother. It was clear that she had missed them and even though their money was tight, she had spoiled them rotten while they were with her. It made it all the harder for the siblings to leave her again to return to the school. There was even a moment when both of them contemplated staying with her instead of returning to Sonora. It was something that they even discussed with their mother, but she didn’t want to hear any of it. She was adamant about her children getting an education and enjoying their youth in a way they hadn’t been allowed to before then.

So, both of them, with a little trepidation of leaving their mother once again, returned to the school. Gia had been getting along nicely with her roommates and she found that some had a bit of fascination with her brother, or so he claimed. Gia could possibly agree with him but she suspected they were merely curious about him since he tended to hang around the Pecari table at meal times. Even now, after climbing off the wagons, both bruised and sore from the long ride, instead of going to the Aladren table her brother chose to sit with her with the other Pecaris. Gia didn’t think there was anything wrong with the Aladrens, she just knew that her brother kept his distance from everyone. She thought it would end up hindering him more than anything else.

Currently, he was feeling weak and tired. The ‘illness’ as they claimed it to be, was coming up soon. Gia was grateful that it hadn’t hit them while they were with their mother, but it did mean that his time back at Sonora would be a rough one. He would be missing out on a few days of classes, which she knew her brother hated to do (you know, Aladren blood), but there was very little that either of them could do about it. The curse that affected him was impossible to solve and so, she and everyone else, would have to watch him suffer this next few days before it finally consumed him for a short (agonizing) period.

“You really should try to make friends with your roommates.” Gia told her brother while they sat to listen to the headmaster’s brief speech. Her brother only shrugged in response. Gia knew it was in vain to continue to persuade him to make some friends. Any friends. For now, she would just try to include him in her meal time with her roommates and hope that classes would force him to meet more people.
6 Gia and Jax Donovan Reluctance Return 308 Gia and Jax Donovan 0 5

Joella Curtis

March 18, 2015 2:34 PM
Christmas had been scarcely different from previous years but in Joella's eyes no less special. The Curtises hadn't really held any events of their own this year but had instead been well occupied with the festivities hosted by other families. Joella had been most excited to attend the Wolseithcrafte's Charity Coffee Morning, the reason she was permitted to go perhaps down to its subject being much closer to the hearts of her family and also that she had received personal invitation. She had been accompanied by her mother and two sisters, all of whom were in full support of the cause. Joella's eldest sister Franki was a former player for the Nashville Negators and had since worked as a freelance Quidditch coach before beginning her referee training. Whilst Rolene on the other hand was not interested in Quidditch so much, she could be considered an avid supporter of any feminist organisations and events. Even before her releasing her debut album last year, Rolene had been quite the celebrity from her short yet successful career as an actress. The males of the Curtis family, however, had found themselves other commitments but Joella was not too young to see that her father, at least, was merely making polite excuses so as not to offend his two Quidditch-playing daughters.

Joella had been mildly surprised not to see her old "friend" Alistair Johnson at all over the holiday. Although his family never seemed to have quite as many valuable connections as her own did, they always made an effort to attend a large number of society's events. The twelve year old wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed at having no opportunity to speak with Alistair over the break but she couldn't bring herself to care too much. She felt he'd snubbed her on numerous occasions throughout his first term at Sonora and she'd now completely given up on her previous excuse that he was merely trying to make friends of his own as she wouldn't be in his classes next year. Not only was there this constant ignoring of her that suggested an end to their childhood friendship, Joella knew that Alistair would be sore regarding Pecari's win over his inexperienced Crotalus-Teppenpaw mash-up. Over the Christmas period she did hear that it was not simply his pride that had been hurt but also his scapula. As it turned out, Rupert's bludger hit had been far worse than had been apparent during the Pecari-Teppalus match. At the time, Joella had been horrified but the fact that the arrogant Crotalus had put on a brave face and continued to play (admittedly with much less efficiency than he would have been capable of had he had two fully functioning shoulders) which was a most un-Alistair-like thing to do. As a child, he'd always used things such as injuries to benefit him and when the incident had caused him such a disadvantage, Joella would have expected him to gain sympathy by exaggerating the effect of the blow so as to somehow give his team an advantage. He'd definitely changed since Joella had begun Sonora, but that much she'd learnt last Christmas. Whilst Alistair may have kept quiet over the holidays, Joella certainly hadn't. There had been oh-so-many events to attend that the midterm break had been much of a whirlwind.

Therefore, as had been the case last term, Joella had found the chance for Quidditch practice minimal. Nevertheless, after such surreal success over the Teppalus team, she was feeling more confident about her play than ever. This year she didn't feel so much a responsibility that her team-mates had to take extra caution looking out for as she had before and was in fact rather psyched about the prospect of re-playing Aladren.

Since the Opening Feast at the very start of term, Joella had found herself with much less first year interaction than she had originally hoped or intended. Even though the current first years wouldn't be in her classes next year, she thought it would be good to be the kind of student who was just old enough to be of help but not so much that she was intimidating. That being said, they'd already survived half a term without any sorts of aid from her and she didn't feel they were going to start needing it now.

The second year always tried to make it her business to know people (or rather, to know those in her classes), whether it be actually acquainting herself or simply having face and name paired up. Jax and Gia Donovan were among the easiest for her to remember out of the first years, perhaps because they were particularly interesting to her. She never considered herself especially nosey but even so she didn't think she could be the only curious person regarding the Donovan twins. Gia Donovan was a Pecari and her brother an Aladren, she knew that much - it paid to have Chuck in the lower year now that she knew she couldn't rely on Alistair for anything. But she'd noticed that the boy, Jax, always chose to sit at the Pecari table with his sister. It could simply be that he was still too shy to make friends of his own or that he desired no company other than that of his sister but Joella had never been one to settle with assuming the most obvious explanation for things she regarded as such unnatural behaviour.

However, despite these wonders, the Pecari had never pursued her questions so far as to even talk to either of the first years. In truth, on those occasions that she noticed either no sooner did she think on them than forget the inquisitiveness she possessed. But now that she found herself sitting with them at the Returning Feast, Joella was once again piqued with curiosity. It would of course not be polite to inquire as to why the brother never sat with his own house, but that didn't mean she wouldn't care to talk to them at all anyway. She was, after all sitting just opposite and for Joella feasts such as these were all about making conversation, and eating of course.

"May you pass me the lamb please?" Seeing as she had never spoken with either before, Joella thought requesting a dish was always a good start for conversation. She'd found that many of her mealtime discussions did commence with mere passing of food. Admittedly, she had purposefully noted the dishes that were nearest the twins, but in all honesty she did rather fancy the look of the baked lamb. "I'm Joella Curtis by the way, second year." She thought they may already have heard her name from class by now or know it if they had seen her proud performance in the Pecari-Teppalus match before break but it was common courtesy to supply it and it was only proper as they had never conversed before.
8 Joella Curtis Quite the opposite for me. 295 Joella Curtis 0 5

Alistair Johnson

March 18, 2015 5:17 PM
Alistair felt that the first half of term had started fairly well but then quickly ended in severe humiliation. To be given the title of Quidditch Captain (or rather, Co-captain) in one's first year was something Alistair saw as a great accomplishment and one even he had not previously considered. His father too, had been proud. As had his mother for that matter but she always sang Alistair's praises no matter what. It was in his nature to hope for the best yet prepare for the worst but again he'd failed to perpend the way things actually turned out, this time for the worst. Pecari had, quite literally, flown circles around his team. He was well aware that they were older, more experienced and generally just better. But Alistair found he couldn't blame his own team for their staggering defeat any more than he could himself. Starting out, he had barely touched the Quaffle and only when he did find himself in good possession, he'd been hit by a bludger and dropped the ball. His game for the rest of the match had been seriously hindered by the agony he felt and his inability to fully use one of his arms. At the end of the game he had said a brief "well played" to his nearest team-mate (which was likely too quiet to be heard) and then scurried off the Pitch at the earliest opportunity to get to the Hospital Wing before he fainted.

At the time it had not occurred to him that as captain he should have provided his dispirited team with at least an explanation as to why he left so suddenly after the match or some sort of well done for their unfortunately unsuccessful persistence. And yet, even now his mind regarding the whole match was not on this but on the question as to why he even bothered to keep playing when Teppalus had a reserve. It had been a foolish move as he'd been unable to play well at all and had probably done his shoulder more damage than would have been the case had he been seen to straight away. As far as Alistair was aware, the bludger had managed to shatter his scapula, although he'd actually been told it was fractured.

For the Sonora medic it was a fairly simply job but Alistair had been in a lot of pain for a fair time afterwards. Once home for the midterm break, his mother had done all but wrap him in cotton wool. He hadn't been allowed to attend any events and had been served all sorts of distasteful potions aimed at relieving the serious bruising around the healing bones. It should have all been alright had Alistair not become bored and frustrated and started sneaking out, dosed up on painkillers, to practise his Quidditch with an angry intensity. He couldn't afford to lay off the game for the whole break after his appalling performance in his very first real match and was determined to eradicate all flaws in his playing. He was unwisely harsh on himself and the result of this only thwarted the healing of his shoulder. He was of course found out when the further damage became apparent and had to return to wearing a sling whilst his bones were allowed to recover from healing. Due to this hindrance it was only toward the end of the winter holiday that he begun to have physical therapy as the pain and swelling were finally allowed to subside a little.

Now returned to school, Alistair was able to use his arm but he still had to take things slowly as returning to his regular activities would be a progressive process. He could only hope that he'd soon be able to play Quidditch as the Teppalus team could do well with a lot of practise together. Although his back was still very much bruised, the painful swelling which he had lost far too many nights sleep had mostly gone. He was still rather stiff and uncomfortable and his movements were restricted but he thought he could disguise the remains of his pre-Christmas injury. Had he not returned to exercise so soon he was sure he would have been well enough to train by now.

Even if one couldn't tell Alistair's injury had yet to make a full recovery, it was clear from the paleness of his face and the bags under his eyes that he wasn't well. He'd lost too much sleep and eaten not nearly enough to suffice over the break and it showed. The young Crotalus was not filled with that happy, well fed, full kind of look that most had after the Christmas period. In fact, he almost looked as bitter as he was feeling.

Alistair thanked Jake Manger politely for his gift. He didn't like to think that their reserve was trying to cheer them up after such a terrible match before the midterm break simply because he no longer wanted to dwell on it. As a general principle, the twelve year old liked to think he wasn't all that fond of the Teppenpaws. But if it weren't for them he wouldn't have a team so for now he begrudgingly accepted that his Quidditch team was 'Teppalus' and not just Crotalus. Alistair couldn't find the energy to say anything other than what was courtesy to Jake. Had he not been so under the weather, he may have let a snide remark accompany his thanks. Usually Alistair would dress in shirts that were either very pale or very dark but orange had never been his colour so naturally he planned to let the tie-dye shirt sit at the back of his drawers for the rest of his Sonora years. It was when he noticed the word 'Captain' on the back that he figured he would wear it. After all, he did play in orange colours so he might as well accept it and be proud of it. Although, so far he had yet to regain his previous pride of his still new Sonora Quidditch career.

Once the feast began, Alistair used his good arm to supply himself with some of the foods available. He couldn't quite decide whether or not he was hungry but nevertheless opted for the healthiest options. Whilst he was unable to exercise, he wanted to make sure to restrain himself in the food department so as to stay in shape as best he could. "Excuse me," Alistair spoke to a fellow Crotalus. "Would you mind passing me the rice?"
8 Alistair Johnson A minor inconvenience. 306 Alistair Johnson 0 5

Kelsey Atwater

March 18, 2015 7:12 PM
Midterm had been a nice reprieve from having to deal with the impure. Kelsey knew they had to learn magic or they were dangerous to everyone but why couldn't they go somewhere else, have their own schools? They slowed things down in class and required an exhausting amount of explanation to understand basic things. Not to mention they expected to be babied and pandered to. Kelsey had heard of some schools that actually tried to work in Muggle curriculum. How very dreadful! She was just glad that Sonora wasn't like that. The school was mostly pureblood, she just had the misfortune to have an inordinate number of those who weren't in her class.

Kelsey would just have to ignore them the best she could. They weren't worth her time. She needed to focus on what was important. Making friends with the right people,finding a betrothal and learning magic. Doing what mattered. She wouldn't let a pack of ragamuffins get to her, she would talk to the boys and her roommate and older students-despite being probably the youngest person in her class, she could see that she was much more mature than most anyway, but that might have had to do with her upbringing versus theirs- and hope next year's class would be more worthwhile.

She needed to be lady. One of her biggest goals in life was to be that role model that all pureblood girls looked up to, the one whom mothers wanted their daughters to be like. Her aunts already seemed to, remarking on her stellar manners. As did most adults. Why, Kelsey had been already allowed to go to parties over midterm, aside from just Amity's, as a reward. Because her parents were proud to have her as a daughter.

And being a lady meant not being nasty to your inferiors, but to bear them with grace and tolerance. The Crotalus didn't like them one bit, however, she had to be the better person that she was. Not be reduced to their level. Best to simply avoid them.

Perched primly on her seat at the Crotalus table-it was considered all right to sit elsewhere, but Crotalus had the highest percentage of purebloods and thus, the company here was preferable-Kelsey took some greens to start her meal with. A balanced meal was very important and one was never too young to start watching their figure.

"Would you mind passing me the rice?"

Kelsey turned to the source of the question, trying not to be bothered by the fact that he'd forgotten to say please. "Certainly, Mr. Johnson." She smiled at the other first year. It was not unusual for boys to forget their manners. Her cousin Fabian was far worse. Kelsey passed him the rice. "How was your holiday?" Her year and housemate was someone she found worth talking to. Johnson was a common last name, but this Johnson, she'd found was a member of society.
11 Kelsey Atwater Fortunately, it's only minor. 305 Kelsey Atwater 0 5

Alistair Johnson

March 19, 2015 5:36 PM
It wasn't so much that Alistair didn't feel like talking, but more that he wasn't entirely certain on the best way to answer the polite question that accompanied the bowl of rice. He was well aware that Kelsey Atwater was merely being courteous and so it would be unkind to burden her with tales of how dull his holidays had actually been. But then he couldn't quite bring himself to lie in case the question was followed up. Despite his having to think a little extra regarding the way in which he formed his reply, Alistair didn't allow himself to hesitate so much that it was noticeable. After all, his neighbour was a girl and Alistair had always found he much preferred the sympathy of the opposite sex to that of his own.

"Thank you, Miss Atwater," the Crotalus said as he received the bowl with his good arm. He wasn't meaning to mock her at all but the slight smile he subconsciously relinquished as he spoke looked something more of a smirk. If anything, he rather liked to see someone of he age abiding to the unwritten rules of society in such a manner even when they were away from the watchful eye of their parents or elder siblings. He did not know a great deal about this particular housemate but he knew she was of the right mind and the right family.

"Unfortunately I was taken ill over Christmas," he admitted, although somewhat understating. "But apart from that, it was most enjoyable," this part was not quite so true but he had liked seeing his mother again, at least. "I trust you had a pleasant break, too?"

Having spent little of the midterm break making formal conversation, Alistair found it slightly more effort to do so now. He was still far from being back to his usual self. Even so, the twelve year old's urbane manner was so much ingrained into him by now that any minor slips he made would go unnoticed.

He couldn't help but wonder if his housemate had watched the pre-Christmas match or whether she was only aware of his honourable Captain status. Alistair hoped the latter. At the beginning of term he'd been excited at the prospect of having an audience out on the Pitch but now he found himself wishing that the stands hadn't been quite so occupied. In his mind he harked back to his conversation with Caelia Lucan at the Opening Feast and how she'd mentioned how she would occasionally watch her cousin play. Perhaps both she and Kelsey had been deterred by the weather. It wouldn't do to be held so low in either of these girls' regard. Alistair reminded himself that should they have even seen the game, they would have noticed the blow he received and possibly admire his "gallant" continuance.

Try as he might, the young Quidditch captain simply couldn't get 'the match' out of his head. Whilst being back at Sonora would allow him to be much more distracted from his own thoughts than he had been at home, Alistair was already finding himself with constant reminders of the nightmare. But for now there was little more he could do to help his situation than return to full health as soon as possible.
8 Alistair Johnson And hopefully soon to be rid of. 306 Alistair Johnson 0 5

Gia and Jax Donovan

March 23, 2015 7:51 PM
The quiet whispers in their native tongue quieted when the two Donovans realized that someone was speaking directly to them. Gia, as always, smiled politely to the girl while Jax gave his usually steely gaze to the girl. Gia knew her from classes. Well, she supposed ‘knew’ was a generous term to use. She recognized her from classes and from her house, but she had never spoken to her. She had really only ever spoken to her roommates or the occasional class partner. She was still trying to make friends with people, but she wasn’t sure if it was really working. This far into the year and Gia didn’t feel like she was really close to anyone. She tried, of course, but she partly wondered if it was her brother’s fault. His cold demeanor could be quite off putting to those who didn’t know him (which was everyone).

Jax was closest to the plate of lamb that she was referring too. Jax recognized her. It was a small enough school with small classes. She was on the Pecari team, if he remembered from the games correctly. He never stayed for the whole games, just long enough for people to see him before retreating back into the school, so he had no idea if she was good at the sport or not and didn’t really care either way.

Picking up the tray, Jax handed it to Gia who then reached to give it to the girl. “It is nice to meet you, Joella.” Gia said in her accented English. “I am Gia” (she carefully pronounced it as Guy-a), “And he is my older brother, Jax, Donavan.” She introduced. It was a common misconception that she and Jax were twins, but he was nearly a full year older than she was. Their birthdays were only a couple of weeks apart. He was twelve and she only eleven. He was likely to be the oldest of their year and she the youngest. Neither of them really cared to correct anyone with this common misconception though.

Their blue eyes looked at Joella with a small amount of expectation. Gia’s were open and friendly while Jax’s were blank and cold. Years of being forced out of their homes due to his disability had made him distrustful of everyone else. Gia was also hesitant about letting people in, but she knew that it was necessary in order for them to make it at this school or in life. “You are on the Quidditch team, yes?” Gia asked the girl. Gia did not understand the sport too much, but she did attempt to the game last term. She knew the sport was important to people at the school and wanted to fit in with it as best as possible.
6 Gia and Jax Donovan Perhaps that will come for us next year. 308 Gia and Jax Donovan 0 5


March 26, 2015 4:23 PM
"You're welcome." Kelsey replied. Manners were so refreshing and she was pleased to be in the company of one who possessed them. This was one reason why she did not want to be around Muggleborns or half-bloods. Purebloods were inherently superior in this respect, as well as all others really. Pureblood parents taught their children correctly. Though honestly, she didn't know how it would be possible for Muggleborns to learn manners, given their culture. Still, that didn't mean Kelsey wanted to deal with them.

"How dreadful." The first year sympathized rather sincerely. Being sick was such a nasty business. She herself was quite healthy fortunately. And during a school break, when one was supposed to have a chance for fun and time with family, how perfectly awful. "I am so sorry to hear that. Are you feeling better now?" Yes, Kelsey knew it couldn't have been too bad or Alistair wouldn't have been back in school but it was still polite to ask.

She knew her classmate was the Crotalus Quidditch captain-well, co-captain of the "Teppalus" team, but would be sole captain when and if both houses were able to fill full teams themselves-which was quite an achievement for a first year. Especially given Isaac Douglas' presence. "Congratulations on becoming Quidditch captain." Honestly, she didn't want to acknowledge Liac Reinhardt's role anyway, being that he wasn't a pureblood. "I'm sorry about both the outcome of the game and your injury though." Okay, so here she was willing to acknowledge the Teppenpaw's role, it had to be partially his fault, though also due to the fact that the Pecari team was older and more experienced. Maybe Crotalus would be all on it's own next year and trounce them.

Kelsey nodded. "Oh yes, mine was lovely. I attended many parties." Not that there had been many people her own age at most of them but that was perfectly all right. Most of her parents' friends were rather impressed by her and her ability to converse with them on some more grown up subjects. This was something Kelsey had made sure to read up on before the end of the term. She knew what was going on in the world, even though she didn't always have opinions on all of it.
11 Kelsey That would be best. 305 Kelsey 0 5

Joella Curtis

April 09, 2015 7:24 AM
The Pecari girl, Gia, seemed most friendly and welcoming in her response and Joella didn't think she'd ever come into contact with a set of twins seemingly more different from each other than the two sitting in front of her. The second year reviewed her suspicions of Jax Donovan being a particularly shy character after the look he gave her - or rather, the look he didn't give her for his expression was surprisingly unresponsive and for a moment Joella wondered if she had done something to offend him. She wondered at his lack of friendliness and eyed him for a moment with interest. Was it that he simply didn't want to make friends? That seemed a strange idea and Joella could fathom a reason for it but the notion did make sense considering the way he acted. Jax never seemed to sit with his own house and Joella doubted he engaged with his sister's friends at all - did he just hate interacting with people in general?

"Thank you," Joella smiled brightly as she received the dish, her face a friendly mask hiding the unanswerable questions in her head. "It's nice to meet you both, too," she spoke politely, although she wasn't quite sure if she would describe meeting the Donovan boy as 'nice'. She thought it interesting that Gia introduced Jax as her 'older brother'. Perhaps they weren't twins after all, or Jax could just be the older twin. Joella wasn't sure but she didn't think it necessary to ask at this point - she could always find out later.

"Yes, I'm a Chaser," replied Joella rather proudly, glad that Gia recognised her Quidditch status. "Did you watch the match before midterm?" She doubted Gia was a keen player herself as she didn't recall seeing her at the Pecari tryouts at the start of term but she may be among the many students who enjoyed watching. Although she found herself mainly directing her responses at Gia who was in fact the only one of the two who spoke, Joella made sure to look at Jax too in the hope that he would feel welcome enough to join in with the conversation and stop looking at her so coldly.

Jax Donovan was in Aladren and so undoubtedly clever and Joella thought he had a rather handsome face if one ignored the unfriendliness of it so one might say he had enough going for him that people should want to befriend him. It was an alien concept to the Pecari second year that such a young person could be so serious and intent on repelling all potential acquaintances. The most curious part was that Gia appeared the complete opposite and from her welcoming attitude, Joella suspected she'd already made a number of friends before midterm who would be happy to include her brother if he wished.
8 Joella Curtis I hope so. 295 Joella Curtis 0 5