Bianca Stratford

February 08, 2015 12:10 AM

A comeback? by Bianca Stratford

Bianca Stratford was everything a well bred Pureblood lady should be: well-mannered, her looks weren’t that bad, and she had the backup of a very well known powerful family. However, Bianca lacked a key ingredient to her whole lady mystique: be charming. The Aladren seventh-year had to be the most awkward, shy lady in all of American Pureblood society. Her mother had tried to help her with etiquette and charm classes, but they had done nothing but make her anxiety worse. It wasn’t that she was afraid if people or big crowds. No. Bianca could actually be social, but she just wasn’t comfortable in the usual social ambience her family was part of. In fact, Bianca´s friends were people she had known for years and trusted. The brown-haired girl didn’t have friends at Sonora, because she had never found her place there. She felt completely overshadowed by Preston. That was at school and at home. The girl didn’t really feel she fit anywhere. It was hard smiling all the time, but she had to.

The brown-haired Aladren entered the Cascade Hall with her back pack full of books. Her greatest distraction had always been books, which was something she had in common with Preston, but it stopped there. While her older brother was ambitious and cunning, the girl just liked to read. Bianca felt the happiest in a library surrounded by books and information just waiting to be drunk by anyone. The Aladren swore she could feel the information swimming merrily through her veins as she finished each and every sentence of the pages that filled her hours and days.

Her brown-eyes roamed the Hall looking for a free table since she wasn’t particularly feeling social today. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she found the less crowded table. There was a reason the seventh-year usually went to eat breakfast earlier than most. Bianca took a deep breath and carefully set her backpack on the floor, but tripped from the sheer weight of it. Bianca fumbled to the ground and accidentally kicked an occupied chair.

“I´m sorry!” she squeaked still recovering from her fall to the ground. She had scraped one of her knees. “Didn´t mean to do this. Can I help with something?” she asked worried. She didn’t know if her fall had done damage to the occupant of the chair she had kicked. She took a deep breath and slowly got up from the ground trying to maintain face. “I am really sorry,” she tried to smile, but her stress was visible on her face.
0 Bianca Stratford A comeback? 235 Bianca Stratford 1 5

Neeka Campbell

February 08, 2015 12:38 AM

If so, welcome back! by Neeka Campbell

Neeka sat alone, her head supported by her hands, elbows on the table, as she leaned over her plate. It was only breakfast, but already, she had managed to stress herself out. On the table before her was a splattering of college pamphlets, internship files, career options, and other inevitabilities between which she had to choose. Her time at Sonora was ending soon, and she needed to get things figured out.

Sighing in frustration, she rounded up the papers and shoved them back into her bag. Obviously, she wasn’t going to make any progress this morning. The Pecari felt trapped between options, an odd situation, really. There were too many things and no one telling her what to do. As of late she had taken to lashing out against authority, but when it came to her future, she almost wished someone would take the choice away from her. Neeka didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life, and how was she supposed to? She was only seventeen for Merlin’s sake!

She bit into her morning bagel and, in the same moment, felt a sudden jar, which almost made her choke. Had she been kicked? Neeka glanced around and noticed a girl lying on the ground. “Oh!”

I’m sorry!” The girl immediately apologized. Looking at her while she spoke, Neeka concluded that in actuality, the girl was in her year. What was her name again? She, like Neeka, seemed to have primarily kept to herself over the past six-and-so-many-months years. Something with a B. Bianca? Yeah, that was it! “I am really sorry.

“No worries,” Neeka replied casually, offering a friendly smile. “Are you okay?” She glanced at Bianca’s backpack, which seemed almost filled to bursting with books. “That thing has to be really heavy. No wonder you fell so hard.”

Neeka glanced briefly around her otherwise empty table before turning back to Bianca and asking, “Would you like to sit with me?”
12 Neeka Campbell If so, welcome back! 244 Neeka Campbell 0 5