DH Skies

January 02, 2015 7:51 PM

Crotali, this way! by DH Skies

The last delicious crumbs of dessert faded and Selina sat back for a moment. She was looking forward to being in bed but, as she glanced at her watch and counted up the tasks remaining to her, that seemed a long way off… The first of these was to gather together her house, and she roused herself, heading over to the Crotalus table.

“Crotali,” she called, “Crotalus House, this way,” she did a quick scan of the faces, having taken note of those that turned red as she gave them the sorting potion.

“We are heading to the Common Room now,” she explained, “Please follow me and try to keep together - you will have plenty of time to explore and admire your new environment over the next seven years. Can I have Eleanor at the front, Virginia mid-group and Effie at the back please?” she requested, spacing her prefects throughout the group to keep an eye and hurry along stragglers. She led her students out of the hall, waiting until they had split from the other groups (and doing a quick scan of faces again as they did so) to start pointing out helpful landmarks that would help them navigate this most useful of routes - that between sleep and sustenance.

OOC – it is not necessary to reply to this post, although you may if you wish to. This thread will be continued in the Crotalus Common Room, where you now have permission to post. You may also continue your threads at the feast, due to something we call 'fuzzy time' – this is where you are posting in two threads at the same time, but they are taking place at different times from your character's perspective, therefore s/he is not in two places at once
13 DH Skies Crotali, this way! 26 DH Skies 1 5