Professor Levy

May 26, 2013 1:59 AM

Pecaris! by Professor Levy

Like every other year, school seemed to come far too quickly bringing with it the fact that her babies were growing up far too quickly. They were now three years old and starting preschool. Though, Spencer had made her feelings known that she didn’t want to go. She had thrown tantrums all morning, including knocking over her juice, meaning she had to be changed. Thankfully, Torra had finally managed to calm her down, which really just meant that she was silently sulking, but it also meant they had managed to get out the door on time. Hopefully, the fact that Parker seemed interested in going would bring Spencer about to the idea of school. Plus, there would be other kids there for her to socialize with. Still, she couldn’t help worrying about them. Is this what her mother went through every day?

Is that what the mothers of all the new first years felt like? It had to be horrible, especially because some of the children had neither gone to school or had never been away from home. She wondered what it would be like when Parker and Spencer reached this age. Hopefully, they would go here and she would still be teaching so she could see them often, but she felt awful for Torra who wouldn’t have them every day. She knew her wife would miss them terribly, as she missed them every day she had to go to work. Though, she wondered looking over at all the color changing students, where would they be sorted? She thought that perhaps Parker would be in Aladren or maybe Crotalus. He was certainly not outgoing or mischievous. If anything, the only time he misbehaved was when he was following his sister’s lead.

As such, Erika highly doubted that Parker would ever end up in Pecari, the House that she was Head of, which was probably for the best. In typical boy fashion, he would probably hate having his mom around. Speaking of Pecari, it appeared that it was time to go round up her charges. “Pecari first years!” She called a few times until she was sure that they were all gathered around. After all, Pecaris didn’t always have the best attention spans, but that certainly didn’t mean they weren’t without their advantages. She liked their daring and spontaneity. It kept things interesting. “You’re all with me. My name is Erika Levy, Professor Levy to you. I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but more importantly at the moment, I am your Head of House. All right, then, step lively and follow me to where you’ll be calling home for the next seven years.”

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