Maximilian Joshua McLachlan

June 24, 2012 8:04 AM

Trying for a quiet breakfast. by Maximilian Joshua McLachlan

Classes were in session once again, Aladren had won the latest Quidditch match, and there was fervent planning going on for the Midsummer performance. Not on his part, of course. He was going to try his best to disappear into the background. As difficult as it had been being tossed around from relative to relative, he was glad no one would care to come visit his school. Unless uncle Inigo decided to visit, and Josh knew that there would be an ulterior motive. There always was. Personal gain was the most important to his family. Josh had tried so hard to get away from that, but how could he shake it off completely? He was still a part of the McLachlan clan until he died.

He didn't want to think about the Midsummer event anymore, however. His uncle from Australia coming to visit would have made a younger, more naive Josh excited, but now it just caused nervous feelings and fear of what his uncle would find. The whole reason Josh had tried to hide in the shadows unsuccessfully was so that his uncle wouldn't find anything if he looked. That surely backfired.

That morning before classes, Josh dressed quickly and left his dorm room before any of his roommates had awoke. He didn't like the awkwardness that sometimes arose when they were all in the room at the same time and all aware of each other. It was better just to escape it all. He went into Cascade Hall which was a little emptier than usual, since it was so early. Just perfect.

Josh went to a table by himself and propped open his Transfiguration textbook and notes. It was a difficult class, but he enjoyed it immensely. And he was a very diligent note-taker. His meticulous study habits and quiet concentration were what helped him succeed in academics. Transferring from one school to another was easy for the fourth-year in the academic sense. In all the times he'd moved, he had learned to keep to himself and be invisible unless provoked or spoken to. It had worked with his strict grandmother. It had worked with his abusive uncle. It had worked with his laissez-faire uncle. But it didn't work with his peers. This was the kind of thing he couldn't look up in a book either.

Josh sighed and paused in his re-reading to put French toast on his plate and some syrup. He cut it in neat squares and poured himself a cup of coffee. Then he began to read over his Transfiguration notes again as he ate his breakfast, pushing the myriad of burdensome thoughts to the back of his mind.
19 Maximilian Joshua McLachlan Trying for a quiet breakfast. 184 Maximilian Joshua McLachlan 1 5

Reggie Parker

June 24, 2012 10:12 PM

How's that working for you? by Reggie Parker

Reggie had spent most of last evening making up posters and signup sheets for the movie that she was making with her friends. They needed lots of extras and people to make costumes, do make up, and possibly help her with the camera. Reggie wanted to actually be in the movie, but she was also directing and if they couldn’t find someone who knew how to work the camcorder better than she could, she would also be cameraman, which means she couldn’t physically be in the movie. But that was neither here nor there, if they wanted the movie to work, they needed people and that’s what she was hoping to accomplish with the posters. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do if they didn’t get enough people. They will probably just have to use dummies and charm them to move. Hm… that could actually work.

Reggie had gone into Cascade all to see if she could pass out some posters, but didn’t realize how early it still was. She had been so excited to get this all done and out of the way that she had woken up far too early. She had given a couple of posters to some early birds and had been making her way over to the third when she suddenly stopped just in front of the table. The angle of the head and the book had blocked the face of the one guy Reggie didn’t really care to be around. Josh McLachlan.

“Coffee will stunt your growth.” She commented lightly. Reggie had only ever tried coffee once in her life when she was little and she had tasted her father’s cup when he wasn’t looking. It was a foul thing. She would never understand why someone drank it and she certainly didn’t understand why someone under forty was drinking it. She didn’t hate him, she decided. There was no reason for such a strong emotion, but she definitely wasn’t a fan of his and would keep away from him whenever possible. It was just an accident that she happened across his table this time. She could have probably just kept walking as soon as she realized who it was, but oh well, nothing to be done about that now.

“Anyway, my friends and I are going to do a movie for the Concert and we’re looking for extras.” Reggie held out the poster for him. “If you aren’t already doing something and didn’t mind being a zombie, you should sign up.” She didn’t know if he would take the poster or not or if he’d tell her off for bothering him again or any other scenario that could happen, but at least she would feel better about herself over it. She’ll just have to remember not to let her emotions control her again like in DADA class. She doesn’t need that embarrassment again.
6 Reggie Parker How's that working for you? 187 Reggie Parker 0 5

Josh McLachlan

June 25, 2012 5:12 PM

Pretty well, actually by Josh McLachlan

The familiar voice that tore his attention away from his studies surprised him. He had to look over his book in order to make sure he wasn't crazy. His grey eyes met hers and he ignored her little jibe. Josh didn't believe that little myth about coffee, but she didn't need to know that. It didn't seem to matter much since he was 5'10" and still growing. Still, it was shocking that she had approached him after avoiding him in class most of last term.

He appraised the poster she was holding for a moment before taking it hesitantly. "Thanks, but I'm planning to work backstage. I don't think I'd make a good undead character, anyway." Though he was pale and had an intimidating blank face, he didn't fancy caking on makeup and making groaning sounds. And he didn't ever want anyone to film him doing that. What would his uncle say? "But good luck with it. I'm sure you'll find people," he added hastily. He didn't know why he felt so uncomfortable around Reggie, but he supposed that it was because of last term.

Maybe it was because she looked so much like Cecilia, whose name he could now say without his heart hurting, or because she had sincerely tried to befriend him, but he wanted to apologize. He had been properly chastised and he knew he was the one who was extremely socially inept. Cecilia had told him again and again that he didn't ever seem to know the right things to say, that he had to move on, but he hadn't understood what she was saying then. Now he couldn't exactly ask her to clarify, but Reggie had surely slammed it into his face. Josh hated the fact that she thought he hated people. If he really hated people, he would have talked to her, buttered her up to find out her weaknesses and use them against her. Or he would have been the one who moved.

Josh's heart started pounding as he tried to swallow his pride to apologize. There were so many things in his life that he couldn't change, but he could change little things, like righting the wrongs and setting the record straight. He spoke up quickly before she could walk away. "Look Parker--Reggie," he began. "I...I'm sorry for acting like such a prick last term to you. I'm not used to people genuinely wanting to get to know me." He took a breath, trying to think of what else to say. "A lot of what you said was true, but I don't hate people. It's quite the opposite, actually." Wow, vulnerable much? He couldn't believe that had just come out of his mouth, but if he could persuade her that he was being sincere, then this whole apology wouldn't go to waste. "I can't go into detail, but I haven't had very good experiences with relationships of any sort." That was the understatement of the century, but that wasn't the point. "I just wanted to make things right."

Well. He didn't know exactly what Reggie would say to that. She didn't seem like the kind of girl that would hold a grudge for a really long time apparently since she was talking to him now. Merlin, if his relatives heard what was coming out of his mouth, they would execute him. Or banish him to some far-off country. But it didn't matter what they thought since they hadn't heard it. Reggie had, and he was waiting for her reaction. Perhaps after this she would go back to ignoring him or something and he would immerse himself in his studies again. What would he do if he didn't have his books to hide behind? That was a scary thought.
0 Josh McLachlan Pretty well, actually 0 Josh McLachlan 0 5


June 26, 2012 10:06 PM

Well that's good to hear. by Reggie

He must have been expecting her (and really, who would blame him) by the look on his face and Reggie almost wanted to laugh, but she didn’t. She hadn’t really ever planned on talking to him ever again after their first and only meeting. He had been so terrible to her that Reggie had ended up crying after class because she had been so upset. She had grown up being taught that as long as she was kind to others, they would be kind to her. His reaction to her had been so foreign that she hadn’t known how to react properly to it. But, now that she had experienced it, she could only hope to have a better reaction. Although, she hoped it would never come to that again.

She hadn’t expected him to agree to do the movie. Not because of anything other than him never getting involved with anyone. She might have avoided him all last term, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have eyes. He had made no effort with anyone. Not even his roommates and from what Reggie knew of the Aladren boys, she figured that was a very difficult living situation, especially for one who didn’t earn his keep. She made no comment though because she was pretty positive his personality alone would have him be a great zombie. She wasn’t here to fight though. “Well, it’s there if you change your mind.” She tugged the rest of the posters she had made into her chest, unconsciously forming a barrier between them. Josh made her uneasy. There was a sadness to him like there was with Addi (although since midterm she seemed brighter) and Reggie never felt comfortable with that emotion. “I hope I do get lots of zombies. It’d totally make the movie worth it.” She said, smiling cheerfully to keep the anxiety at bay.

Without anything else to say, Reggie prepared herself to leave and hand out more posters, but McLachlan addressed her and it kept her feet glued to the floor in front of him. He was… apologizing? The gesture was nice and all, it was just a couple of months too late really. He was really a strange one. Their first meeting he did all he could to push her away and now he was apologizing to her and being friendly. Was he bi-polar or something? Or was he fishing for something he thought she might have? No one but her friends and close relatives knew of her gift, so… that couldn’t be it. And she had no special last name (no one knew of her mother’s Bellrose maiden name, a old Pureblood family of Seers in Canada), so that wasn’t it. And she certainly wasn’t rich. There was nothing she could think of that he wanted from her. Except maybe make her cry again.

“Well, I appreciate the apology.” Reggie said after a moment of collecting herself. “But, just remember that you aren’t the only one who has had things rough. Everyone has something keeping them down. It’s not right to take it out on others.” Although her gift had only surfaced in her dreams and stayed within her family and close friends, Reggie’s déjà vu did show some sadness and hard times for all. Things she might not have even been aware of. Reggie smiled at him again, more genuine than the last one, “Besides, for someone who likes people, you have a weird way of showing it.”
6 Reggie Well that's good to hear. 187 Reggie 0 5

Josh McLachlan

June 27, 2012 2:55 AM

Re: Well that's good to hear. by Josh McLachlan

It was apparent his apology was appreciated, but it had been ridiculous to get his hopes up for something more. He didn't apologize to get chastised more. Josh retreated back into his shell, his gray eyes regaining that blank look in them. "Of course," he replied somewhat monotonously. His defense came back up when she said that he had a weird way of showing his emotions. She wouldn't understand, Josh concluded. His past was one he did not want to explain to anyone, much less any acquaintance. His reason for transferring was even less of a conversational topic. He would keep his past locked up in his brain for as long as he lived.

"To each his own, I suppose," he said non-conversationally as he stabbed a square piece of French toast with his fork. There were so many things he wanted to say, things he wished he could offer even in friendship, but he didn't know how to speak or how to act. Grandmother was right; he couldn't live up to his grandfather's name. He couldn't live up to his deceased parents. He couldn't do anything right. His heart was turning steel the more he thought these dark thoughts.

Josh looked at Reggie. Even if it had been a friendly jab towards him, he didn't take to any jabs kindly. He didn't understand friendly teasing or friendly insults. Though he had had close friends once upon a time, over a year had passed since. He was working to blend into the shadows some more in order to avoid spats with anyone else and he wouldn't risk making friends with the "wrong people" and having his uncle find out about them. Joshua McLachlan was not a risk taker.

Josh didn't plan on seeking Parker out for friendly conversations again, so might as well end it on a friendly note. He nudged the fruit basket towards her. "Here, take something on your way. Good luck with your film." His guard was up again as his eyes met hers, but though his body language didn't convey this to be a genuine action, he was nothing but. His inability to open up to people was going to keep him a lonely boy all his life, and he had no one to thank but his relatives and himself. Grandmother's words, Hopeless case, resonated through his head for a moment before he shut the memories down completely.
0 Josh McLachlan Re: Well that's good to hear. 0 Josh McLachlan 0 5


June 27, 2012 9:05 PM

Clearly, I was mistaken. by Reggie

And the moment was over. The very brief moment. He shut down and Reggie wasn’t even sure why. She had only made a jest. That’s what people did. He was behaving the opposite of what he claimed, it was only natural for someone to point that out. Any normal person would have laughed it off or played into it. Instead, he just shut down and with him, so did Reggie. She was tired of dealing with his moods. She didn’t do it with her roommate, she wasn’t going to do it with a stranger. At least Addi tried. That was far more than Reggie could ever say about this guy.

What a jerk.

“You know, apologizes actually mean something when the person giving them shows some evidence of growth from the situation. It’s clear that you have not.” Reggie looked at the fruit he offered him, not intending to ever take something from him. It was probably rotten on the inside like he was. “I guess you only wanted to clear your guilty conscience. I hope you feel better now.” She was calm and collective as she spoke. There was no hate in her voice. No anger. Just resignation.

She rubbed her temple, feeling a headache coming on. She was getting them more. Mostly on nights that she didn’t sleep well due to one thing or another. Lately, from dreams. Last night, from making the posters. But being around him was making her feel ill. She didn’t understand how someone could disconnect from the world and live a fulfilling life. If Reggie didn’t have her friends, if she hadn’t had Derry and Maddie in her life, she would have been so lost in this place emotionally. They protected her through so much and they weren’t even aware of it.

“The air around you is poison. What a lonely world you placed yourself in.” She had no idea what made her say that. It was just a random thought that had popped into her head. Reggie dropped her hand from her temple. She just wanted to go back to her room and take a pain reliever potion. “Your family sucks, I get it. They are terrible people, but you aren’t proving yourself to be any better. I told my Mother not to judge you on your name when I told her about you. Don’t make me regret saying that to her.” Yes, she had been told about the McLachlans from her mother. She was an Auror after all and when she found out about the boy in her school, her mother had given her a warning. “Get over your ‘woe is me’ complex, Joshua. We all have issues we’re dealing with.”

She didn’t say anything else after that and had no plans of ever talking to him again. She doubted he would take her seriously. He was so stuck on himself that no one else mattered. He wanted to wallow forever because it made him feel something, even if it was something bad. Reggie walked away from his table and away from him. She had no time for self-haters. She had no time for people who sucked the happiness right out of her.
6 Reggie Clearly, I was mistaken. 187 Reggie 0 5

Cepheus Princeton

June 28, 2012 3:21 AM

Slipping In. by Cepheus Princeton

It was earlier than usual when Cepheus awoke. He didn't know what had compelled him to wake up so early, but he couldn't go back to sleep. He reluctantly got up and dressed in his uniform, packing his pack slowly before deciding to go to breakfast. On most days he didn't wake early enough to eat breakfast before class. It felt strange to have so much time to waste in the morning. Cepheus's stomach growled as he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out of his common room.

It didn't take long to get to the hall and when he entered, he scanned to see if there was anyone he knew up this early. His eyes immediately caught sight of McLachlan and an older girl in conversation. The older girl didn't look happy with him and McLachlan didn't look very happy either. Hmm. Girl troubles? The second year smirked and tried hard to hide it. After gaining control of his facial muscles once again, he walked over to McLachlan's table.

The girl had already left. Good. Father wanted Ceph to befriend the bloke just to keep an eye on him and it would be easier to do so alone. To garner information about his personality, interests, likes and dislikes. A McLachlan didn't marry a Princeton without some suspicion. Because Cepheus's family had recently discovered that they'd had liberal kin in America that Josh McLachlan came from, Grandfather wanted to know all about them. Or her, specifically. Josh had to know something and it was now Cepheus's job to weasel it out of him. Or something of the sort.

Cepheus sat down across from Josh and placed his bag down next to him soundly. "Morning, McLachlan. I saw that girl just leave. Got girl troubles, have we?" He smirked at him and then piled food on his plate. "Girls are complicated, believe me. I've got two best mates that are girls and they're just like that. One minute they're so aware that you're a bloke, and the next they treat you like another girl. I can't understand it, but we think differently. So I've heard, anyway." He smeared cream cheese on a bagel and bit into it. "Have a good holiday?"
40 Cepheus Princeton Slipping In. 216 Cepheus Princeton 0 5

Josh McLachlan

June 28, 2012 4:18 PM

Not objecting by Josh McLachlan

Reggie's parting words were aiming to hurt, but Josh had heard far worse. Words didn't hurt him anymore unless he allowed them to. He had nothing left to say to her. She wasn't the kind of girl that should talk to someone like him anyway. He didn't watch her walk away, but turned back to his book and his notes. He held back the bitterness for another time. Now he had to concentrate on his notes. He wasn't here for people, he was here to study. His uncle had made that much clear.

Princeton came by and Josh almost rolled his eyes. Why did people have to come bother him now? Breakfast was supposed to be a quiet time.

Princeton started off with a whole lot to say, and Josh kept his eyes on his reading. He knew enough about this guy to know that he was only being this friendly to get what he wanted. What he wanted from him was the mystery. Maybe he wanted to get in with the McLachlans, though from Josh's knowledge, the Princetons and McLachlans were acquainted somewhat.

Girl troubles? Josh scoffed but didn't answer. It wasn't worth commenting on. "It was alright," he replied monotonously. He didn't bother allowing the conversation to continue. He had come down to breakfast to study, not socialize. Josh kept his sharp eyes on his book, wanting Princeton to leave him alone.
0 Josh McLachlan Not objecting 0 Josh McLachlan 0 5


June 30, 2012 3:14 PM

How about now? by Cepheus

It was clear McLachlan wasn't going down without a fight. Cepheus wasn't exactly intimidated by the older boy. He had been bred to be the next patriarch since he was born which meant dealing with loads of adults. Loads of frightening adults, that is. Cepheus wondered briefly if he should go on and ask his questions, but McLachlan wasn't the kind of person who would open up easily, at least from Cepheus's observations. He would be tough to crack, but Cepheus was determined to do so. Or at least get some information about this Lydia Princeton.

"Did you go home? My holiday was all right," Cepheus continued. "I found out I'm betrothed to some Irish girl. I'm not thrilled, exactly. Do McLachlans have arranged marriages at all? I hate it now. It's even worse finding out that your parents were betrothed and didn't even love each other. I'm sure your parents were like that?" He hoped McLachlan would jump to his parents' defense though they were deceased. Ceph still had to feel his way around this entire conversation.

There wasn't much Cepheus could say without perhaps offending his prey. He knew very little about Maximilian McLachlan as a person, though he knew much of his history. At least, what his father had told him. The poor orphan boy was most likely still wallowing in his fate. Cepheus wondered if he could bring out the dark streak that all McLachlans have, according to Father. Though if this McLachlan had Princeton blood in him, he might not be as evil as his relatives.

Cepheus began eating his food, allowing McLachlan to speak or allowing silence to reign for a bit. It wouldn't do to seem too eager. And Father had only said to be acquainted with the bloke, not best mates or something. Getting information about a distant relative that hadn't existed till now was Ceph's goal. He knew he'd have to try and get it. Now was the time to talk again. "What've you got planned for the Midsummer Event?"
0 Cepheus How about now? 0 Cepheus 0 5

Josh McLachlan

July 02, 2012 7:43 PM

Please leave. by Josh McLachlan

Josh was getting annoyed with the boy's incessant chatter. Keeping his eyes on his book, Josh hoped he would get bored at go away, but he didn't. Josh scowled at the comment about his parents. "My parents didn't have an arranged marriage. They loved each other." Otherwise Josh wouldn't have been so, well, neglected by his relatives. If his mother had been the kind of woman the McLachlans had wanted as a daughter-in-law, all would be fine and dandy. But it wasn't.

Josh knew very little about his parents' deaths. He didn't know anything about his mother and very little about his father's character. All he had been able to discover from doing a lot of snooping and research on his own was that they had eloped which, of course, angered by sets of parents. That was probably why they had been killed. Josh still thought his family was responsible for it, but he couldn't be sure. He just had a feeling, if that was anything to go by.

There was nothing to say, so Josh continued to scan his notes, thankful that Princeton had finally stopped talking. His voice was starting to getting annoying too. And then he opened his mouth again and Josh's grip on his fork tightened considerably. "None of your business," he said coldly, still not making eye-contact with Princeton. Couldn't he see he wanted to be left alone? Not interrogated? If Princeton didn't leave anytime soon, Josh would. He'd probably go to the library or something and take an apple with him. And tell Princeton not to follow him.
0 Josh McLachlan Please leave. 0 Josh McLachlan 0 5


July 04, 2012 6:08 PM

I don't follow orders. by Cepheus

Someone was in a prissy mood. At least he had been able to get some reaction out of him about his parents. Cepheus guessed it had something to do with that girl that had just left. McLachlan wouldn't make eye-contact with him and Cepheus had too much pride to sit here and tolerate his rudeness. "Got your knickers in a twist, eh?" Cepheus sniffed pretentiously and stood. "Well, sir, this won't be the last you see of me, I can guarantee that." He scowled at him. "Try as you might to push me away, I won't be deterred."

Cepheus stepped over the bench and grabbed the red apple to take with him. He didn't like leaving without having the last word, so he said before departing, "Good day, mate." And turned on his heel and walked off. He took a bite of his apple, thinking. Would Father tolerate such rudeness if he wanted information from a bloke? Cepheus wasn't sure. However, he could write Father about McLachlan's disposition and that would be enough for Father to know his character. Cepheus sniffed.

It was difficult to tolerate someone who attempted to treat a Princeton like filth. He'd show him. One day when he got all that he needed from the older bloke, he'd show him. He'd see to that. Promises of a better tomorrow made Cepheus smirk to himself as he pushed open the doors and exited the hall.
0 Cepheus I don't follow orders. 0 Cepheus 0 5

Nic Sawyer

July 06, 2012 12:41 PM

Technically, that was a request since he said please by Nic Sawyer

Nic arrived in the hall with a fair amount of time before class. He certainly wasn't the first to arrive, but a glance around did not reveal either Rachel or Eliza. He debated for a few moments where he should sit.

Rachel sometimes ate at the Aladren table with Veronica so he could sit over there in the hopes she would do so today, or he could sit at the Crotulus table as he usually did. Seeing some younger kid march away from the Aladren table drew Nic's eye over to the new intermediate kid. In advanced classes now that he was in sixth year, Nic hadn't interacted with the transfer much, but he haf heard enough rumors about the guy that he was clearly a threat to Nic's position as the most unsocial guy in the school.

The guy was nowhere near big enough for Nic to feel physically threatened, and he thought his height and age advantage gave him the edge in the contest for first place in Sonora's Don't Want To Get In A Fight With That Guy competition now that Edmond Carey wasn't around anymore.

Mildly curious to see if the guy really was as unfriendly as rumour made him out to be, Nic settled his six foot two frame down into a chair only two away from the guy. He then began to fill up his place with sausage, bacon, and pancakes.

He didn't say a word to New Guy or anyone else. He had his The Tall Taciturn Guy reputation to maintain after all.

He did periodically check the Hall entrance for Rachel's arrival, of course. He did have his priorities.
1 Nic Sawyer Technically, that was a request since he said please 165 Nic Sawyer 0 5