Professor Levy

March 31, 2012 11:09 AM

Pecaris! by Professor Levy

The new school year had seemed to come far too quickly. It had been hard to tear herself away from her babies, even if she would be seeing them every night. She had worked out an agreement with the Headmistress to be able to leave in the evenings. Fortunately, with the help of another staff member taking over nightly duties, this was possible. However, on special occasions, such as tonight, she would be spending here. She really hoped that Torra was doing all right. She knew that she was being silly, because they had Dorothy and Buck, Torra’s parents, helping them, but she worried all the same. Spencer hardly slept and with Torra fussing over them, she barely slept herself. Some nights, Erika had nearly had to drag Torra to bed with the promise that Spencer and Parker would be fine.

Attempting to focus more on the here and now, she turned her attention to what was occurring in the hall since the Headmistress was introducing the sorting. Erika paid special attention to the first years that turned brown from the potion. These were her new first years, those belonging to Pecari House. It looked like it would be a small group this year, as Crotalus seemed to be taking most of the first years. As always, a small or large group could go either way in behavior. For her, a small group of Pecaris might mean they behaved better since there were less of them to egg each other on. However, it could also mean forming a tight group and being able to get away with more mischievous things. She would have to wait and see which direction they would lean.

The rest of evening continued on as normal until the time came to collect her students. “Pecari first years!” She called a few times until she was sure that they were all gathered around. After all, Pecaris didn’t always have the best attention spans, but that certainly didn’t mean they weren’t without their advantages. She liked their daring and spontaneity. It kept things interesting. “You’re all with me. My name is Erika Levy, Professor Levy to you. I teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but more importantly at the moment, I’m also your Head of House. All right, then, step lively and follow me to where you’ll be calling home for the next seven years.”

OOC: This thread continues on in the Pecari Common Room. Though, it is not necessary, you may reply to this post. Since it is taking place after the Feast, please feel free to continue posting in that thread as well.
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